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If you are interested in supporting the forthcoming Fertilizer Latino Americano conference, then please contact: Kieran Proverbs

Supported by

Brazilian Agribusiness Association (ABAG)

The Brazilian Agribusiness Association (ABAG) was created on March 10, 1993 aiming to highlight the importance of the entire agro-industrial system management and the implementation of measures that strengthen it with the government, private initiative, class entities and universities. ABAG works for seeking balance in the agribusiness production chains, in order to value them, emphasizing their fundamental importance for the sustainable development of Brazil. The consequence of our efforts should be the Brazilian global leadership in the competitive offer of agro-industrial products.


Marking the advances achieved by Abimilho in recent years, as a result of the work directed towards a new rhythm of activity, we launched the institutional profile of the Brazilian Association of Corn Industries that seeks to group, within some compatible themes such as sector, global and updated information on our Marketplace.

More than a communication tool, whose main objective is to clearly portray the representativeness and scope of the country's milling industry, this profile is the result of the entity's vision and philosophy and the opening and expansion of the sector.

Our goal is to encourage an increasing exchange between entrepreneurs, professionals, researchers and consumers in this segment, in order to improve our standards of quality, products and services. In all these years, Abimilho has always sought to privilege activities that could add continuous improvements to the milling industry, acting in an ethical and conciliatory manner.

Our objective is to improve every day, seeking to promote and participate in diverse events that can lead us to constant recycling and to a level of competitiveness that generates a lot of work, but also much more quality.


Abisolo, Brazilian Association of Plant Nutrition Technology Industries was founded in March 2003 with the purpose of representing and advocating the interests of industries that manufacture important inputs, which contribute to increase the Brazilian agricultural sustainability and productivity.

Since its foundation, it incisively participates in Ministries and Secretariats, Environmental Supervision and Control Bodies, Agronomic Research Bodies, State and Federal Revenues, in addition to various entities from the different segments of the organized civil society.

One of ABISOLO’s acting lines is to collaborate in the development of a compatible legislation associated with the state of development of Brazil, thus ensuring a sustainable agriculture.


A Associação Brasileira da Indústria do Trigo - Abitrigo representa as indústrias moageiras nacionais, que respondem pelo processamento de aproximadamente 75% do cereal no Brasil. Atua na defesa dos interesses do setor e o fortalecimento de toda a cadeia de produção, sendo o elo entre o campo e a indústria de transformação, contribuindo para a consolidação do ambiente de negócios e na divulgação de informações precisas e de qualidade sobre os produtos e seus derivadosÉ a interlocutora das indústrias junto ao governo, mídias, sociedade e entidades representativas da cadeia do trigo nacional e internacional.


A Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Remineralizadores de Solo e Fertilizantes Naturais (ABREFEN) representa oficialmente a cadeia produtiva brasileira de Remineralizadores de Solo e Fertilizantes Naturais, insumos chave destinados ao agronegócio. A criação da ABREFEN vem ao encontro das necessidades mundiais de soluções para a questão da escassez de fertilizantes e do reconhecimento da competência do setor mineral em prover recursos para a agricultura de forma sustentável.


A ADIMB é uma entidade privada, concebida em 1996 e sem fins lucrativos, constituída por empresas e associações representativas do setor mineral e orgãos do governo federal. Tem como missão contribuir para a competitividade e avanço do setor mineral do país, tornando-o mais eficiente e sócio ambientalmente responsável. Para isso a ADIMB atua no sentido de: (i) identificar, viabilizar e coordenar projetos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação por meio de parcerias entre empresas, universidades e instituições governamentais; (ii) promover cursos de aperfeiçoamento em pesquisa mineral e expedições internacionais a distritos mineiros; (iii) elaborar diagnósticos técnico-científicos estratégicos, por meio de plataformas e fóruns de especialistas; e (iv) organizar simpósios e seminários para discussão de temas relevantes para o desenvolvimento do setor mineral do Brasil.

AMA Brasil

 Ama Brasil was founded in 1980 with the aim of bringing together fertilizer mixers that serve national agriculture. The role of the mixer is of the utmost importance to serve the fourth largest fertilizer market in the world. This role is reinforced by the fact that Brazil depends on imports of 84% of the fertilizers that are currently consumed.

The fertilizer mixer has the relevant role of supplying the farmer with this basic input to increase production and productivity, it is up to Ama Brasil, as a spokesperson for this key segment, to represent the sector with the constituted authorities, society in general, together with the other national and international class entities.

The Association is guided by strictly following all ethical and moral principles that involve the best rules of compliance and governance.


ANACOFER has established a cordial and ongoing communication with key industry bodies in Mexico, since they issue the policies governing agriculture or regulating the activity from any related field. Currently, members of ANACOFER, represents approximately 70% of national production and distribution fertilizers, including all actors in the supply chain, from producers all the way to retailers.

ANACOFER defined its main task to assist in the development of Mexican agriculture, and thus contribute to improving the conditions of life of all those who depend on this sector. Clearly, only a grand alliance of the sector, together with the authorities of our country, may help tackle major challenges and only a well-established partnership with committed partners, may influence responsibly in government agricultural development programs, projects and participate in training, that is the most essential tool to educate, not only in the proper use of fertilizers, but of all other inputs and the application of best farming practices to help improve results in every corner of our great country. “For Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Mexico”.

ANDA – National Association for the Diffusion of Fertilizers

Founded on April 13, 1967. Associates: 122 companies. Scope: From large producers of raw materials to small regional mixers.

Act through strategies and actions aimed at the diffusion and promotion of fertilizers in all stages of its production process.
Ensure the evolution of the perception of products and services provided by the fertilizer sector.
Support actions that seek to conquer and increase the participation of the sector within and together with agribusiness.

Lead ANDA as an impartial, free and proactive entity, responsible for the dissemination of the image, and the correct use of fertilizers.

Always seek the appreciation of the professional participant in the fertilizer sector, as well as the agents who interact with them and work in agribusiness.
Ensure ethics in the conduction of the Association's work, bearing in mind the concern with: food safety, the environment, citizenship and the quality of life of the Brazilian population.

Associação dos Produtores de Soja e Milho de Mato Grosso (Aprosoja-MT)

 A Associação dos Produtores de Soja e Milho de Mato Grosso (Aprosoja-MT) é uma entidade representativa de classe sem fins lucrativos, constituída por produtores rurais ligados às culturas de soja e milho de Mato Grosso. Seu objetivo central é unir a classe, valorizando-a.Criada em fevereiro de 2005, a Aprosoja-MT representa os direitos, interesses e deveres dos produtores de soja e milho do Estado. Para isso, desenvolve ações e projetos que visam o crescimento sustentável da cadeia produtiva da soja e do milho em Mato Grosso.Sua sede é em Cuiabá, mas para facilitar a comunicação com os associados, a entidade possui núcleos regionais instalados nos Sindicatos Rurais das maiores cidades sojicultoras do estado.

Conselho Nacional do Café

O CNC é o representante oficial da produção de café e atua com foco nos órgãos governamentais, Congresso Nacional, outros segmentos da cadeia produtiva, além de organismos internacionais. Propõe e participa diariamente das ações que fazem a diferença na vida dos produtores de café, das associações e cooperativas vinculadas.


Fertilizar is a non-profit civil association formed by different actors of the agricultural industry (companies, institutions, producers associations, universities, among others), whose objective is to raise awareness about the importance of rational fertilizer use and sustainability of the productive system and soil conservation. In order to achieve this objective, Fertilizar carries out a wide range of research and dissemination activities, among which are: scholarship financing and scientific and technical research, development of technological agreements, organization of dissemination meetings, publication of scientific and technical information on Theme, coordination of agreements with educational entities, among others.


IBRAM is a Brazilian private non-profit organization, with more than 130 associates responsible for 85% of Brazil´s mineral production. It carries with it the essence and strength of the true #BrazilianMining.

This mining is the one aligned with sustainability. Inductive of good ESG (environment, social responsibility and governance) practices in everything it does. Ethical and transparent in its relationships with people. Inclusive. Influential and partner in initiatives that promote socioeconomic development and quality of life for people in general.

Sustainable, responsible, closer to people and partner of the Country´s development – this is the true #BrazilianMining.


Official representative of approximately two hundred companies - including members and non-members - the Agricultural Fertilizers and Correctives Industry Union in the State of Paraná. Constituted for purposes of study, information, coordination, protection and legal representation of the economic category of the fertilizer and agricultural corrective industry, with the primary objective of promoting the defense of its legitimate interests, in the territorial base of the State of Paraná, and with the aim of collaboration with public authorities and with other class and professional associations, in the sense of social solidarity and the development of the sector's productive capacity.


The Union of Agricultural Fertilizers and Correctives Industry, in the State of São Paulo, is a non-profit association constituted for the purposes of coordination, protection, studies and legal representation of the economic category of the fertilizer and agricultural correctives industry, in the territorial base of the State. of São Paulo, as established by the legislation in force on the matter and with the aim of collaborating with public authorities and other associations in the sense of social solidarity and the subordination of national interests, being governed by these Bylaws.

The Union's prerogatives are: Represent before the administrative and legal authorities, the general interests of its economic category or the interests of its associates;

Enter into collective work agreements or conventions;

Elect or designate the representatives of the respective category that it represents;

Collaborate with the State, as a technical and advisory body, in the study and solution of problems related to its economic category.

Sociedade Rural Brasileira

Fundada em 1919, a Sociedade Rural Brasileira (SRB) é uma entidade de caráter associativista que representa o campo. Trabalhamos há quase cem anos na formulação de políticas públicas e iniciativas voltadas para o desenvolvimento da agropecuária. A Rural foi formada por produtores rurais empenhados na constante modernização do setor. No século XXI, adaptada às mudanças da cadeia produtiva, manteve-se como o principal espaço para a intermediação dos interesses de seus associados. Nossa missão é solucionar conflitos e gerar consensos para que o agro continue sendo cada vez mais eficiente, competitivo e sustentável


Fundado em 12/12/1954 e registrado no Ministério do Trabalho em 05/01/1955 como Associação Profissional da Indústria de Matérias Primas para Inseticidas e Fertilizantes no Estado de São Paulo. Reconhecido em 24/05/1956 e registrado no Ministério do Trabalho em 26/06/1958 como Sindicato Nacional da Indústria de Matérias-Primas para Fertilizantes – Sinprifert.Colaboramos com as principais entidades da sociedade civil para vencer o desafio agrícola em atender, a baixo custo e alto padrão de qualidade, a demanda por alimentos com base em uma agricultura auto sustentável, com proteção ao meio ambiente, visando o uso crescente de fertilizantes minerais, importante fator para elevação dos níveis de produtividade agrícola.

Official Publications

CRU Fertilizer Week

Fertilizer Week brings together 200+ global fertilizer prices assessed weekly across all nutrients and major fertilizer products in a single service, based on a robust and transparent methodology, supported by analysis and market-moving news

Fertilizer International

A unique perspective on the global fertilizer industry Serving the industry for over 40 years, Fertilizer International provides a journal of record for the global fertilizer business. The magazine analyses developments in the world fertilizer industry worldwide, as well as assessing the wider economic and political factors that impact on agricultural and fertilizer markets. Fertilizer International’s editorial coverage includes regional, country and company profiles, interviews with industry leaders and reviews of trade, production, consumption, logistics and technology, plus overviews of agronomic issues. The Phosphates & Potash Insight section embraces the availability of resources, downstream production, commerce and the marketing of vital P and K nutrients. Regular assessments are made of the mining and beneficiation of phosphate rock, potash production technology and processes for the production of downstream phosphoric acid, phosphate and NPK fertilizers, with an emphasis on environmental stewardship, energy savings, the use, recycling or disposal of by-products, and the maximisation of production efficiencies.

Supporting Publications


AgriBrasilis is a news portal about agribusiness in Brazil and Latin America. We take our readers information directly from the source, independently. Main news, references and trends about agribusiness, connecting them to the scenarios of an important agricultural center of the world through articles, interviews, research and visits to professionals and institutions of the various sectors of agro.

Brasil Mineral

Lançada em 1983, como revista impressa, Brasil Mineral se firmou, ao longo das últimas quatro décadas como a principal publicação dedicada à cobertura do setor mineral brasileiro. Nos anos recentes, passamos por um processo de digitalização, lançando um site de notícias (www.brasilmineral.com.br), com atualização diária e uma newsletter com as principais notícias do setor enviada para um público de mais de 20 mil interessados. Mensalmente, é publicada a revista Brasil Mineral também digital (www.brasilmineral.com.br/revistas), cujo conteúdo é totalmente aberto. Brasil Mineral é a única publicação brasileira a contar com um Conselho Consultivo formado por profissionais e dirigentes do setor renomados e com vasta experiência, que contribuem regularmente na orientação da linha editorial e dos conteúdos mais relevantes a serem explorados. Launched in 1983 in its printed form, Brasil Mineral magazine has established itself, over the last four decades, as the main publication dedicated to covering the Brazilian mineral sector. In recent years, we have gone through a digitalization process, initiating a news site (www.brasilmineral.com.br) featuring daily updates and a newsletter with the main news of the sector, which is also sent to an audience of more than 20 thousand people. Monthly, the digital version of Brasil Mineral magazine (www.brasilmineral.com.br/revistas) is also published, its content being completely open source. Brasil Mineral is published normally in Portuguese. Only special issues are published in English: https://www.brasilmineral.com.br/magazine/2022/

A Lavoura

Published since May 1897 by the Sociedade Nacional de Agricultura – SNA , the magazine A Lavoura is the oldest publication of Brazilian agribusiness.

Sent to SNA members, producers and professionals in the agricultural sector, it is distributed to universities and colleges, research centers, federations, unions and rural associations, professional agronomy, veterinary and nutrition institutions, agricultural companies, agro-industries and libraries in Brazil and outside.

Written in accessible language, A Lavoura publishes articles, reports and columns covering all activities in the agribusiness production chain.


O TerraViva é, há 18 anos, um dos principais veículos de comunicação para valorização do produtor rural e da agropecuária. Tem marca forte e reconhecida, que leva ao telespectador do campo e da cidade informações completas e debates essenciais.Sua atuação é multitela: TV por assinatura, parabólicas, internet e smartphones. Apresenta em sua programação leilões virtuais e presenciais de Norte a Sul, além de contar com transmissão em alta definição.Uma de suas principais características sempre foi a de sair em defesa do produtor rural brasileiro. Sua programação trabalha quatro pilares: agropecuária, produção de alimentos, produtor rural e comercialização.


GestAgro 360° is a portal dedicated to the dissemination of news related directly or indirectly to the management of agribusiness in Brazil, of agricultural companies and cooperatives and also of suppliers in the sector.
Indicators, results, technological innovations, management tools, research, news that impact the productivity of the sector and events are subjects present in this space, always with the objective of taking a tour of agribusiness.

Diário Agrícola

The Agricultural Diary | AgroPlanning is a multipurpose instrument with diversified content to meet the needs of rural people, with information on agribusiness activities in the country.
It is a compendium of fundamental information on agricultural and livestock activities. It is a vehicle for disseminating the reality and trends of agribusiness, expressed through the opinion of producers, sector leaders, scientists and sector authorities;

The Agricultural Diary | AgroPlanning makes its spaces available for the promotion of agribusiness and the dissemination of all material produced by the specialized press that may be useful for the aggrandizement of the agro activity.


O AgroMais apresenta jornalismo especializado com análises, debates, cotações, documentários e meteorologia, atendendo todos os setores da agricultura e pecuária, passando por logística, finanças e estilo de vida. Foi lançado em junho de 2020 com o compromisso de levar agroinformação 24 horas por dia. O canal tem sede em Brasília (DF), principal centro político do país e está ligado a todas as capitais agrícolas do Brasil e do mundo. Conta com comentaristas entre os mais renomados de cada setor do agronegócio e ocupa o posto de veículo de referência em jornalismo agro. Sua programação foi elaborada para atender a todos os segmentos do agro: o produtor, a indústria, o fornecedor de insumos, o prestador de serviços e o investidor. E o canal está disponível em multiplataforma digital com conteúdo para internet, podcasts e aplicativo para smartphones.


DatamarNews is Datamar news portal, that brings the main current affairs in foreign trade and maritime transport in Brazil, the East Coast of South America and Chile. The website uses Datamar's data, and its products aggregated to the news to allow its readers a deep analysis of the segment both in Portuguese and English, allowing a bigger reach of the South American
logistics news.

Global Fert

O GlobalFert (GF) é especializado em Inteligência de Mercado em Fertilizantes.Com conteúdos e serviços que geram valor, auxiliam os tomadores de decisão e trazem um diferencial no momento das negociações de fertilizantes.

Editora Gazeta

Editora Gazeta, specialized in the elaboration of agribusiness yearbooks and other publications aimed at this important economic segment. Published in Portuguese and English, abundantly illustrated with photographs from our own image bank and covering all links in the contemplated production chains, Editora Gazeta's yearbooks are today one of the main national and international references on agribusiness and the establishment of partnerships.