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About the Event

The conference will bring together perspectives from across the value chain and around the world, creating a dialogue between policy makers, investors, end-users and senior executives from across the value chain.

Previous editions of the Steel Decarbonisation conference have attracted up to 360 top level executives and key stakeholders from traditional steelmaking companies and across the sustainability communities, including legislative, financing, service providers, just to name a few.


Key questions the event will explore:

What data is available to understand the steel decarbonisation challenge?

  • What criteria can be used to define green steel?
  • What criteria is used to assess the decarbonisation credentials of value chain players?
  • Which players are best placed in a low carbon industry and which may lose market share?
  • What lessons can be learnt from decarbonisation efforts in other commodities and industries?

What can the steel value chain do right now to reduce emissions?

  • How can each player help others in the value chain reduce their emissions and get recognition for this?
  • What energy efficiencies or process optimizations can be made across the value chain?
  • How can the energy needs of a green steel industry be supplied sustainably?
  • What proportion of steel production can be made using scrap or low emission feedstocks?
  • What are the costs, roadblocks and limitations of these technologies and process improvements?

What technological developments could dramatically change the picture in steel decarbonisation?

  • What is the timeline for delivering industrial scale, zero carbon steelmaking?
  • What companies are advancing these technologies and their implementation?
  • What are the costs, roadblocks or other ultimate limits to these strategies?
  • How might carbon capture and utilization be applied to the steel value chain?

How can policy makers support the decarbonisation of this critical commodity?

  • What carbon pricing mechanisms are required to make decarbonisation investment viable?
  • What are the implications of different government targets and likely policy pathways?
  • How might different national and regional responses impact global trade flows in the value chain?
  • Can policy consider global measures that matches the international nature of steel value chains?

How are sustainability considerations shaping investment in the steel value chain?

  • What impact are carbon emissions considerations having on steel equity and investment ratings?
  • What does sustainable investing mean for project finance in new mines, steel mills or processing plants?
  • Is there standard practice among investors on how they assess carbon risk?
  • What carbon trading strategies are currently available to control this risk?

How can consumers of steel products support value chain decarbonisation?

  • How are considerations of carbon emissions likely to impact steel purchasing decisions?
  • Are there specific steel products which are likely to receive increased decarbonisation pressure?
  • Is there a standard practice on how steel consumers assess the carbon footprint of their steel supply chain?
  • Will different steel consuming sectors (auto, construction etc.) respond to the challenge in different ways?