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Call for papers

Submit your abstract by 7 June 2024

CRU Sulphur + Sulphuric Acid has a well-deserved reputation as an essential annual knowledge sharing and professional development forum for the global sulphur and sulphuric acid community. We are excited to announce a new collaboration with Angie Slavens of UniverSUL Consulting, who will assist with the curation of a technical program which addresses the most relevant and timely industry conversations.  Angie will work closely with the technical steering committee of industry experts to develop the dual-stream technical programme comprised of topics related to process design, materials, equipment and instrumentation developments, as well as best practices in operation and maintenance.



Why submit an abstract?

As a respected global event with a 40-year heritage, the conference is an ideal platform to demonstrate thought-leadership and operational experience, and showcase your innovation and impact to the industry.

How do I submit an abstract?

All abstracts must be submitted via our abstract portal. Click here to submit your abstract.

How long should my abstract be?

We recommend your abstract be between 200 - 500 words. The abstract should clearly describe and summarise the case study, product or service the paper will cover. There is a separate section within the abstract submission portal where you will also need to detail which of selection criteria your paper addresses and how. 

Selection criteria include: 

  • Operational problems and their solutions
  • Operational experience
  • Novelty
  • Innovation
  • Objectivity


Who can submit an abstract?

We welcome abstracts from all organisations, but papers authored or co-authored will be prioritised. Submission is free, but successful submissions that are accepted to the programme will be subject to a registration fee (excluding operators/producers who will receive complimentary registration).

What subjects are we looking for?

We welcome abstracts covering the following areas of sulphur and sulphuric acid production:

  • The role of ammonium sulphate in mitigating scope 3 emissions
  • Sulphur and sulphuric acid in the context of the Energy Transition
  • Circular economy developments in sulphur and acid projects
  • Novel and emerging technologies, products and services along the sulphur and acid value chains
  • Regulatory developments and interpretation in various operating modes
  • Non-SO2 emissions (NOx, CO, CO2) from sulphur and acid plants
  • Process optimisation and design, including digitalisation
  • Advances in sustainable production, in particular, emissions abatement
  • Improved energy efficiency and decarbonisation strategies, including CCUS
  • Developments in biofuels and biorefining (as pertaining to the sulphur unit)
  • Materials and equipment improvements and optimisations
  • Operational challenges, solutions and best practices including root cause analysis
  • Best practice health and safety initiatives
  • Revamping, maintenance, turnarounds and temporary mothballing
  • Supply/demand impact on projects as global supply shifts eastward
  • Increasing complexity of projects (financing, logistics, sustainable supply chain, etc.)

Process areas covered, but not limited to, include:

  • H2S removal
  • Amine & Solvent Treating
  • Sour Water Stripping
  • Claus Sulphur Recovery
  • Oxygen Enrichment
  • Tail Gas Treating/Incineration
  • Sulphur Degassing
  • Sulphur Solidification/Forming & Handling
  • Sulphur Burning Acid Production
  • Metallurgical Acid Production
  • Gas Cleaning
  • Wet Sulphuric acid Processing
  • Sulphuric Acid Recycling and Regeneration


What happens next?

Abstracts are reviewed by a technical steering committee chaired by CRU. The committee will review the abstracts after the call for papers closes on 7 June and make their programme recommendations. Authors will be informed of the outcome of their submission by early July. 

Presentation and paper details and requirements will be shared with authors at the time of acceptance to the agenda.

Who can I contact for more information?

Do you have follow up questions, or would like to discuss an abstract idea in more detail? Get in touch with Becky Peterson