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12:00 - 14:00

120 Minutes



14:00 - 14:15

15 Minutes

Welcome Speech



14:15 - 14:55

40 Minutes

EU Energy Market Outlook: impacts on petroleum products

Stringent decarbonisation targets in Europe have altered the energy mix. An increasing tilt towards deployment of renewables, especially in power generation, has led to a steady decline in petroleum products consumption. Yet, country-level endowments will dictate both the use rate and pace of deployment. This presentation will provide an overview of the European energy market, the perspectives on power generation and key use cases for petroleum products in growing end-use markets.


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14:55 - 15:30

35 Minutes

Setting the Stage for the Next Decade

The invasion and war in Ukraine were very disrupting events that have exposed the fragile elements around globalization.  The resulting sanctions also highlight the energy dependence specific to the transportation fuels systems. The Atlantic basin (U.S. Gulf, Western Europe, West Africa, Eastern Latin America) has a massive population from which to provide the supply of fuels, petrochemical feedstocks, and manufacturing.  There is a shift ahead where markets will be closer to home and/or supplied by stable political countries, such as the U.S.   This presentation will touch on those events and shifts that will open opportunities in the market.  The European refiner challenge moving forward will be marked by wise investment (bottom of the barrel versus energy transition), and reliability, with utilization targets to fill the gaps that will be opening within the Atlantic basin.

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15:30 - 16:00

30 Minutes

Networking Break & Exhibition


16:00 - 17:30

90 Minutes

CenterFeed Device Troubleshooting Forum

Program Outline and Schedule

  • Global market update for CenterFeed
  • Why the need for CenterFeed?
  • CenterFeed configurations available (sizes and actuation types)
  • Best practices for integrating CenterFeed into retrofit and new installations
  • Recommended turnaround and maintenance schedules
  • Operational advantages experienced by users in a variety of Delayed Coking Unit operations  

During this interactive forum, DeltaValve will present information on how its CenterFeed technology has improved delayed coker operations in refineries around the world since its introduction in 2011. Best practices for integration, operation, and maintenance of the CenterFeed will be reviewed and discussed.

This session is specifically geared for delayed coking refinery personnel currently using the CFD or considering the addition of the CFD to their existing unit. All other vendors and suppliers will need advanced approval to attend or will be vetted at the door. Please contact Becky with questions – becky.peterson@crugroup.com

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17:30 - 17:30

0 Minutes

Networking Reception & Exhibition


08:00 - 09:00

60 Minutes



09:00 - 09:40

40 Minutes

Resid Sampling: Why So Challenging?

Taking a representative resid sample while avoiding safety risks related to personnel exposure to hot temperatures has historically been a challenge. Hence the large number of sampling devices and configurations used in the industry. This presentation will review strengths and weaknesses of various sampler designs as well as share learnings from a near-miss incident that occurred while taking a coker feed sample.

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09:40 - 10:20

40 Minutes

Coke Drum Vapor Line Operations to the Main Fractionator

To be discussed:

  • methods of quenching,
  • how to minimize coke formation,
  • and how to remove coke that forms.

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10:20 - 10:50

30 Minutes

Networking Break & Exhibition


10:50 - 11:30

40 Minutes

Coke Drum Bottom Head Flange Design & Assembly: "How to Do It Right" to Avoid Leakage

This presentation will discuss the design of coke drum bottom head flanges for leak free operation and assembly best practice when bolting to an automatic bottom un-heading device (BUD). Coke drum bottom head flanges are unique in their behavior when compared to other refinery bolted flanged joints due to the various loadings seen through changes in pressure and temperatures, locally to the joint, over a typical drum cycle. Specific damage mechanisms must be accounted for at the design phase along with accurate assembly methods to avoid leakage. BUD joints are expected to remain leak free for years between valve maintenance. It is common practice for owner-operators to periodically re-tighten the joint after a specified number of drum cycles, usually undertaken on an "extended drum cycle" to allow sufficient time for maintenance crews to re-tighten the joint. Correct design and assembly can extend or eliminate these costly maintenance interventions.

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11:30 - 12:10

40 Minutes

Delayed Coker Unit Online Spalling Performance and Other Improvements using Tubacoat Technology

In most refining conversion units such as delayed coker and others, unscheduled shutdowns, high maintenance, reduced heat transfer, higher fuel consumption and throughput reduction due to furnace and heat exchanger tube coking, fouling and corrosion is a widespread problem. TUBACOAT technology minimizes formation, deposition and plugging due to coke/carbon in addition to reduction in fouling, corrosion, and fuel usage. Use of TUBACOAT technology in these applications leads to longer runs, incremental life cycle for equipment, reliable operations, increased heat transfer, reduced fuel consumptions, reduced CO2 emissions and hence significant savings in OPEX and CAPEX.

In this presentation, results and case studies from two commercial field trials in North America and Asia, respectively, are shared showing the DCU online spalling performance and other improvements based on 12 months of operation using Tubacoat Technology. Results and comparison include improvement in online spalling frequency, time required to clean tubes during spalling and fouling rate for Tubacoat coated tubes and uncoated tubes, respectively.

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12:10 - 12:50

40 Minutes

Deheading Systems for Small Drums

Since many years Slide Valves are standard in the industry to open and close coke drums.

But there are still coker units which cannot install Valves, especially at the bottom of the drum. These coker units are mainly older coker with smaller drums.

20 years ago, at a mayor revamp, a coker unit with 4 x 17’ drums decided to install a semi-automatic bottom deheading system while installing electric operated valves at the top.

In the TAR 2023 the Bottom Deheading has been checked and overhauled to continue safe and satisfactory operation for the next periods of operation.

This presentation shows, how with Computer-Fluid-Dynamic (CFD) Calculations and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) heat and load distribution has been determined to check and upgrade the system.

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12:50 - 13:50

60 Minutes

Networking Lunch & Exhibition


13:50 - 14:30

40 Minutes

Processing Non-standard Feedstock in the Coker Unit

The delayed coker unit is known for processing vacuum residue of the vacuum rerun unit to produce various high-quality products such as Heavy Coker Gas Oil (HCGO), Light Coker Gas Oil (LCGO), Kerosene, Naphtha, Refinery Fuel Gas (RFG), and coke. Non-standard feedstock, known as Low Sulfur Atmospheric Residue (LSAR), has been successfully processed in DCU-136 of the MAA Refinery in Kuwait. Processing LSAR required an implementation of a new jump-over line from Atmospheric Residue Desulphurization Units to the cold feed line of the delayed coker unit. The jump-over line was implemented using a hot-tapping procedure to avoid any unit disruption. The LSAR processing was initiated on December 2, 2023, during U-83 shutdown and sustained for 19 days, in which the hot VR was flowing around 180 ??3 /h??, while LSAR flow was maintained at 40 ??3 /h??. Product specifications were analyzed and found to be normal except for the Hardgrove Grindability Index of coke, in which it reflected higher values. Several actions were performed by operations and process departments to mitigate that issue. Additionally, an emergency shutdown of the cold VR unit has been overcome by replacing the cold feed with LSAR and maintaining normal unit throughput attesting the positive result of the executed project. All in all, LSAR processing in the DCU was completed successfully leading to increasing the throughput during the loss of cold feed and thus growing a profit equivalent to $9.5M USD.

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15:10 - 15:40

30 Minutes

Networking Break & Exhibition


15:40 - 16:20

40 Minutes

Stepwise Revamp and Automation of DCU

This presentation outlines the progressive automation of an Eastern delayed coker hydraulic coke cutting system equipped with turntables rather than the standard drill stem drive type assembly. Initially, top and bottom deheading solutions were implemented, with a particular focus on a novel bottom deheading system utilizing a hydraulic car. The top deheading was enhanced using slide valves, addressing challenges associated with a squared drill stem guide. The final stage involved the development of a new electric-driven turntable system, including a completely redesigned Freefall Arrestor (FFA), culminating in a fully remote and automatic cutting process.

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16:20 - 17:00

40 Minutes

Minimizing Coke Drum Premature Failure: A Comparison of Different Feed Methodologies

Since the advent of Delayed Coker Automated Unheading Valves, and unlike traditional centered bottom-feed entry, today’s side-feed configurations create nonsymmetric coke bed channeling primarily against one wall of the coke drum. This channeling causes accelerated thermal expansion and contraction on one side of the drum which can result in an increase in drum warping, bulging, and through-wall cracks, as well as decrease the fatigue life of the drum skirt and cone. Costly drum repairs and replacements are occurring far too early compared to typical drum life.  

Recent evidence shows that in some side feed configurations, the nonsymmetric heating can create four distinct quadrants in the lower transition cone segment where two cool and two hot regions reside 180° from one another.  The four-quadrant heating is attributed with a rise in occurrence of permanent thermal distortion in the coke drum flange and transition cone.  

This is a new and distinct failure mechanism for coke drums and is occurring as early as 5 years after a new coke drum installation.  

DeltaValve’s presentation will show the evolution of the bottom transition cone and flange geometry after automated unheading was introduced and the mechanics behind the complex loading of the unheading flanged joint.  This presentation shall also demonstrate the effects of feed configurations including single side feed, dual side feed and DeltaValve’s CenterFeed® injection device on flow channeling within the drum and provide evidence on how the DeltaValve CenterFeed offers significant benefits over all other drum feed systems, which ultimately leads to extended coke drum life.

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17:00 - 17:00

0 Minutes

Networking Reception & Exhibition


08:00 - 09:00

60 Minutes



09:00 - 09:40

40 Minutes

Best Practices and Pitfalls for Decoking & Inspection in Delayed Coker Heaters

Serpentine coils in Delayed Coker Heaters are challenging to both clean and inspect utilizing today’s latest technologies. Extensive fouling on the coils interior surface often warrants cleaning intervals of two years, or less, depending on online spalling capabilities. Mechanical decoking pigs are often utilized for cleaning, however there’s a wide variation of designs on the market and effectiveness of each. Mechanical decoking equipment operator experience, combined with supporting equipment such as pumps, valve systems, launcher/receivers, etc. play a significant role in terms of cleaning effectiveness.  Often refiners will employee Intelligent Pigging technology directly after the cleaning of the heater coils to (1) Verify coil cleanliness, (2) Detect/Quantify damage mechanisms and (3) Establish current coil condition to enable fitness for service and remaining life expectancy.  Both Mechanical Pigging and Intelligent Pigging processes depend heavily upon one another to ensure the success of each task. Proactive preplanning in advance of upcoming plant turnarounds can assist greatly in proper contractor/technology selection to ensure quality of outcome.  The discussion will also include how issues with data collection in these efforts trickle down to increasing error bands for remaining tube life and fitness for service calculations. Key takeaways from the discussion will be (1) critical planning steps (2) pitfalls of the equipment and what to check for (3) how planning and equipment impact cleaning effectiveness and data resolution.   

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09:40 - 10:20

40 Minutes

Enhancing Refinery Sustainability with improved Desalter Operations


10:20 - 11:00

40 Minutes

Experiences in Managing Coke Drum Skirt and Knuckle Joint Cracks and Remediation Success Stories

Coke drums stand as vital components in the refining process, enduring harsh operating conditions that subject them to mechanical stresses and thermal cycling. Among the critical areas prone to cracks are the skirt and knuckle joints, presenting significant challenges to Coke Drums Reliability. Over the past 25 years, Reliance has continuously refined its Maintenance & Inspection approach by leveraging technological advancements and lessons learned from experience to enhance operational efficiency and asset integrity. This paper delves into the experiences of the industry in managing the Coke Drums, focusing particularly on the challenges faced in skirt knuckle joints and the transformative journey of Reliance Industries Ltd. in addressing these challenges through inspection, repairs, modifications, and successful remediation strategies.

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11:00 - 11:30

30 Minutes

Networking Break & Exhibition


11:30 - 12:10

40 Minutes

Coke Drum Cone Spools for Unheading Systems - Why and How

The installation of unheading systems in existing delayed coker units typically requires modifications on the bottom cone of the drums to adapt or make room for the new equipment.

This presentation will focus on why such spools are required, the different options available, the design criteria, and installation considerations.

Early engineering work is always recommended to confirm the feasibility and approach to the design of the spools further down the project execution path, while their design and fabrication should be considered potential candidates for the critical path of the schedule.

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12:10 - 12:50

40 Minutes

Assessing Bulged Area in a Delayed Coke Drum: A Metric f or Consideration in the Repair / Replace Decision Making Process


12:50 - 13:50

60 Minutes

Networking Lunch & Exhibition


13:50 - 14:30

40 Minutes

Automated Coke Cutting System and CenterFeed Injection Device Field Experience

This presentation is about Automated Coke Cutting System and CenterFeed Device field experiences in the delayed coking unit at TUPRAS Izmit Refinery.

The delayed coker unit at Izmit Refinery has been in operation since 2015 and is designed for 18-hour cycles with four coke drums at 8200 Sm3/d feed capacity (AFW). The unit has had cycle time change from 18h-18h to 16h-16h cycle time and capacity increased to 8,700 Sm3/d.

In the past, the coke cutting system was manually operated three times per day and operators were faced with dust, coke, H2S, and system failures. With the addition of the automated coke cutting system, dust and coke emissions decreased, H2S exposure for operators was reduced, and system failures decreased. The additional benefit of extended equipment life was observed after the installation of automated system in 2017.

Even after many improvements were tried in DCU feed and operations, formation of hotspots and other operational problems continued. To improve safety in the unit and to eliminate the effects of hot spots on environment, the CenterFeed Device was installed in the first unit T/A in 2019. Since 2019, TUPRAS has gained many valuable CenterFeed Device operational experiences.

The focus of this presentation will be:

  • The benefits of automated Coke Cutting System. (What TUPRAS faced before and after)
  • TUPRAS’ experiences after the installation of the Coke Cutting System in 2017
  • TUPRAS’ operational experience with the CenterFeed Device
  • TUPRAS’ management of incidents impacting operations prior to the CenterFeed Injection Device installation vs. the operational improvements observed post installation

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14:30 - 15:10

40 Minutes

Weld Process Effects on Fatigue Performance in the Repair of Coke Drums

Coke drums experience failures in through-wall cracking throughout their operating life, resulting from low cycle fatigue. Coke drums are typically fabricated from high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels. This study was performed on 1-1/4CrMo base material using ER70S-B2L and Alloy 625 (ERNiCrMo-3) filler materials. Specimens were welded with the temperbead/controlled deposition welding technique. The weld processes used were Hot PulseTM GTAW, GMAW and SMAW. The fatigue performance, HAZ hardness and toughness of the weld samples was evaluated. The Hot PulseTM GTAW welds exhibited an order of magnitude improvement in fatigue performance when compared to the other weld processes using ER70S-B2L filler material. The Hot PulseTM GTAW welds also exhibited improved HAZ hardness and toughness when compared to the other weld processes. This presentation will introduce the Hot Pulse GTAWTM process, its features, and benefits and where it is applied in Coke drum repair welding. Comparative test results of the different weld processes for fatigue performance, HAZ tempering, and toughness will also be presented.

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15:10 - 15:40

30 Minutes

Networking Break & Exhibition


15:40 - 17:00

80 Minutes

Delayed Coker Troubleshooting Forum

Every DCU is slightly different, so this forum gives participants the opportunity to ask questions and address issues within the group. Use the expertise in the room to “think tank” solutions to your unit’s issues.

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