Submit your abstract
is an excellent opportunity for refiners and vendors to share lessons learned,
best practice, and new technologies, materials and equipment to optimize
productivity and safety; showcase your company and your Delayed Coker Unit (DCU) knowledge. We welcome abstracts in the following areas (but would also gladly consider other topic proposals):
Case studies demonstrating operational experience in:
- Steps to selecting the best upgrading technology
- Problems and lessons learned from recent startups
- Case studies on the implementation of wireless instrumentation equipment, monitoring, and intelligences in refineries
- Resid sampling techniques
- Main issues with automatic unheading devices
- Reliability of coke drum overhead piping
- Drum skirt cracking experience and remedies
- Coke handling best practices
- Turnaround lessons learned
- Processing nonstandard feedstocks – SDA Bottoms, hydrocracker bottoms, visbroken material, stranded fuel oil
Technology, process, materials and equipment innovations and improvements:
- New technology developments to improve safety, reliability and operational efficiency
- Materials and equipment developments
- Emissions abatement and energy efficiency improvements
Submit your abstract online here,
or email
Becky Peterson to discuss a presentation
idea in more detail.