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Workshop 06 NOV 2023


Conference 07 NOV 2023   |   08 NOV 2023

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10:15 - 12:15

120 Minutes

Sulphur Troubleshooting Clinic

Sulphur recovery plays a vital role in environmental protection, energy production, and raw feedstock supply to the fertilizer industry, making the optimization of its performance crucial to safe and efficient refinery or gas plant operation. Both seasoned sulphur plant operators/engineers and those less familiar with the process will benefit from this session which aims to address real-world challenges encountered while operating or maintaining sulphur recovery and related facilities.

Through this interactive session, we'll explore common operational challenges, examine potential root causes, and collaboratively work toward practical solutions. We encourage delegates to share troubleshooting topics in advance (through this survey) and/or in person, during the session. The goal is to fill the room with all levels of experience so that together we can exchange best practices for safe and efficient sulphur recovery unit operation.

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