Home / Agenda

28 Apr 2025

Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


Track One

08:00 - 17:00

Training: Coker Process, Design, and Troubleshooting


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Mechanical Integrity and Reliability of Coke Drums


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Sulfur Recovery Fundamentals, Operations and Reliability


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Delayed Coker Fundamentals, Coker Operations and Reliability


29 Apr 2025

Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


Track One

08:00 - 17:00

Training: Coker Process, Design, and Troubleshooting


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Mechanical Integrity and Reliability of Coke Drums


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Sulfur Recovery Fundamentals, Operations and Reliability


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Delayed Coker Fundamentals, Coker Operations and Reliability


30 Apr 2025

Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


08:00 - 08:15

Welcome to RefComm Galveston 2025

CRU Group and Coking.com


08:15 - 08:55

Living in a HOP World

Incorporating the principles of human and organizational performance (aka HOP)  into how we design, execute, evaluate, and improve work can deliver many benefits. This presentation will introduce the HOP foundational principles, what it looks like to live true to those principles and cover a few easy to use HOP tools.


08:55 - 09:20

Networking Break and Exhibition


08:55 - 09:10

2025 Coker Impact Award

The "Coker Impact Award" is a recognition presented to individuals who have made significant contributions to the coker industry, demonstrating exceptional commitment, expertise, and leadership. This year's honoree is an individual whose dedication to the field is unparalleled, having attended this conference without interruption since 2001. This remarkable streak underscores not only their loyalty to the event but also their unwavering commitment to staying at the forefront of industry developments and trends.    

Beyond their consistent presence, the awardee has played a pivotal role in championing safety within their company. By implementing innovative safety protocols and fostering a culture of vigilance, they have set new standards in workplace safety, significantly reducing incidents, and promoting a safer working environment for all employees. This achievement speaks volumes about their dedication to the well-being of their colleagues and their proactive approach to risk management.    

Furthermore, the recipient's contribution extends beyond the confines of their organization. They have generously shared their vast experience and expertise with numerous other sites around the world, offering guidance, training, and support to help improve safety and operational efficiencies. This spirit of collaboration and mentorship has had a profound impact on the global coker community, elevating practices and fostering a more interconnected and knowledgeable industry network.    

The "Coker Impact Award" celebrates not only the professional achievements of the awardee but also their exceptional character. By going above and beyond their daily responsibilities, they have exemplified leadership, generosity, and a deep commitment to the betterment of the industry. It is with great pride that we recognize their contributions and celebrate their enduring impact on the coker community.


09:10 - 09:50

Networking Break and Exhibition



09:50 - 11:50


Optimizing FCCU Performance with Nuclear Measurement Technology

presented by David Williams, Berthold Technologies

The Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) is a vital refinery process for converting heavy hydrocarbons into lighter, high-value products such as gasoline and olefins. Precise monitoring and control of key process parameters are essential for maintaining efficiency, safety, and regulatory compliance. Given the high-temperature, high-pressure, and particulate-laden environments within the FCCU, traditional measurement technologies often experience fouling, degradation, or inaccuracies.

In the fractionator tower, nuclear level gauges are employed to monitor slurry oil levels and ensure proper separation of hydrocarbons. Unlike other technologies that can foul or produce erroneous readings due to changes in fluid density caused by varying concentrations of catalyst fines, nuclear gauges provide consistent and accurate measurements regardless of process conditions. Within the flue gas system, nuclear gauges are used in the flue cyclones to measure catalyst losses and detect cyclone failure to prevent excessive emissions. Additionally, in the precipitator hoppers, nuclear level gauges enable real-time monitoring of catalyst accumulation, ensuring optimal catalyst recovery and reducing particulate emissions.

By leveraging the advantages of nuclear measurement technology, refineries can achieve enhanced process control, reduced maintenance, and improved safety in the FCCU. The ability of nuclear gauges to operate in extreme conditions without direct contact with process materials makes them an essential tool for optimizing refinery performance, extending equipment life, and ensuring operational reliability.


Delayed Coking

09:50 - 10:20

Delayed Coking

Coke Drums - Fatigue Life Design Factors Review & Feed Inlet Design Effects

presented by Dave Dewees, Becht

The presentation looks at the continued evolution of coke drum fatigue life design factors, as well as how coke drum feed inlet design plays into fatigue life. The paper is based on industry experience over the last 40 years. Factors discussed are the following: vessel metallurgy, liner metallurgy, wall thickness, weld quality, skirt-to-drum attachment, fabricator selection (qualitatively, no companies will be singled out) and feed inlet designs. Also discussed will be how coke morphology is a key factor in overall coke drum fatigue life and how it plays into decision-making regarding coke drum design factors.



09:50 - 11:50


Operation & Safety Highlights


Sulfur Recovery

09:50 - 11:50

Sulfur Recovery

Emulsions in Amine Units Treating LPG: Testing and TroubleshootingLeading to Capacity, Performance and Profitability Increase

Maintaining stability and high processing capacity in Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) operations using amine and caustic units poses significant challenges for refineries worldwide. These challenges are further exacerbated when co-processing biofuels, as the presence of contaminants in the LPG feed often leads to operational issues, with emulsion formation being a major concern.

Emulsions in amine unit liquid treaters can severely impact refinery performance, resulting in reduced processing capacity, solvent losses, and downstream contamination, among other negative effects. The formation of these emulsions is primarily driven by contaminants with surface-active properties (surfactants), which promote the interaction between the amine solvent phase and the liquid hydrocarbon phase in liquid-liquid contactors. The separation of these phases can take considerable time—ranging from several minutes to hours—leading to inefficiencies and operational delays.

This presentation examines effective methods for testing and troubleshooting emulsion-related issues, including sampling and contaminant analysis. Additionally, it outlines key strategies for combating and mitigating emulsion formation within liquid-liquid contactors. Several case studies will be presented, showcasing instances where mitigation solutions were evaluated and, in some cases, successfully implemented. These solutions not only eliminated emulsions but also enhanced processing capacity, improved overall performance, and increased profitability.


09:50 - 11:50



presented by Gary Reisen, Phillips 66


10:20 - 10:50

Delayed Coking

Modifications to CNRL's DCU Maing Fractionator and the Results

presented with Prashanth Sundaravadivelu, CNRL

A large delayed coking unit was having flooding and fouling problems in their 26’6” main fractionator.  Severe corrosion created by chloride salts had partially damaged the column upper section wall and trays (including the tray valves).  The generated corrosion products were creating some fouling in the tray downcomers.  The column has a grid bed in the wash section which was coking within 2-3 years forcing the column shutdown for cleaning, during the grid coking process some coke fines were reaching the HCGO trays producing fouling and partial plugging in the HCGO draw off sump.

Besides the corrosion and fouling problems the customer needed to increase the capacity of the delayed coking unit to allow more feed to the processing facility.

The column underwent several modifications to address the different problems:

  1. The column upper section was clad with high alloy metallurgy and the tray metallurgy in the section was also upgraded.
  2. All the trays were replaced with high capacity VGPlus ™ trays equipped with fixed valves and other special features to handle high flowrates and presence of solids
    1. Special aeration was used in the tray support ring to avoid stagnant zones were salts can deposit
    2. A special weir configuration was used to handle high liquid rate and minimize solid accumulation
    3. Use of “push valves” that allow the 2-pass trays to operate without vapor crossflow channeling was used.
  3. Grid spray distributors were replaced with different design that reduced stagnant areas, increased liquid velocity and used vaneless spray nozzles.

The revamped column has been in operation for 7 years.


10:30 - 11:10


Enhancing FCC Slurry Valve Performance: Challenges and Innovative Solutions

presented by Virgil Guzman, TapcoEnpro

FCC (Fluid Catalytic Cracking) slurry valves are critical components in refining processes but face numerous challenges due to abrasive catalyst particles, high temperatures, coking, and seal integrity issues. These conditions lead to accelerated wear, frequent maintenance, and operational inefficiencies. To address these challenges, TapcoEnpro offers advanced valve solutions specifically designed for FCC slurry applications. Their robust designs feature enhanced erosion resistance, superior sealing technology, and materials engineered for high-temperature performance, minimizing wear and ensuring reliable operation. By incorporating TapcoEnpro’ s innovative solutions, refineries can improve valve longevity, reduce maintenance downtime, and enhance the safety and efficiency of their processes.


10:30 - 11:10

Sulfur Recovery

Oil Field Chemical Additives Impact on Sour Water Stripper Operations

As the processing of both conventional and tight oils matures several reoccurring issues are observed in the refinery.  These are increased corrosion, fouling and emulsions in various refining units.  As use of production chemicals increases to enhance oil production, increasing issues in refinery unit operations have been reported. 

One of the predominate issues is corrosion and fouling due to by-products of H2S scavengers being used.  Another issue is residual emulsions transported into the refinery with crude oil.

This presentation will discuss the typical production chemicals being used and some of the observed issues impacting sour water stripper operation and reliability.


10:50 - 11:20

Delayed Coking

Use of Load Indicating Studs for Assembly and Optimization of a Coke Drum BUD Joint

presented by Alex Berry, Integrated Engineering Solutions Pty. Ltd. and CITGO

Bottom un-heading devices (BUD’s) are used to safely control filling and emptying of coke drums. These valves are bolted to the bottom head flange and only removed during scheduled maintenance intervals. During service, the bolted joint must maintain integrity while being subjected to repeated thermal transients during the drum cycle. Correct design and assembly of these bolted joints is vital to avoid safety risks and expensive lost production resulting from leakage. This presentation will show how the use of load indicating studs can achieve reliable assembly, optimize scheduled re-tightening activities and provide effective ongoing joint management. Three case studies will be presented detailing how to correctly assemble a BUD joint involving the use of load indicating studs. In each case, the joints have maintained integrity during service and allowed the owner operator to gather reliable data to ensure effective future joint management.


11:10 - 11:50

Sulfur Recovery

Detecting Water-Related Issues in Sulfur Recovery Units


11:10 - 11:50


RFCC Regenerator Cyclone Hex Mesh Corrosion and Catalyst Loss Driven by Refractory Damage

presented by Sudharsanan  Soundararajan and  Velavan Sikkampatti  Thamizhan, ADNOC

During operation high catalyst loss was observed from the 2nd stage regenerator of  R2R system in a RFCC unit.  Subsequently unit was shutdown and regenerator was opened for internal inspection and severe damage was observed on the hot wall refractory lining of the cyclones. The refractory lining has dislodged due to Hex mesh corrosion and choked the diplegs. This presentation shares the experience of the troubleshooting activities carried out, metallurgical failure analysis findings of the corroded hex mesh and touches upon few mitigation measures. The hex meshes have failed  by damage mechanisms like carburization, sulfidation and oxidation due to operating conditions.


11:20 - 11:50

Delayed Coking

Loss of Containment in a Auto-Ignition Zone - Critical Dead-Leg Monitoring

presented by Vrushal Deshpande, Suncor Energy

Management of dead-legs is critical in cold operating conditions, which can last for the better part of the year in the Athabasca region.  In this presentation, we discuss a loss of containment event near the coker fractionator that led to a long shutdown and repair period.   Investigations revealed an underappreciated dead-leg / stagnant location that froze and resulted in pipe failure.  An extensive fire and cascading equipment failure followed.   Specific dead-leg monitoring philosophy is critical as part of winterization programs.


11:50 - 12:50

Networking Lunch and Exhibition


12:50 - 14:10


Turnaround Summaries


12:50 - 13:20

Delayed Coking

Coke Drums Are Only a Piece of the Pie

presented by David Gibson, ExxonMobil

Coke drums typically monopolize the spotlight when it comes to Delayed Coker mechanical integrity, and rightfully so.  However, there is an abundance of other issues lying in wait to cause unplanned shutdowns and repairs that we cannot lose sight of.  The issues range from thermal fatigue cracking, dew point corrosion, erosion, coking, and general corrosion of equipment refiners may or may not suspect.  This presentation shares examples of actual failures experienced within ExxonMobil and our methodology to manage the mechanical integrity of these challenging systems.


12:50 - 13:30


Comparing FCC Optimization Opportunities with Micro Motion Coriolis & Flexim Ultrasonic Flow Meters

presented by Warren Merriman, Emerson

This presentation will explore the optimization of fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) units using Micro Motion Coriolis flow meters and Flexim non-invasive ultrasonic flow meters offered by Emerson. Micro Motion Coriolis flow meters are known for their unmatched accuracy in mass, volume, and density measurement, which is critical for precise feedstock management, improved reaction control, and enhanced product yield in FCC units. Meanwhile, the innovative Flexim technology brings advanced measurement solutions to the industry by offering precise and reliable flow monitoring without the need for pipeline modifications. These non-invasive ultrasonic flow meters are ideal for a wide range of applications due to their compact design and clamp-on installation method, ensuring minimal downtime and maintenance. This characteristic is especially advantageous for FCC units as it allows for continuous operation and quick installation, thereby reducing operational costs and avoiding potential process disruptions. Real case studies will be presented to demonstrate the practical applications and benefits of these technologies in FCC units. A comparative analysis between Coriolis and non-intrusive ultrasonic flow meter technologies will be conducted, focusing on their accuracy, reliability, and suitability for different process conditions. This analysis will provide insights into selecting the most appropriate flow meter technology for optimizing FCC units, enabling businesses to achieve accurate flow measurement, and enhancing operational efficiency.


12:50 - 14:10

Sulfur Recovery

Boost SRU Uptime: Tail Gas Incinerator Workshop

presented by Rustin Heflin and Gianluca Tanda, Zeeco

Improve the reliability and efficiency of your SRU tail gas incinerator. This interactive workshop covers critical design elements, maintenance best practices, and operational strategies to minimize downtime and optimize performance.  

What You'll Learn:

  • Process and mechanical design considerations
  • Review of main system components and available system configurations
  • How to avoid nuisance trips
  • Identify and prevent common equipment failures
  • Explore retrofit options  

Drawing on a proven history of building and retrofitting world-class SRU Tail Gas Incinerators, Zeeco brings extensive expertise to this workshop. Join facilitators, Gianluca Tanda and Rustin Heflin, for this informative workshop.


13:20 - 13:50

Delayed Coking

Improving DCU Availability Increase from 79% to 94% in 3 years: Sweat the Small Stuff

The presentation will delve into the systematic efforts undertaken by the site to significantly improve reliability over time. Central to this discussion will be identifying and eliminating persistent issues, often called "bad actors," through a disciplined, block-and-tackle approach. The focus will be on the technical aspects of reliability enhancement and the critical role of processes, human and personal development and performance management in achieving sustainable improvements. While the presentation will cover broad, high-level concepts, it will also provide detailed, concrete examples related explicitly to Delayed Coker Units (DCUs). These examples will demonstrate practical applications of the strategies discussed, offering valuable insights that can be leveraged across the industry to drive similar improvements in reliability and operational efficiency.


13:30 - 14:10


Evolution of FCC Flue Gas Emissions Controls

The march of Fluid Catalytic Cracking over more than 80 years from its inception in WW II to lower and lower emissions of atmospheric pollutants including particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides is described. Note is made of movements to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels while also acknowledging the significant beneficial impact of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations on plant growth and food production as well as the demonstrated benefits from widespread use of fossil fuels. Changes announced this year in U.S. government policy will curtail U.S. government investments in carbon capture and storage projects. At the same, production of carbon dioxide for industrial uses is still economically achieved as a byproduct of fossil fuel combustion.


14:10 - 14:50

Networking Break and Exhibition


14:50 - 15:20

Delayed Coking

Bottom Unheading Valve Failure

presented by Omar Alkandari, KNPC

Delayed Coker Unit at KNPC-MAA refinery is utilized to process hydro treated vacuum residue to produce high quality products such as Kerosene, Naphtha, HCGO, LCGO, Fuel Gas & Coke. One of the major system of the unit is Coke Cutting System & major equipment are Heater (2 nos.), Coke drums (4 nos.) & Unheading system (08 no. of Valves) with 24 hrs. cycle of operation. During routine checking by KNPC personnel in May-2023, it was observed that Superstructure assembly of Bottom unheading valve of Drum-B got stuck and halted the valve operation. Subsequently, the unit capacity was reduced to 50% during this emergency. After disassembly of BUD superstructure top cover, we observed that one of the valve spindle is in inclined position & dislocated from the original location. After further investigation, we observed the mismatch in the coupling flange, flange bearings were also found damaged, drive nuts were not aligned which caused yoke dislocation.

Immediately, several points were discussed remotely between KNPC and OEM (M/s. IMI Z&J, Germany) to prevent reoccurrence of existing issue, since subject failure was observed globally for the first time in Coker unit. Moreover, BUD superstructure assembly was carried out with the replacement of new bearings available as a spare in KNPC warehouse. However, gearbox coupling and drive nuts were replaced as a precautionary measure to avoid any issue until zero-inspection turnaround in Oct.2024. After final assembly of BUD superstructure components, valve trail was conducted successfully several times & unit was taken inline within three (3) days duration. All in all, spare parts procurement & securing in advance by KNPC after the unit commissioning supported in resolving the issue in short duration. In addition, monthly checking of coupling bolts will also avoid similar failure in future.


14:50 - 15:30


FCC Cyclone Inspection and Maintenance for Reliable Operation

In the CatCracking Hall

Inspection and maintenance of FCC cyclones during regularly scheduled TA's can extend the useful life of the cyclone system, while optimizing performance of and reducing unplanned repairs or emergency component replacement.  This presentation will highlight important inspection items, repair options, and maintenance planning that inspection and maintenance teams should consider as they prepare for planned outages of their FCCU. 


14:50 - 16:50

Sulfur Recovery

Sour Water Stripping Workshop

This workshop will provide an overview of Sour Water Stripping. This will include a brief discussion on the design and recommended operation of the equipment within the unit, followed by more in depth reviews of common troubleshooting items these units face. Focused areas will be on minimizing fouling of the exchangers and stripper column internals, as well as how to ensure the stripped water is meeting its desired specification. Case studies from Amine Experts onsite testing experience will be used to support these areas.


15:20 - 15:50

Delayed Coking

Low Silicon Antifoam in Cokers

presented with Emiro Guignan, Phillips 66 Westlake

Silicon content in the feed to hydrofiners or hydrotreaters can reduce the run length if it is not well controlled. Some strategies are to have a Silicon trap in front of the reactors or use part of the vessel to have the Silicon trap in there. This may not optimize profitability as reactor needs to come down for catalyst change out. A well-known source of Silicon are the distillates from Delayed Coker due to the application of antifoams in the drums.

Nalco Water has designed a new chemistry to control the foaming in the coker drums. The innovative product has a lower content of Silicon in the formula, and it is also more stable than previous formulation at the normal Coke Drum operating temperatures, allowing for dosages optimization. This ends in a lower amount of Silicon in the Coker products.

A trial of the new chemistry was run in several refineries in LA and NA refineries with good results: a reduction of 30-40% of Silicon content in Naphtha and Kero because of the antifoam injection during the Coking cycle. Customer changed to the new chemistry; savings in the future expense costs are expected as chemical usage was reduced vs previous formula with a good control of foaming.

The intention of the presentation is to share a brief explanation of the Coker operation, how the antifoam is used to control foaming, and the results of the trial. We will also include some information around the questions for the MOC process when a chemistry is replaced and our developed tool to control foam height at the switch vs true coke outage for reliability purposes.


15:30 - 16:10


FCC Hotspots

In the CatCracking Hall

Unfortunately, hotspots are a reoccurring theme in most FCC units that unit engineers try to live with until the next turnaround. This presentation will dive into where and why hotspots form, how to analytically evaluate hotspots (or should you), and how to treat and mitigate the areas until the next turnaround. All areas of the FCC will be covered from the reactor to regenerator and through the CO boiler. Lessons learned will be shared on how to reduce the reoccurrence of the hotspots through good repair techniques.


15:50 - 16:20

Delayed Coking

Coker 2 Fractionator Unplanned Outage

presented by Maddy Casabat, PBF Chalmette


16:10 - 16:50


Virtual Assembly Revolutionizes FCCU Reactor Installation

In the CatCracking Hall

presented with Jose Albarracin, ExxonMobil

At a major UK refinery, the installation of critical components for a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) reactor presented a formidable challenge. With key assemblies—reactor head, shell, and internal cyclone components—fabricated in two separate countries, the project required precise alignment under a tight turnaround schedule. Traditional approaches risked delays, costly rework, and extended downtime, necessitating an innovative solution to ensure success.

This case study examines the transformative role of Virtual Assembly technology in overcoming the inherent complexities of such projects. Through advanced metrology, precise digital modeling, and pre-installation simulation, the team was able to identify potential clashes, optimize cut lines, and ensure precise weld alignment—all before components arrived on-site.

When implementation began, the results were remarkable:

  • First-Time Fit Success: Components were installed accurately on the first attempt, eliminating the need for trial-and-error adjustments.
  • Optimized Workflows: Pre-planning reduced crane usage, field welds, and manpower requirements.
  • Time Savings: The critical path was shortened by 11 days, significantly reducing operational downtime.

This approach not only met the project's rigorous timeline but also yielded substantial cost savings and minimized material waste. Beyond these immediate results, the success underscored the broader implications of integrating Virtual Assembly into rotating and static equipment installations. Lessons from the project highlight the importance of early technology adoption, precision planning, and leveraging advanced tools to mitigate risks and drive efficiency.

This case demonstrates how Virtual Assembly is redefining the boundaries of precision engineering, offering a replicable framework for tackling complex installation challenges in the refining and petrochemical industries.


16:20 - 16:50

Delayed Coking

DeltaValve - A Strategic Asset Management Partner

presented by DeltaValve and CNRL

In 2001, DeltaValve invented and installed the world’s first automated Bottom Unheading Valve, which has become the industry standard by creating a step-change in personnel safety, process efficiency, and refinery profitability. DeltaValve then introduced the Top Unheading Valve in 2005, and the CenterFeed® Injection Device in 2011. DeltaValve has continued to introduce new technologies and now offers the lowest steam consumption Isolation Valves in the industry. DeltaValve has a global installed base of equipment operating in approximately 120 refineries in nearly 30 countries.

DeltaValve will be joined in this presentation by Canadian Natural Resources (CNRL) and will share experiences of how CNRL’s operations have been significantly improved by working closely with the DeltaValve aftermarket and asset management teams to coordinate turnaround planning and the use of spare valves to deliver maximum value to their organization.

CNRL will also join DeltaValve for a question-and-answer session immediately after the presentation.


17:00 | Networking Reception & Exhibition

01 May 2025

Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


08:00 - 08:10

Safety Moment


08:40 - 09:10

Networking Break and Exhibition


Sulfur Recovery

09:10 - 09:50

Sulfur Recovery

Operational Excellence in Sulfur Recovery Unit for Maximization of Acid Gas Processing and Best Practices: Challenges and Innovative Solutions

presented by Sunil Chokhoba Umare, HPCL Mumbai Refinery

This presentation aims to demonstrate the operational excellence in Sulfur recovery unit for maximization of acid gas processing and innovative solution to overcome the challenges. The paper highlights the strategies, constraints and limitations that were addressed to increase the acid gas and sour gas processing in sulfur recovery unit. The paper discusses the strategies implemented to optimize the unit's performance, improve its efficiency, and ensure its long-term operability. Paper emphasis on the various challenges in sulfur recovery unit and brainstorming to maximize the sulfur recovery unit feed rate while maintaining its operational integrity.  

This presentation gives insight on the various best practices implemented in the Sulfur recovery unit of Mumbai refinery:

  • Will focus on the damage of the refractory, damage of checker walls and high maintenance due to increased susceptibility to wall refractory damage at high temperatures. The presentation also focuses on improving reliability of thermal reactors by installing vector wall in the DHDS SRU thermal reactors in place of the choker ring.
  • Will focus the condenser tube plugging due to formation of Sulfcrete and innovative method applied to overcome the challenges.
  • Will focus on the contra trace steam tracing benefit over the conventional steam tracing and how the contra tracing helps to overcome the plugging issues in tail gas lines.
  • Will focus various reliability related aspects like corrosion in the Sulfur recovery unit.
  • Will also compare the best design practices evolved in the sulfur recovery unit to improve the reliability of unit.
  • Will compare the best design practices of new sulfur recovery unit over the old sulfur recovery unit and way forwards for improvement in the old sulfur units.
  • Will include the case studies on a commonly encountered problem in sulfur plants is a flow restriction due to high-pressure drop. High-pressure drop is typically caused by a restriction at one point in the equipment or piping due to: Accumulation of liquid (sulfur, etc.) in equipment or piping Partial plugging of a catalyst bed (soot, carbon, polymers, etc.) Partial plugging of a mist eliminator (sulfur, soot, catalyst, etc.), and Plugging of Condenser and WHB Tubes.

The presentation will also focus on various past failures of Sulfur recovery unit and learning from past failures to improve the reliability of sulfur recovery unit. Operation best practices to sustain the sulfur recovery unit operation, maximization of acid gas and sour gas processing to protect the environment.

The successful maximization of the acid gas processing of the Sulfur recovery unit faced several challenges that had to be addressed to sustain the unit's operation. Some of the challenges include “High back pressure, Hydraulic seal plugging, rundown line plugging, Clause reactor plugging/coke deposition, jacket leak, plugging challenges while processing sour gases due to lower thermal reactor temperature, plugging due to improper steam tracing, failures of checker walls, condenser tube leak and plugging, Sulfur pit coil leak” etc. The presentation describes all the challenges and the steps to overcome those challenges in detail.


Delayed Coking

09:10 - 09:40

Delayed Coking

Coke Drum Vapor Line Coking - Can it be Controlled?

This discussion looks at coke formation in the coke drum vapor line and its effects on yields, foaming and maintenance activities.

Questions addressed:

  • Why does the coke form?
  • Where does coke form?
  • Vertical Riser
  • Quench Mix Zone
  • Downstream of Quench Injection
  • What are the Effects?
    • Yields
    • Maintenance
  • What are the Design & Operational Options?



09:10 - 09:50


Technology Selection for FCCU Main Column Bottoms Slurry Oil Filtration and Catalyst Recovery

presented by Patrick Hill, Mott Corp.

Removal of Aluminum-Silica catalyst, coke fines, waxes, tars and other constituents from FCCU Main Column Bottoms (MCB) is essential to producing on-spec bunker fuel and other feedstocks.  This presentation will focus on advanced technologies such as fully automated backwashable filters and high velocity crossflow filters in MCB slurry applications. Participants will learn the technology selection process, sizing principles, benefits and limitations of technology choice, and expected resultant performance.  

With the right filtration technology, FCCU MCB slurry can be conditioned to serve as high quality feedstock to hydrotreaters, hydrocrackers, delayed cokers and other further downstream processing units.  

A particular focus of this presentation will be a case study of high velocity crossflow filter performance in downstream refining slurry and aqueous applications. When designed properly, crossflow filters in this application can achieve 99.9%+ solids removal of particles down to 0.1 micron in size. With advanced coatings, crossflow filters can run continuously between major turnarounds. With recycling options, these filters achieve 98%+ throughput. Participants will learn how these filters operate, how to integrate into overall plant processes, and how fully automated controls and instruments result in a hands-off operation.



09:10 - 10:15


Incidents & Other Presentations


09:40 - 10:10

Delayed Coking

Plugged Coker Fractionator Bottoms: The Cost of Lax Adherence to Technical Operating Envelopes

presented by Reynold Okudzeto & Prahakar Reddy, Suncor Energy

Brief excursions outside normal operating envelopes can lead to significant operational and financial consequences. During the commissioning of a new fractionator, challenges arose related to the clarity of operating limits and the adequacy of alarming systems. This lack of clear definitions and communication during a critical period compromised operational discipline. This was evident in practices such as delayed coke drum switching (on top K-ray), operating below recommended coke removal circulation rates, and excessively high steam quench rates. Collectively, these factors led to severe coke carryover, ultimately plugging the bottom section of the Coker Fractionator and causing an extended shutdown. In this presentation, we will examine the sequence of events, identify the systemic failures that contributed to these issues, and highlight the changes implemented to prevent recurrence. By understanding these lessons, we emphasize the importance of maintaining clear operational limits and effective communication to ensure safe, efficient, and reliable plant performance.


09:50 - 10:30


Operating Issues Faced by CO Boilers in the FCC Process

presented by Ashutosh Garg, Furnace Improvements Service

This presentation will discuss the operating issues faced by CO Boilers in the Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC process). Carbon monoxide (CO) leaving the FCC stack ranges from 5- 7 vol%. This FCC gas has valuable energy going up the stack. Most FCC units have added CO boilers to the flue gas system. These gas-fired boilers consume almost all the CO from the regeneration step. The energy gets converted into high-pressure steam, and these boilers become integral to the plant utilities. In many CO Boilers, the heat was used to preheat the FCC feed. However, fired CO boilers are not without their problems. One problem is that refiners cannot distinguish the fundamental difference between regular and CO boilers. We will highlight the differences between these boilers and essential design and operating parameters that need to be taken care of to avoid problems in operations. Some modern FCC units have moved to full burn operation, resulting in the flue gases having no CO Content. The flue gases are still very hot and contain a lot of thermal energy. Like waste heat boilers, FCC flue gas coolers recover heat in these units. We will try to examine the operation of these flue gas coolers. We will present some case studies on CO Boilers' performance improvements.


09:50 - 10:30

Sulfur Recovery

Reliable Temperature Measurements in SRU Thermal Reactors: Key Strategies and Techniques

presented by Martin McCallister, Delta Controls

Accurate temperature measurement in the main thermal reactor of a sulfur recovery unit (SRU) is important for ensuring target process temperatures are met but, most importantly, for safe operation of the unit. However, achieving reliable temperature measurements in this challenging environment can be difficult. This paper explores considerations and techniques to address these challenges, including employing instruments specifically designed for the SRU thermal reactor, utilizing multiple measurement technologies to leverage each technology’s strengths, and carefully designing instrument nozzles for optimal reliability. Additionally, the paper will cover protection methods for high-temperature thermocouples, ensuring long-term reliability and accuracy under extreme operating conditions. It will also provide an overview of infrared pyrometry, focusing on its principles of operation, ratiometric measurement techniques, and the role of infrared wavelength selection in minimizing measurement errors. By implementing these strategies, operators can significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of thermal reactor temperature measurements, contributing to safer operations of the sulfur recovery unit.


10:10 - 10:40

Delayed Coking

Coker Heater Guillotines

Delayed Coker Unit (U#136) at KNPC MAA refinery is designed by ABB Lummus Global to process hydro treated vacuum residue from existing Vacuum unit (VRU#83) & new Vacuum Unit (VRU#183) to produce high quality products such as Kerosene, Naphtha, HCGO, LCGO, Fuel Gas & Coke. The major equipment of the unit is Fractionator, Heater, Coke drums & Wet gas compressor. Each of these heaters (H-136-201A/B) is equipped with two guillotines installed in Hot flue gas (GB-3) duct, Cold Flue Gas (GB-4) duct & one guillotine in Central flue gas (GB-5) duct, which is positioned at the common heater stack. During routine site inspection by KNPC personnel during July 2024, it was observed that the guillotine wire rope was found cut and damaged. Subsequently, it was decided to open the guillotine top cover during unit operation and observed shut-off plate found stuck in the midway including significant corrosion of clamps, guides and rope. During the month of August 2024, guillotine shut-off plates were secured with new wire ropes, clamps, redunce & rod with SS 304 material instead of CS to prevent unit shutdown as a temporary solution until zero inspection turnaround in October 2025.

Further, several concepts and ideas were discussed between KNPC and Heater vendor (M/s. Lummus) to prevent reoccurrence of existing issue and avoid permanently with upgraded material and improved operating mechanism. Heater guillotines removal, repair & installation plan with dedicated cranes was prepared in advance & executed by in-house KNPC personnel during turnaround in Oct. 2025 including fabrication of huge supports to hold to guillotines in vertical position. During zero inspection turnaround, two number of GB-5 (Central flue gas duct) guillotines were dropped from the heater one after the another and temporary support was fabricated & installed in between the piping ducts. After shifting the guillotines to KNPC workshop, several activities were performed such as removal of top cover plate, cutting & grinding of casing cover plate, hydro jetting, removal of CS guides, removal of stuck shut-off plate & refractory repair. After completion of all repair activities, GB-5 testing was performed prior to site installation & found satisfactory after start of the unit. In addition, vendor proposed new upgraded design for all guillotines with Position indicator, SS 304 Guides, Manual Gearbox & handwheel and same is procured by KNPC. All in all, Coker Heater unplanned shutdown has been overcome by replacing internal components during unit operation and maintaining the unit throughput without any interruption until zero inspection turnaround.


10:15 - 10:30


Move to the CatCracking Hall


10:30 - 11:10

Sulfur Recovery

Simulation-based Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of a Claus Process Catalytic Reactor

presented by Nassar Abukhdeir, Continuum Engineering



10:30 - 11:10


Case Study – Decontamination of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit and Surrounding Vessels

In the CatCracking Hall

A US refiner on the gulf coast utilized ZymeFlow to decontaminate a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCC) and Gas Condenser with associated vessels and piping. There was a short timeframe to decontaminate all of the equipment, and the FCC Unit had experienced fires in the past, and the refinery was anxious to eliminate possible pyrophoric iron sulfide that could ignite upon entry. The secondary concern was to keep the equipment footprint small, so as not to interfere with the refinery’s own operations and personnel.  The previous cleaning methods had included using a permanganate-based chemical. The chemical was highly exothermic and when the cleaning was complete, there was fouling in the bottom of the tower. The chemical could only be applied through circulation and needed a large space for all of its equipment and hoses.

ZymeFlow UN657chemistry was utilized in a Vapour-Phase® application.  This significantly reduced the equipment footprint and disruption to the refinery team. When the FCC was ready to begin decontamination, the ZymeFlow team connected steam injection points to the unit to begin the Vapour-Phase Process. Once the unit was tested and confirmed that the steam was reaching all points in the system, ZymeFlow UN657 was injected into the steam line at a pre-determined rate.

After 10 hours of Vapour-Phase, ZymeFlow personnel confirmed contaminant levels in the main column: H2S and LELs measured 0. Upon opening, there was no threat of pyrophoric activity and refinery personnel were able to enter and perform maintenance and hot work without incident.

Every unit and refinery is different and ZymeFlow now utilizes advanced geotagging and 360 degree imaging during the planning process to ensure a complete and custom solution for each project, enhancing efficiency and safety.


10:40 - 11:20

Delayed Coking

SOCAR STAR DCU Expansion Project

presented with Juan Sansiviero, Wood

After successfully increasing the capacity to 120%, SOCAR refinery identified the DCU as a main refinery bottleneck unit in the complex, specifically during frequent online spalling of the DCU heaters.  In collaboration with Wood Technical Services, SOCAR identified the main goal of the revamp, in order to increase the DCU capacity to 130% (even during spalling of the heaters). An innovative heater revamp solution was studied and implemented, along with other unit upgrades.   SOCAR and Wood will provide a Joint Presentation about the successful DCU Revamp Project, including the results after implementation. SOCAR will also present the commissioning and start-up of the heater revamp without shutting down the unit.


11:10 - 12:10

Networking Lunch and Exhibition


12:10 - 12:40

Delayed Coking

DeltaValve Isolation Gate Valve Technology Increases Unit Reliability and Profitability

presented by DeltaValve with Chevron and ExxonMobil



12:10 - 17:00


AFPM FCC Safety Roadshow Workshop

presented by Richard Grove, Chevron and other SMEs

This FCC Safety Workshop was developed to help increase FCC process safety awareness.   The CSB 2018 FCC Unit Explosion and Asphalt Fire at Husky Superior Refinery Investigation highlighted a general lack of awareness of safety precautions that should be taken to mitigate the higher risks during start-up, shutdown, and following unit upsets.    

The FCC Safety Council (an industry group comprised of FCC Subject Matter Experts), along with the AFPM, agreed there was a gap reaching Operations.  The information is out there but it is not easily accessible and is typically technically oriented.  The FCC Safety Council embraced the idea of simplifying the material into a package that could be taken to the refineries.  The goal is to take the simplified message of FCC Unit Safety to the refining centers in regions such as Houston, Los Angeles and other areas.  

Topics of Discussion

  • Different Approach / Common Threads
  • Startup, Shutdown and Emergency Procedures
  • Monitoring Transient Operation
  • Air and Hydrocarbon


12:10 - 17:00


AFPM FCC Safety Roadshow Workshop

In the CatCracking Hall

presented by Richard Grove, Chevron and other SMEs

This FCC Safety Workshop was developed to help increase FCC process safety awareness.   

The CSB 2018 FCC Unit Explosion and Asphalt Fire at Husky Superior Refinery Investigation highlighted a general lack of awareness of safety precautions that should be taken to mitigate the higher risks during start-up, shutdown, and following unit upsets.    

The FCC Safety Council (an industry group comprised of FCC Subject Matter Experts), along with the AFPM, agreed there was a gap reaching Operations.  The information is out there but it is not easily accessible and is typically technically oriented.  The FCC Safety Council embraced the idea of simplifying the material into a package that could be taken to the refineries.  The goal is to take the simplified message of FCC Unit Safety to the refining centers in regions such as Houston, Los Angeles and other areas.  

Topics of Discussion

  • Different Approach / Common Threads
  • Startup, Shutdown and Emergency Procedures
  • Monitoring Transient Operation
  • Air and Hydrocarbon


12:10 - 14:10

Sulfur Recovery

Condensation is Key: Understanding the role of undesirable condensation in SRU corrosion and plugging

presented by Brandon Forbes, CSI Ametek

What do sulfide stress cracking, iron sulfide corrosion, ammonia salt plugging, and corrosion under insulation have in common? They all occur as a result of undesirable condensation. In this paper, CSI draws on their extensive SRU experience to analyze the role of condensation in SRU corrosion and plugging problems. Through an understanding of the chemistry behind these condensation-driven SRU issues and considering condensation in terms of dew point and cold spots, we will identify likely problem areas, explore real world examples, and present solution applications that reliably address root cause.

Topics covered:

  • Condensation/dew point phenomenon
  • Sour service sulfide stress cracking
  • Iron sulfide corrosion
  • Conventional rusting/corrosion
  • Ammonium salts plugging
  • Open forum for shared experiences


12:40 - 13:10

Delayed Coking

Wash Oil Optimization

presented by Chuck Munro, Spraying Systems Co.

Wash Oil Headers play a crucial role in the performance of Coker Fractionators by ensuring effective separation and minimizing operational challenges. They must provide consistent and reliable wash oil coverage across the tower’s cross-section to (a) improve overhead vapor product quality by reducing the entrainment of heavier hydrocarbons and contaminants, and (b) regulate the tower’s heat profile by slightly cooling vapors to promote condensation. Various methods exist for sizing spray nozzles, determining their placement, and selecting the optimal nozzle type. Additionally, operators employ different strategies to adjust spray flow based on operational needs. This presentation examines a typical fractionator and explores practical, available technologies for modeling and optimizing wash oil spray coverage and performance.



13:10 - 13:40

Delayed Coking

Effective Disturbance Handling During DCU Switching and Backwarming via Application of Improved Level Control Scheme for LCGO, HCGO, and Stripper Feed

Conventional level control in DCU vessels is insufficient to manage the major disturbances during periodic coke drum switching and preheating activities, thereby necessitating manual intervention by board operators. Resulting fluctuations in vessel levels and product flows typically vary depending on the operator’s knowledge and experiences, consequently affecting downstream units’ stability. To address the gap, a more robust control scheme was implemented to dampen the huge fluctuations in LCGO product, HCGO product, and stripper feed flow by utilizing the LCGO Stripper (T-6602), HCGO Stripper (T-6603), and Absorber Stripper Feed Drum (D-6652) surge volume capacities, respectively. This scheme is designed to mimic operational best practices in flow and level adjustments in maintaining the stability of the fractionator pan levels and product draws, while minimizing human factor with its fully automatic feature.

The modified control scheme is solely DCS-based and utilizes a series of low and high signal selectors (LSS/HSS) and newly created dual level controllers (dual LIC) which are configured to have low and high setpoints to allow level movement in the vessels within the permissible surge limits. For HCGO and stripper feed, an additional flow controller setpoint based on the average flow calculator is added in the series of HSS and LSS control to minimize fluctuations in flow when DCU is on steady state. To protect the concerned pumps, a minimum and maximum flow rate is specified in the dual LIC control parameters to ensure that the pumps are operating within allowable range.

Promising results have been obtained since implementation of the modified level control scheme such as 50% to 75% reduction in level dips in the main fractionator pan and vessel levels, and 45% to 80% reduction in LCGO product, HCGO product, and stripper feed flows during periodic DCU activities, translating to better product recovery and more stable operation of the downstream units. Abrupt flow and level adjustments have been avoided due to less manual intervention. Apart from these, one of the major effects of the improved HCGO level control is the 70% reduction in flaring instances in the Coker Gas Oil Hydrotreater’s feed surge drums' pressure control valves. The improved level control scheme has successfully proven its robustness and has been applicable during one- and two-train operations, at various feed rates, and even during extended coking cycles.


13:40 - 14:10

Delayed Coking

Synthetic Graphite Demand Drives Atractive Techno-economics for Coker Upgrades

presented with Vishal Suri, Evalueserve

Driven by the demand projections for electric vehicles (EVs), electric arc furnace (EAF) steel and battery energy storage systems (BESSs) for utility-scale renewable power plants, the synthetic graphite market in the U.S. and Europe is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27% from 2025–2030. The interplay of geopolitics is expected to convert this demand growth into a supply-demand gap in the U.S. and Europe. Needle coke is the critical precursor for synthetic graphite. Hence, American and European refiners that can successfully upgrade petcoking units to needle coke units stand to gain appreciably in this scenario.

This article describes the economic opportunity that synthetic graphite demand growth presents for American and European refiners. It describes the conditions that best suit a plant to be considered for such a revamp. The article also discusses the modifications needed in capital equipment, process conditions and feedstock to execute this change, along with the typical capital expenditure (CAPEX) required to materialize it, and the transformational gross profit enhancements that could result from these modifications, given the product slate upgrade. 

Additionally, the article shares the typical considerations to be studied in such revamps and why those considerations might favor petcokers with a current design capacity in the less than 25,000 bpd range. This revamp could result in an internal rate of return (IRR) of 30%–35% for the refiners with the appropriate plant complexity, configuration and feedstock. Key commercial considerations of this revamp include access to proper feedstock, appropriate customer or consumer units for base feedstock, appropriate turndown design, and potential product carbon footprint improvements. With the proper techno-commercial planning, refiners potentially stand to gain through product slate improvements and carbon finance mechanisms in such a revamp.


14:10 - 14:50

Networking Break and Exhibition


14:50 - 17:00

Sulfur Recovery

Steam Systems in SRUs

Steam supply and condensate return play critical roles in the operation and efficiency of Sulfur Recovery Units (SRUs), which are integral to the petrochemical and oil refining industries for minimizing sulfur emissions. This presentation will provide a high-level understanding of the design, operation, and optimization of steam systems in SRUs. Key components such as steam supply, condensate return, proper steam tracing and steam equipment selection will be explored.  We will focus on their interaction with the Claus process and the associated pieces of equipment.  The aim is to provide a better understanding of how effective steam management can improve the overall performance and sustainability of sulfur recovery operations.  We will also have an open discussion where the audience can discuss specific issues that have arisen in their SRU’s and how the issues were addressed. 


14:50 - 17:00

Safety and Reliability Breakout


14:50 - 17:00

Operations Breakout


14:50 - 17:00

Process Breakout


14:50 - 17:00

Focused Breakout: Coke Solids Handling

facilitated by Savage Services

Solids handling is typically a challenge for refiners who specialize in liquids and gases. However, efficiently moving produced petcoke from the unit to its final point of sale is crucial, especially since most coke handling systems have single points of failure. Operators and maintenance teams have taken extraordinary measures to keep these systems operational. To address these challenges, we are organizing an intensive afternoon breakout session at RefComm 2025, featuring SMEs from specialized coke handling companies. We invite engineers, operators (crane, loader, board), and maintenance reliability technicians to join us in sharing best practices, new technologies, and safety lessons.

Featured Presentation

Decision Process for Coke Handling Solution Based During a Feed Study @ Singapore Refinery

presented by Ralf Gast, ART-Envi Services GmbH & Co. KG

TIC Comparison between open pit and closed coke handling, advantages and disadvantages of investment, installation and operation based on a feed study for a grassroot DCU at a Singapore refinery.





02 May 2025

Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


Delayed Coking

08:00 - 11:30

Delayed Coking

Coker Safety Group

Safe Drum Processing

Join the elite gathering of industry professionals at the Coker Safety Group (CSG) event in 2025, where the spotlight will be on "Safe Drum Processing." This year, CSG delves into one of the most critical aspects of delayed coking operations: the ability to effectively manage abnormal situations during the offline coke drum cycle. The reality of operating in this field means that unexpected events are not just possible, but inevitable—often striking at the least convenient times. That’s why having well-developed standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place is essential for ensuring safety and minimizing operational disruptions.  

The CSG event will offer a deep dive into real-world scenarios contributed by over 30 leading operating companies from around the globe. These companies bring their firsthand experiences to the table, providing attendees with a unique opportunity to explore and discuss practical strategies for managing challenging situations. Topics will include the prediction and management of hot drums, effective reactions to stopped backwarm, strategies for dealing with the loss of quench water flow, and solutions for handling plugged drains, among others.  

As a cornerstone of the REFCOMM conference week, the CSG event has earned its reputation as a must-attend for refiners dedicated to enhancing safety and efficiency in their operations. This private, invitation-only event is exclusive to refiners, ensuring that the discussions are focused, relevant, and deeply insightful. The value of the CSG event lies in the candid sharing of experiences and best practices, with no published minutes or notes. What happens in the room stays in the room—meaning the only way to benefit from this wealth of knowledge is to be there in person.  

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to network with peers, learn from the experiences of others, and take away actionable insights that can make a tangible difference in your operations. The CSG event is not just another conference session; it’s a unique, closed-door gathering where the future of safe drum processing is shaped. Be part of the conversation and ensure that your refinery is prepared for whatever challenges may come its way.  

Seats for this session are limited to two representatives from each refining company and by invitation only. Please RSVP to Becky or Evan. Watch your inbox for further communication.


08:00 - 08:30

Delayed Coking

Coke Drum Bottom Head Flange Distortion and Repair

presented by Alex Berry, Integrated Engineering Solutions and Antonio Seijas, Phillips 66

Bottom head flanged joints are a critical element in the successful operation of a coke drum. Owner operators can find joints that were initially reliable have become distorted and prone to leakage over time. These large diameter joints are exposed to significant thermal transients seen during consecutive drum cycles, turning a flange into a hyperbolic paraboloid shape and making disassembly and reassembly during scheduled maintenance intervals problematic, as flanges are no longer within tolerance and bolt holes no longer align. This phenomenon appears to be restricted to the drum flange, with adjoining valves remaining flat. This presentation will explore why these joints change over time, identifying the root cause and offer solutions to keep a distorted flange leak-free for another production cycle. A case study will be discussed, and FEA results shared, explaining the fundamental behavior of these unique bolted flanged joints that experience uneven gasket loading in both the circumferential and radial direction due to thermal transients. Improved assembly practices will be discussed along with recommendations for new flange geometry.  


08:30 - 09:00

Delayed Coking

Advanced Coating Technologies for Corrosion & Fouling Control in Residue Upgraders

The hydrocarbon processing industry faces significant challenges due to the depletion of sweet crude oil reserves, necessitating the processing of sulfur-rich heavy oil under severe conditions. These harsh conditions accelerate the degradation of critical equipment through sulfidation, corrosion, and fouling. In response, the industry continuously seeks innovative solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce operational costs, and minimize environmental impact, including corrosion control and prevention measures.

This presentation explores the latest advancements in coating technologies designed to extend equipment lifespan and improve operational efficiency in demanding environments such as Coker, Ebullated Bed, and Slurry-phase hydrocrackers.

Our comprehensive study evaluates advanced coatings applied to critical components to protect against sulfidation, corrosion, and fouling. We present common failure modes of current materials and introduce custom laboratory equipment developed to simulate these failure modes under realistic conditions. Detailed analysis of coating materials exposed to heavy oil at elevated temperatures and pressures reveals promising materials that exhibit enhanced resistance to adherent fouling and corrosion.

The study concludes by emphasizing the crucial role of coating microstructure in determining fouling and corrosion resistance. This presentation provides invaluable insights into the development of coatings tailored for coking environments, focusing on their effectiveness in corrosion control and prevention. While specific coating compositions and proprietary details are essential considerations, the methodology and equipment developed represent significant advancements in strategies to mitigate fouling and corrosion for critical components in harsh operational environments. Additionally, discussions will cover practical aspects for the industrialization and the implementation in large-scale facilities ensuring compliance with industry standards.


09:00 - 09:15

Networking Break


09:15 - 09:45

Delayed Coking

Drill Stem Drive Erratic RPM Failure for Hydraulic Decoking System

Delayed Coker Unit (U#136) in Mina Al-Ahmadi Refinery, KNPC is designed by M/s. ABB Lummus Global was commissioned with four (4 nos.) of Coke Drums (V-136-0201A/B/C/D) which are fed with mixed liquid and hot effluent from the Coker Heaters (H-136-201A&B) with 24 hrs. coking cycle.  

Coke is removed from the Coke Drums by utilizing Hydraulic Decoking System (HDS) supplied by OEM (M/s. Ruhrpumpen, Germany). The Hydraulic decoking system consists of several major components such as Hydraulic Pressure Unit (HPU), Proportional solenoid valves, Drill Stem Drive (DSD), Hoist, Decoking Hose, Cutting tool etc. As a routine operation, Hydraulic Decoking System (HDS) will control Drill Stem Drive (DSD) and Hoist to facilitate for the Decoking operation. In addition, Drill Stem rotational speed and hoist movement is controlled by operator from Coke cutting deck at 54mtr. elevation through PLC and proportional valves control setup.  

Recently, we have encountered DSD RPM related issues such as RPM stuck up, fluctuation, no indication during normal operation. Instrument maintenance Team studied the RPM issue, identified the main cause for the DSD malfunctioning and developed a Test Bench setup inhouse to verify the Functionality & Healthiness of the proportional valves and to configure the control drive parameters using ATOS OEM software. The Test Bench setup has been very beneficial for HPU Proportional valves maintenance and replacement in coordination with remote support from OEM specialist, leading to reduced downtime of DSD and elimination of RPM related issues. Subsequently, this has resulted in increased availability of the HDS system and assuring reliable operations for the Coker unit.


09:45 - 10:15

Delayed Coking

Coker Heater Health for Maximum Efficiency and Throughput

Delayed coker heaters serve as the heart of the unit, and monitoring their "pulse" is both crucial and challenging. This presentation explores best practices for effectively monitoring coker heaters to maximize efficiency, reliability, and value generation while ensuring safe operations. Key topics include the use of tube skin thermocouples, infrared thermography, and Goldcup contact pyrometry, along with strategies to optimize these tools for system monitoring and performance enhancement.

The session will also introduce advanced technologies such as insertable/mountable infrared cameras and next-generation Goldcup pyrometers, offering cutting-edge solutions for precise diagnostics and system optimization. Real-world case studies will be shared to demonstrate practical applications and the benefits of implementing these techniques.

Attendees will gain actionable insights into leveraging these technologies to ensure maximum throughput, efficiency, and reliability in delayed coker heater operations.


10:15 - 10:30

Networking Break


10:30 - 11:00

Delayed Coking

Optimization of Delayed Coker Unit Heaters Performance

This study focuses on the optimization of delayed Coker unit heaters' skin temperature through precise control of coil outlet temperatures. By minimizing the coil outlet temperature to 501-502°C, which is below the design values, we have enhanced the overall performance of the heaters without affecting the coke Hard Groove Index (HGI) and other products yields. This optimization was achieved by improving the quality of fuel gas and adjusting the excess oxygen levels. As a result, the time required for online spalling and pigging activities has been extended significantly. The initiative yielded several notable benefits: firstly, the frequency of spalling activities has decreased from every 3 months to every 6 - 12 months, thereby avoiding a reduction in operational capacity to 85% during these maintenance activities. Secondly, the pigging frequency has been reduced to once every 3 years, eliminating the need to decrease capacity to 50%. Lastly, the reduction in skin temperatures has led to a decrease in fuel gas consumption. Overall, these improvements contribute to enhanced efficiency and sustainability of the delayed Coker unit operations.


11:00 - 11:30

Delayed Coking



11:30 - 12:30

Networking Lunch



Select the subject area to get your Personalised Agenda

The times indicated are in Central European Time (CET)

Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


Track One

08:00 - 17:00

Training: Coker Process, Design, and Troubleshooting


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Mechanical Integrity and Reliability of Coke Drums


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Sulfur Recovery Fundamentals, Operations and Reliability


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Delayed Coker Fundamentals, Coker Operations and Reliability


Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


Track One

08:00 - 17:00

Training: Coker Process, Design, and Troubleshooting


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Mechanical Integrity and Reliability of Coke Drums


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Sulfur Recovery Fundamentals, Operations and Reliability


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Delayed Coker Fundamentals, Coker Operations and Reliability


Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


08:00 - 08:15

Welcome to RefComm Galveston 2025

CRU Group and Coking.com

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08:15 - 08:55

Living in a HOP World

Incorporating the principles of human and organizational performance (aka HOP)  into how we design, execute, evaluate, and improve work can deliver many benefits. This presentation will introduce the HOP foundational principles, what it looks like to live true to those principles and cover a few easy to use HOP tools.

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08:55 - 09:20

Networking Break and Exhibition


08:55 - 09:10

2025 Coker Impact Award

The "Coker Impact Award" is a recognition presented to individuals who have made significant contributions to the coker industry, demonstrating exceptional commitment, expertise, and leadership. This year's honoree is an individual whose dedication to the field is unparalleled, having attended this conference without interruption since 2001. This remarkable streak underscores not only their loyalty to the event but also their unwavering commitment to staying at the forefront of industry developments and trends.    

Beyond their consistent presence, the awardee has played a pivotal role in championing safety within their company. By implementing innovative safety protocols and fostering a culture of vigilance, they have set new standards in workplace safety, significantly reducing incidents, and promoting a safer working environment for all employees. This achievement speaks volumes about their dedication to the well-being of their colleagues and their proactive approach to risk management.    

Furthermore, the recipient's contribution extends beyond the confines of their organization. They have generously shared their vast experience and expertise with numerous other sites around the world, offering guidance, training, and support to help improve safety and operational efficiencies. This spirit of collaboration and mentorship has had a profound impact on the global coker community, elevating practices and fostering a more interconnected and knowledgeable industry network.    

The "Coker Impact Award" celebrates not only the professional achievements of the awardee but also their exceptional character. By going above and beyond their daily responsibilities, they have exemplified leadership, generosity, and a deep commitment to the betterment of the industry. It is with great pride that we recognize their contributions and celebrate their enduring impact on the coker community.

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09:10 - 09:50

Networking Break and Exhibition



09:50 - 11:50


Optimizing FCCU Performance with Nuclear Measurement Technology

presented by David Williams, Berthold Technologies

The Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) is a vital refinery process for converting heavy hydrocarbons into lighter, high-value products such as gasoline and olefins. Precise monitoring and control of key process parameters are essential for maintaining efficiency, safety, and regulatory compliance. Given the high-temperature, high-pressure, and particulate-laden environments within the FCCU, traditional measurement technologies often experience fouling, degradation, or inaccuracies.

In the fractionator tower, nuclear level gauges are employed to monitor slurry oil levels and ensure proper separation of hydrocarbons. Unlike other technologies that can foul or produce erroneous readings due to changes in fluid density caused by varying concentrations of catalyst fines, nuclear gauges provide consistent and accurate measurements regardless of process conditions. Within the flue gas system, nuclear gauges are used in the flue cyclones to measure catalyst losses and detect cyclone failure to prevent excessive emissions. Additionally, in the precipitator hoppers, nuclear level gauges enable real-time monitoring of catalyst accumulation, ensuring optimal catalyst recovery and reducing particulate emissions.

By leveraging the advantages of nuclear measurement technology, refineries can achieve enhanced process control, reduced maintenance, and improved safety in the FCCU. The ability of nuclear gauges to operate in extreme conditions without direct contact with process materials makes them an essential tool for optimizing refinery performance, extending equipment life, and ensuring operational reliability.

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Delayed Coking

09:50 - 10:20

Delayed Coking

Coke Drums - Fatigue Life Design Factors Review & Feed Inlet Design Effects

presented by Dave Dewees, Becht

The presentation looks at the continued evolution of coke drum fatigue life design factors, as well as how coke drum feed inlet design plays into fatigue life. The paper is based on industry experience over the last 40 years. Factors discussed are the following: vessel metallurgy, liner metallurgy, wall thickness, weld quality, skirt-to-drum attachment, fabricator selection (qualitatively, no companies will be singled out) and feed inlet designs. Also discussed will be how coke morphology is a key factor in overall coke drum fatigue life and how it plays into decision-making regarding coke drum design factors.

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09:50 - 11:50


Operation & Safety Highlights


Sulfur Recovery

09:50 - 11:50

Sulfur Recovery

Emulsions in Amine Units Treating LPG: Testing and TroubleshootingLeading to Capacity, Performance and Profitability Increase

Maintaining stability and high processing capacity in Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) operations using amine and caustic units poses significant challenges for refineries worldwide. These challenges are further exacerbated when co-processing biofuels, as the presence of contaminants in the LPG feed often leads to operational issues, with emulsion formation being a major concern.

Emulsions in amine unit liquid treaters can severely impact refinery performance, resulting in reduced processing capacity, solvent losses, and downstream contamination, among other negative effects. The formation of these emulsions is primarily driven by contaminants with surface-active properties (surfactants), which promote the interaction between the amine solvent phase and the liquid hydrocarbon phase in liquid-liquid contactors. The separation of these phases can take considerable time—ranging from several minutes to hours—leading to inefficiencies and operational delays.

This presentation examines effective methods for testing and troubleshooting emulsion-related issues, including sampling and contaminant analysis. Additionally, it outlines key strategies for combating and mitigating emulsion formation within liquid-liquid contactors. Several case studies will be presented, showcasing instances where mitigation solutions were evaluated and, in some cases, successfully implemented. These solutions not only eliminated emulsions but also enhanced processing capacity, improved overall performance, and increased profitability.

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09:50 - 11:50



presented by Gary Reisen, Phillips 66

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Delayed Coking

10:20 - 10:50

Delayed Coking

Modifications to CNRL's DCU Maing Fractionator and the Results

presented with Prashanth Sundaravadivelu, CNRL

A large delayed coking unit was having flooding and fouling problems in their 26’6” main fractionator.  Severe corrosion created by chloride salts had partially damaged the column upper section wall and trays (including the tray valves).  The generated corrosion products were creating some fouling in the tray downcomers.  The column has a grid bed in the wash section which was coking within 2-3 years forcing the column shutdown for cleaning, during the grid coking process some coke fines were reaching the HCGO trays producing fouling and partial plugging in the HCGO draw off sump.

Besides the corrosion and fouling problems the customer needed to increase the capacity of the delayed coking unit to allow more feed to the processing facility.

The column underwent several modifications to address the different problems:

  1. The column upper section was clad with high alloy metallurgy and the tray metallurgy in the section was also upgraded.
  2. All the trays were replaced with high capacity VGPlus ™ trays equipped with fixed valves and other special features to handle high flowrates and presence of solids
    1. Special aeration was used in the tray support ring to avoid stagnant zones were salts can deposit
    2. A special weir configuration was used to handle high liquid rate and minimize solid accumulation
    3. Use of “push valves” that allow the 2-pass trays to operate without vapor crossflow channeling was used.
  3. Grid spray distributors were replaced with different design that reduced stagnant areas, increased liquid velocity and used vaneless spray nozzles.

The revamped column has been in operation for 7 years.

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10:30 - 11:10


Enhancing FCC Slurry Valve Performance: Challenges and Innovative Solutions

presented by Virgil Guzman, TapcoEnpro

FCC (Fluid Catalytic Cracking) slurry valves are critical components in refining processes but face numerous challenges due to abrasive catalyst particles, high temperatures, coking, and seal integrity issues. These conditions lead to accelerated wear, frequent maintenance, and operational inefficiencies. To address these challenges, TapcoEnpro offers advanced valve solutions specifically designed for FCC slurry applications. Their robust designs feature enhanced erosion resistance, superior sealing technology, and materials engineered for high-temperature performance, minimizing wear and ensuring reliable operation. By incorporating TapcoEnpro’ s innovative solutions, refineries can improve valve longevity, reduce maintenance downtime, and enhance the safety and efficiency of their processes.

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Sulfur Recovery

10:30 - 11:10

Sulfur Recovery

Oil Field Chemical Additives Impact on Sour Water Stripper Operations

As the processing of both conventional and tight oils matures several reoccurring issues are observed in the refinery.  These are increased corrosion, fouling and emulsions in various refining units.  As use of production chemicals increases to enhance oil production, increasing issues in refinery unit operations have been reported. 

One of the predominate issues is corrosion and fouling due to by-products of H2S scavengers being used.  Another issue is residual emulsions transported into the refinery with crude oil.

This presentation will discuss the typical production chemicals being used and some of the observed issues impacting sour water stripper operation and reliability.

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Delayed Coking

10:50 - 11:20

Delayed Coking

Use of Load Indicating Studs for Assembly and Optimization of a Coke Drum BUD Joint

presented by Alex Berry, Integrated Engineering Solutions Pty. Ltd. and CITGO

Bottom un-heading devices (BUD’s) are used to safely control filling and emptying of coke drums. These valves are bolted to the bottom head flange and only removed during scheduled maintenance intervals. During service, the bolted joint must maintain integrity while being subjected to repeated thermal transients during the drum cycle. Correct design and assembly of these bolted joints is vital to avoid safety risks and expensive lost production resulting from leakage. This presentation will show how the use of load indicating studs can achieve reliable assembly, optimize scheduled re-tightening activities and provide effective ongoing joint management. Three case studies will be presented detailing how to correctly assemble a BUD joint involving the use of load indicating studs. In each case, the joints have maintained integrity during service and allowed the owner operator to gather reliable data to ensure effective future joint management.

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Sulfur Recovery

11:10 - 11:50

Sulfur Recovery

Detecting Water-Related Issues in Sulfur Recovery Units



11:10 - 11:50


RFCC Regenerator Cyclone Hex Mesh Corrosion and Catalyst Loss Driven by Refractory Damage

presented by Sudharsanan  Soundararajan and  Velavan Sikkampatti  Thamizhan, ADNOC

During operation high catalyst loss was observed from the 2nd stage regenerator of  R2R system in a RFCC unit.  Subsequently unit was shutdown and regenerator was opened for internal inspection and severe damage was observed on the hot wall refractory lining of the cyclones. The refractory lining has dislodged due to Hex mesh corrosion and choked the diplegs. This presentation shares the experience of the troubleshooting activities carried out, metallurgical failure analysis findings of the corroded hex mesh and touches upon few mitigation measures. The hex meshes have failed  by damage mechanisms like carburization, sulfidation and oxidation due to operating conditions.

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Delayed Coking

11:20 - 11:50

Delayed Coking

Loss of Containment in a Auto-Ignition Zone - Critical Dead-Leg Monitoring

presented by Vrushal Deshpande, Suncor Energy

Management of dead-legs is critical in cold operating conditions, which can last for the better part of the year in the Athabasca region.  In this presentation, we discuss a loss of containment event near the coker fractionator that led to a long shutdown and repair period.   Investigations revealed an underappreciated dead-leg / stagnant location that froze and resulted in pipe failure.  An extensive fire and cascading equipment failure followed.   Specific dead-leg monitoring philosophy is critical as part of winterization programs.

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11:50 - 12:50

Networking Lunch and Exhibition



12:50 - 14:10


Turnaround Summaries


Delayed Coking

12:50 - 13:20

Delayed Coking

Coke Drums Are Only a Piece of the Pie

presented by David Gibson, ExxonMobil

Coke drums typically monopolize the spotlight when it comes to Delayed Coker mechanical integrity, and rightfully so.  However, there is an abundance of other issues lying in wait to cause unplanned shutdowns and repairs that we cannot lose sight of.  The issues range from thermal fatigue cracking, dew point corrosion, erosion, coking, and general corrosion of equipment refiners may or may not suspect.  This presentation shares examples of actual failures experienced within ExxonMobil and our methodology to manage the mechanical integrity of these challenging systems.

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12:50 - 13:30


Comparing FCC Optimization Opportunities with Micro Motion Coriolis & Flexim Ultrasonic Flow Meters

presented by Warren Merriman, Emerson

This presentation will explore the optimization of fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) units using Micro Motion Coriolis flow meters and Flexim non-invasive ultrasonic flow meters offered by Emerson. Micro Motion Coriolis flow meters are known for their unmatched accuracy in mass, volume, and density measurement, which is critical for precise feedstock management, improved reaction control, and enhanced product yield in FCC units. Meanwhile, the innovative Flexim technology brings advanced measurement solutions to the industry by offering precise and reliable flow monitoring without the need for pipeline modifications. These non-invasive ultrasonic flow meters are ideal for a wide range of applications due to their compact design and clamp-on installation method, ensuring minimal downtime and maintenance. This characteristic is especially advantageous for FCC units as it allows for continuous operation and quick installation, thereby reducing operational costs and avoiding potential process disruptions. Real case studies will be presented to demonstrate the practical applications and benefits of these technologies in FCC units. A comparative analysis between Coriolis and non-intrusive ultrasonic flow meter technologies will be conducted, focusing on their accuracy, reliability, and suitability for different process conditions. This analysis will provide insights into selecting the most appropriate flow meter technology for optimizing FCC units, enabling businesses to achieve accurate flow measurement, and enhancing operational efficiency.

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Sulfur Recovery

12:50 - 14:10

Sulfur Recovery

Boost SRU Uptime: Tail Gas Incinerator Workshop

presented by Rustin Heflin and Gianluca Tanda, Zeeco

Improve the reliability and efficiency of your SRU tail gas incinerator. This interactive workshop covers critical design elements, maintenance best practices, and operational strategies to minimize downtime and optimize performance.  

What You'll Learn:

  • Process and mechanical design considerations
  • Review of main system components and available system configurations
  • How to avoid nuisance trips
  • Identify and prevent common equipment failures
  • Explore retrofit options  

Drawing on a proven history of building and retrofitting world-class SRU Tail Gas Incinerators, Zeeco brings extensive expertise to this workshop. Join facilitators, Gianluca Tanda and Rustin Heflin, for this informative workshop.

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Delayed Coking

13:20 - 13:50

Delayed Coking

Improving DCU Availability Increase from 79% to 94% in 3 years: Sweat the Small Stuff

The presentation will delve into the systematic efforts undertaken by the site to significantly improve reliability over time. Central to this discussion will be identifying and eliminating persistent issues, often called "bad actors," through a disciplined, block-and-tackle approach. The focus will be on the technical aspects of reliability enhancement and the critical role of processes, human and personal development and performance management in achieving sustainable improvements. While the presentation will cover broad, high-level concepts, it will also provide detailed, concrete examples related explicitly to Delayed Coker Units (DCUs). These examples will demonstrate practical applications of the strategies discussed, offering valuable insights that can be leveraged across the industry to drive similar improvements in reliability and operational efficiency.

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13:30 - 14:10


Evolution of FCC Flue Gas Emissions Controls

The march of Fluid Catalytic Cracking over more than 80 years from its inception in WW II to lower and lower emissions of atmospheric pollutants including particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides is described. Note is made of movements to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels while also acknowledging the significant beneficial impact of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations on plant growth and food production as well as the demonstrated benefits from widespread use of fossil fuels. Changes announced this year in U.S. government policy will curtail U.S. government investments in carbon capture and storage projects. At the same, production of carbon dioxide for industrial uses is still economically achieved as a byproduct of fossil fuel combustion.

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14:10 - 14:50

Networking Break and Exhibition


Delayed Coking

14:50 - 15:20

Delayed Coking

Bottom Unheading Valve Failure

presented by Omar Alkandari, KNPC

Delayed Coker Unit at KNPC-MAA refinery is utilized to process hydro treated vacuum residue to produce high quality products such as Kerosene, Naphtha, HCGO, LCGO, Fuel Gas & Coke. One of the major system of the unit is Coke Cutting System & major equipment are Heater (2 nos.), Coke drums (4 nos.) & Unheading system (08 no. of Valves) with 24 hrs. cycle of operation. During routine checking by KNPC personnel in May-2023, it was observed that Superstructure assembly of Bottom unheading valve of Drum-B got stuck and halted the valve operation. Subsequently, the unit capacity was reduced to 50% during this emergency. After disassembly of BUD superstructure top cover, we observed that one of the valve spindle is in inclined position & dislocated from the original location. After further investigation, we observed the mismatch in the coupling flange, flange bearings were also found damaged, drive nuts were not aligned which caused yoke dislocation.

Immediately, several points were discussed remotely between KNPC and OEM (M/s. IMI Z&J, Germany) to prevent reoccurrence of existing issue, since subject failure was observed globally for the first time in Coker unit. Moreover, BUD superstructure assembly was carried out with the replacement of new bearings available as a spare in KNPC warehouse. However, gearbox coupling and drive nuts were replaced as a precautionary measure to avoid any issue until zero-inspection turnaround in Oct.2024. After final assembly of BUD superstructure components, valve trail was conducted successfully several times & unit was taken inline within three (3) days duration. All in all, spare parts procurement & securing in advance by KNPC after the unit commissioning supported in resolving the issue in short duration. In addition, monthly checking of coupling bolts will also avoid similar failure in future.

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14:50 - 15:30


FCC Cyclone Inspection and Maintenance for Reliable Operation

In the CatCracking Hall

Inspection and maintenance of FCC cyclones during regularly scheduled TA's can extend the useful life of the cyclone system, while optimizing performance of and reducing unplanned repairs or emergency component replacement.  This presentation will highlight important inspection items, repair options, and maintenance planning that inspection and maintenance teams should consider as they prepare for planned outages of their FCCU. 

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Sulfur Recovery

14:50 - 16:50

Sulfur Recovery

Sour Water Stripping Workshop

This workshop will provide an overview of Sour Water Stripping. This will include a brief discussion on the design and recommended operation of the equipment within the unit, followed by more in depth reviews of common troubleshooting items these units face. Focused areas will be on minimizing fouling of the exchangers and stripper column internals, as well as how to ensure the stripped water is meeting its desired specification. Case studies from Amine Experts onsite testing experience will be used to support these areas.

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Delayed Coking

15:20 - 15:50

Delayed Coking

Low Silicon Antifoam in Cokers

presented with Emiro Guignan, Phillips 66 Westlake

Silicon content in the feed to hydrofiners or hydrotreaters can reduce the run length if it is not well controlled. Some strategies are to have a Silicon trap in front of the reactors or use part of the vessel to have the Silicon trap in there. This may not optimize profitability as reactor needs to come down for catalyst change out. A well-known source of Silicon are the distillates from Delayed Coker due to the application of antifoams in the drums.

Nalco Water has designed a new chemistry to control the foaming in the coker drums. The innovative product has a lower content of Silicon in the formula, and it is also more stable than previous formulation at the normal Coke Drum operating temperatures, allowing for dosages optimization. This ends in a lower amount of Silicon in the Coker products.

A trial of the new chemistry was run in several refineries in LA and NA refineries with good results: a reduction of 30-40% of Silicon content in Naphtha and Kero because of the antifoam injection during the Coking cycle. Customer changed to the new chemistry; savings in the future expense costs are expected as chemical usage was reduced vs previous formula with a good control of foaming.

The intention of the presentation is to share a brief explanation of the Coker operation, how the antifoam is used to control foaming, and the results of the trial. We will also include some information around the questions for the MOC process when a chemistry is replaced and our developed tool to control foam height at the switch vs true coke outage for reliability purposes.

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15:30 - 16:10


FCC Hotspots

In the CatCracking Hall

Unfortunately, hotspots are a reoccurring theme in most FCC units that unit engineers try to live with until the next turnaround. This presentation will dive into where and why hotspots form, how to analytically evaluate hotspots (or should you), and how to treat and mitigate the areas until the next turnaround. All areas of the FCC will be covered from the reactor to regenerator and through the CO boiler. Lessons learned will be shared on how to reduce the reoccurrence of the hotspots through good repair techniques.

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Delayed Coking

15:50 - 16:20

Delayed Coking

Coker 2 Fractionator Unplanned Outage

presented by Maddy Casabat, PBF Chalmette

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16:10 - 16:50


Virtual Assembly Revolutionizes FCCU Reactor Installation

In the CatCracking Hall

presented with Jose Albarracin, ExxonMobil

At a major UK refinery, the installation of critical components for a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) reactor presented a formidable challenge. With key assemblies—reactor head, shell, and internal cyclone components—fabricated in two separate countries, the project required precise alignment under a tight turnaround schedule. Traditional approaches risked delays, costly rework, and extended downtime, necessitating an innovative solution to ensure success.

This case study examines the transformative role of Virtual Assembly technology in overcoming the inherent complexities of such projects. Through advanced metrology, precise digital modeling, and pre-installation simulation, the team was able to identify potential clashes, optimize cut lines, and ensure precise weld alignment—all before components arrived on-site.

When implementation began, the results were remarkable:

  • First-Time Fit Success: Components were installed accurately on the first attempt, eliminating the need for trial-and-error adjustments.
  • Optimized Workflows: Pre-planning reduced crane usage, field welds, and manpower requirements.
  • Time Savings: The critical path was shortened by 11 days, significantly reducing operational downtime.

This approach not only met the project's rigorous timeline but also yielded substantial cost savings and minimized material waste. Beyond these immediate results, the success underscored the broader implications of integrating Virtual Assembly into rotating and static equipment installations. Lessons from the project highlight the importance of early technology adoption, precision planning, and leveraging advanced tools to mitigate risks and drive efficiency.

This case demonstrates how Virtual Assembly is redefining the boundaries of precision engineering, offering a replicable framework for tackling complex installation challenges in the refining and petrochemical industries.

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Delayed Coking

16:20 - 16:50

Delayed Coking

DeltaValve - A Strategic Asset Management Partner

presented by DeltaValve and CNRL

In 2001, DeltaValve invented and installed the world’s first automated Bottom Unheading Valve, which has become the industry standard by creating a step-change in personnel safety, process efficiency, and refinery profitability. DeltaValve then introduced the Top Unheading Valve in 2005, and the CenterFeed® Injection Device in 2011. DeltaValve has continued to introduce new technologies and now offers the lowest steam consumption Isolation Valves in the industry. DeltaValve has a global installed base of equipment operating in approximately 120 refineries in nearly 30 countries.

DeltaValve will be joined in this presentation by Canadian Natural Resources (CNRL) and will share experiences of how CNRL’s operations have been significantly improved by working closely with the DeltaValve aftermarket and asset management teams to coordinate turnaround planning and the use of spare valves to deliver maximum value to their organization.

CNRL will also join DeltaValve for a question-and-answer session immediately after the presentation.

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17:00 | Networking Reception & Exhibition

Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


08:00 - 08:10

Safety Moment


Track Two

08:40 - 09:10

Networking Break and Exhibition


Sulfur Recovery

09:10 - 09:50

Sulfur Recovery

Operational Excellence in Sulfur Recovery Unit for Maximization of Acid Gas Processing and Best Practices: Challenges and Innovative Solutions

presented by Sunil Chokhoba Umare, HPCL Mumbai Refinery

This presentation aims to demonstrate the operational excellence in Sulfur recovery unit for maximization of acid gas processing and innovative solution to overcome the challenges. The paper highlights the strategies, constraints and limitations that were addressed to increase the acid gas and sour gas processing in sulfur recovery unit. The paper discusses the strategies implemented to optimize the unit's performance, improve its efficiency, and ensure its long-term operability. Paper emphasis on the various challenges in sulfur recovery unit and brainstorming to maximize the sulfur recovery unit feed rate while maintaining its operational integrity.  

This presentation gives insight on the various best practices implemented in the Sulfur recovery unit of Mumbai refinery:

  • Will focus on the damage of the refractory, damage of checker walls and high maintenance due to increased susceptibility to wall refractory damage at high temperatures. The presentation also focuses on improving reliability of thermal reactors by installing vector wall in the DHDS SRU thermal reactors in place of the choker ring.
  • Will focus the condenser tube plugging due to formation of Sulfcrete and innovative method applied to overcome the challenges.
  • Will focus on the contra trace steam tracing benefit over the conventional steam tracing and how the contra tracing helps to overcome the plugging issues in tail gas lines.
  • Will focus various reliability related aspects like corrosion in the Sulfur recovery unit.
  • Will also compare the best design practices evolved in the sulfur recovery unit to improve the reliability of unit.
  • Will compare the best design practices of new sulfur recovery unit over the old sulfur recovery unit and way forwards for improvement in the old sulfur units.
  • Will include the case studies on a commonly encountered problem in sulfur plants is a flow restriction due to high-pressure drop. High-pressure drop is typically caused by a restriction at one point in the equipment or piping due to: Accumulation of liquid (sulfur, etc.) in equipment or piping Partial plugging of a catalyst bed (soot, carbon, polymers, etc.) Partial plugging of a mist eliminator (sulfur, soot, catalyst, etc.), and Plugging of Condenser and WHB Tubes.

The presentation will also focus on various past failures of Sulfur recovery unit and learning from past failures to improve the reliability of sulfur recovery unit. Operation best practices to sustain the sulfur recovery unit operation, maximization of acid gas and sour gas processing to protect the environment.

The successful maximization of the acid gas processing of the Sulfur recovery unit faced several challenges that had to be addressed to sustain the unit's operation. Some of the challenges include “High back pressure, Hydraulic seal plugging, rundown line plugging, Clause reactor plugging/coke deposition, jacket leak, plugging challenges while processing sour gases due to lower thermal reactor temperature, plugging due to improper steam tracing, failures of checker walls, condenser tube leak and plugging, Sulfur pit coil leak” etc. The presentation describes all the challenges and the steps to overcome those challenges in detail.

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Delayed Coking

09:10 - 09:40

Delayed Coking

Coke Drum Vapor Line Coking - Can it be Controlled?

This discussion looks at coke formation in the coke drum vapor line and its effects on yields, foaming and maintenance activities.

Questions addressed:

  • Why does the coke form?
  • Where does coke form?
  • Vertical Riser
  • Quench Mix Zone
  • Downstream of Quench Injection
  • What are the Effects?
    • Yields
    • Maintenance
  • What are the Design & Operational Options?

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09:10 - 09:50


Technology Selection for FCCU Main Column Bottoms Slurry Oil Filtration and Catalyst Recovery

presented by Patrick Hill, Mott Corp.

Removal of Aluminum-Silica catalyst, coke fines, waxes, tars and other constituents from FCCU Main Column Bottoms (MCB) is essential to producing on-spec bunker fuel and other feedstocks.  This presentation will focus on advanced technologies such as fully automated backwashable filters and high velocity crossflow filters in MCB slurry applications. Participants will learn the technology selection process, sizing principles, benefits and limitations of technology choice, and expected resultant performance.  

With the right filtration technology, FCCU MCB slurry can be conditioned to serve as high quality feedstock to hydrotreaters, hydrocrackers, delayed cokers and other further downstream processing units.  

A particular focus of this presentation will be a case study of high velocity crossflow filter performance in downstream refining slurry and aqueous applications. When designed properly, crossflow filters in this application can achieve 99.9%+ solids removal of particles down to 0.1 micron in size. With advanced coatings, crossflow filters can run continuously between major turnarounds. With recycling options, these filters achieve 98%+ throughput. Participants will learn how these filters operate, how to integrate into overall plant processes, and how fully automated controls and instruments result in a hands-off operation.

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09:10 - 10:15


Incidents & Other Presentations


Delayed Coking

09:40 - 10:10

Delayed Coking

Plugged Coker Fractionator Bottoms: The Cost of Lax Adherence to Technical Operating Envelopes

presented by Reynold Okudzeto & Prahakar Reddy, Suncor Energy

Brief excursions outside normal operating envelopes can lead to significant operational and financial consequences. During the commissioning of a new fractionator, challenges arose related to the clarity of operating limits and the adequacy of alarming systems. This lack of clear definitions and communication during a critical period compromised operational discipline. This was evident in practices such as delayed coke drum switching (on top K-ray), operating below recommended coke removal circulation rates, and excessively high steam quench rates. Collectively, these factors led to severe coke carryover, ultimately plugging the bottom section of the Coker Fractionator and causing an extended shutdown. In this presentation, we will examine the sequence of events, identify the systemic failures that contributed to these issues, and highlight the changes implemented to prevent recurrence. By understanding these lessons, we emphasize the importance of maintaining clear operational limits and effective communication to ensure safe, efficient, and reliable plant performance.

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09:50 - 10:30


Operating Issues Faced by CO Boilers in the FCC Process

presented by Ashutosh Garg, Furnace Improvements Service

This presentation will discuss the operating issues faced by CO Boilers in the Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC process). Carbon monoxide (CO) leaving the FCC stack ranges from 5- 7 vol%. This FCC gas has valuable energy going up the stack. Most FCC units have added CO boilers to the flue gas system. These gas-fired boilers consume almost all the CO from the regeneration step. The energy gets converted into high-pressure steam, and these boilers become integral to the plant utilities. In many CO Boilers, the heat was used to preheat the FCC feed. However, fired CO boilers are not without their problems. One problem is that refiners cannot distinguish the fundamental difference between regular and CO boilers. We will highlight the differences between these boilers and essential design and operating parameters that need to be taken care of to avoid problems in operations. Some modern FCC units have moved to full burn operation, resulting in the flue gases having no CO Content. The flue gases are still very hot and contain a lot of thermal energy. Like waste heat boilers, FCC flue gas coolers recover heat in these units. We will try to examine the operation of these flue gas coolers. We will present some case studies on CO Boilers' performance improvements.

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Sulfur Recovery

09:50 - 10:30

Sulfur Recovery

Reliable Temperature Measurements in SRU Thermal Reactors: Key Strategies and Techniques

presented by Martin McCallister, Delta Controls

Accurate temperature measurement in the main thermal reactor of a sulfur recovery unit (SRU) is important for ensuring target process temperatures are met but, most importantly, for safe operation of the unit. However, achieving reliable temperature measurements in this challenging environment can be difficult. This paper explores considerations and techniques to address these challenges, including employing instruments specifically designed for the SRU thermal reactor, utilizing multiple measurement technologies to leverage each technology’s strengths, and carefully designing instrument nozzles for optimal reliability. Additionally, the paper will cover protection methods for high-temperature thermocouples, ensuring long-term reliability and accuracy under extreme operating conditions. It will also provide an overview of infrared pyrometry, focusing on its principles of operation, ratiometric measurement techniques, and the role of infrared wavelength selection in minimizing measurement errors. By implementing these strategies, operators can significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of thermal reactor temperature measurements, contributing to safer operations of the sulfur recovery unit.

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Delayed Coking

10:10 - 10:40

Delayed Coking

Coker Heater Guillotines

Delayed Coker Unit (U#136) at KNPC MAA refinery is designed by ABB Lummus Global to process hydro treated vacuum residue from existing Vacuum unit (VRU#83) & new Vacuum Unit (VRU#183) to produce high quality products such as Kerosene, Naphtha, HCGO, LCGO, Fuel Gas & Coke. The major equipment of the unit is Fractionator, Heater, Coke drums & Wet gas compressor. Each of these heaters (H-136-201A/B) is equipped with two guillotines installed in Hot flue gas (GB-3) duct, Cold Flue Gas (GB-4) duct & one guillotine in Central flue gas (GB-5) duct, which is positioned at the common heater stack. During routine site inspection by KNPC personnel during July 2024, it was observed that the guillotine wire rope was found cut and damaged. Subsequently, it was decided to open the guillotine top cover during unit operation and observed shut-off plate found stuck in the midway including significant corrosion of clamps, guides and rope. During the month of August 2024, guillotine shut-off plates were secured with new wire ropes, clamps, redunce & rod with SS 304 material instead of CS to prevent unit shutdown as a temporary solution until zero inspection turnaround in October 2025.

Further, several concepts and ideas were discussed between KNPC and Heater vendor (M/s. Lummus) to prevent reoccurrence of existing issue and avoid permanently with upgraded material and improved operating mechanism. Heater guillotines removal, repair & installation plan with dedicated cranes was prepared in advance & executed by in-house KNPC personnel during turnaround in Oct. 2025 including fabrication of huge supports to hold to guillotines in vertical position. During zero inspection turnaround, two number of GB-5 (Central flue gas duct) guillotines were dropped from the heater one after the another and temporary support was fabricated & installed in between the piping ducts. After shifting the guillotines to KNPC workshop, several activities were performed such as removal of top cover plate, cutting & grinding of casing cover plate, hydro jetting, removal of CS guides, removal of stuck shut-off plate & refractory repair. After completion of all repair activities, GB-5 testing was performed prior to site installation & found satisfactory after start of the unit. In addition, vendor proposed new upgraded design for all guillotines with Position indicator, SS 304 Guides, Manual Gearbox & handwheel and same is procured by KNPC. All in all, Coker Heater unplanned shutdown has been overcome by replacing internal components during unit operation and maintaining the unit throughput without any interruption until zero inspection turnaround.

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10:15 - 10:30


Move to the CatCracking Hall


Sulfur Recovery

10:30 - 11:10

Sulfur Recovery

Simulation-based Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of a Claus Process Catalytic Reactor

presented by Nassar Abukhdeir, Continuum Engineering


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10:30 - 11:10


Case Study – Decontamination of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit and Surrounding Vessels

In the CatCracking Hall

A US refiner on the gulf coast utilized ZymeFlow to decontaminate a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCC) and Gas Condenser with associated vessels and piping. There was a short timeframe to decontaminate all of the equipment, and the FCC Unit had experienced fires in the past, and the refinery was anxious to eliminate possible pyrophoric iron sulfide that could ignite upon entry. The secondary concern was to keep the equipment footprint small, so as not to interfere with the refinery’s own operations and personnel.  The previous cleaning methods had included using a permanganate-based chemical. The chemical was highly exothermic and when the cleaning was complete, there was fouling in the bottom of the tower. The chemical could only be applied through circulation and needed a large space for all of its equipment and hoses.

ZymeFlow UN657chemistry was utilized in a Vapour-Phase® application.  This significantly reduced the equipment footprint and disruption to the refinery team. When the FCC was ready to begin decontamination, the ZymeFlow team connected steam injection points to the unit to begin the Vapour-Phase Process. Once the unit was tested and confirmed that the steam was reaching all points in the system, ZymeFlow UN657 was injected into the steam line at a pre-determined rate.

After 10 hours of Vapour-Phase, ZymeFlow personnel confirmed contaminant levels in the main column: H2S and LELs measured 0. Upon opening, there was no threat of pyrophoric activity and refinery personnel were able to enter and perform maintenance and hot work without incident.

Every unit and refinery is different and ZymeFlow now utilizes advanced geotagging and 360 degree imaging during the planning process to ensure a complete and custom solution for each project, enhancing efficiency and safety.

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Delayed Coking

10:40 - 11:20

Delayed Coking

SOCAR STAR DCU Expansion Project

presented with Juan Sansiviero, Wood

After successfully increasing the capacity to 120%, SOCAR refinery identified the DCU as a main refinery bottleneck unit in the complex, specifically during frequent online spalling of the DCU heaters.  In collaboration with Wood Technical Services, SOCAR identified the main goal of the revamp, in order to increase the DCU capacity to 130% (even during spalling of the heaters). An innovative heater revamp solution was studied and implemented, along with other unit upgrades.   SOCAR and Wood will provide a Joint Presentation about the successful DCU Revamp Project, including the results after implementation. SOCAR will also present the commissioning and start-up of the heater revamp without shutting down the unit.

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11:10 - 12:10

Networking Lunch and Exhibition


Delayed Coking

12:10 - 12:40

Delayed Coking

DeltaValve Isolation Gate Valve Technology Increases Unit Reliability and Profitability

presented by DeltaValve with Chevron and ExxonMobil


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12:10 - 17:00


AFPM FCC Safety Roadshow Workshop

presented by Richard Grove, Chevron and other SMEs

This FCC Safety Workshop was developed to help increase FCC process safety awareness.   The CSB 2018 FCC Unit Explosion and Asphalt Fire at Husky Superior Refinery Investigation highlighted a general lack of awareness of safety precautions that should be taken to mitigate the higher risks during start-up, shutdown, and following unit upsets.    

The FCC Safety Council (an industry group comprised of FCC Subject Matter Experts), along with the AFPM, agreed there was a gap reaching Operations.  The information is out there but it is not easily accessible and is typically technically oriented.  The FCC Safety Council embraced the idea of simplifying the material into a package that could be taken to the refineries.  The goal is to take the simplified message of FCC Unit Safety to the refining centers in regions such as Houston, Los Angeles and other areas.  

Topics of Discussion

  • Different Approach / Common Threads
  • Startup, Shutdown and Emergency Procedures
  • Monitoring Transient Operation
  • Air and Hydrocarbon

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12:10 - 17:00


AFPM FCC Safety Roadshow Workshop

In the CatCracking Hall

presented by Richard Grove, Chevron and other SMEs

This FCC Safety Workshop was developed to help increase FCC process safety awareness.   

The CSB 2018 FCC Unit Explosion and Asphalt Fire at Husky Superior Refinery Investigation highlighted a general lack of awareness of safety precautions that should be taken to mitigate the higher risks during start-up, shutdown, and following unit upsets.    

The FCC Safety Council (an industry group comprised of FCC Subject Matter Experts), along with the AFPM, agreed there was a gap reaching Operations.  The information is out there but it is not easily accessible and is typically technically oriented.  The FCC Safety Council embraced the idea of simplifying the material into a package that could be taken to the refineries.  The goal is to take the simplified message of FCC Unit Safety to the refining centers in regions such as Houston, Los Angeles and other areas.  

Topics of Discussion

  • Different Approach / Common Threads
  • Startup, Shutdown and Emergency Procedures
  • Monitoring Transient Operation
  • Air and Hydrocarbon

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Sulfur Recovery

12:10 - 14:10

Sulfur Recovery

Condensation is Key: Understanding the role of undesirable condensation in SRU corrosion and plugging

presented by Brandon Forbes, CSI Ametek

What do sulfide stress cracking, iron sulfide corrosion, ammonia salt plugging, and corrosion under insulation have in common? They all occur as a result of undesirable condensation. In this paper, CSI draws on their extensive SRU experience to analyze the role of condensation in SRU corrosion and plugging problems. Through an understanding of the chemistry behind these condensation-driven SRU issues and considering condensation in terms of dew point and cold spots, we will identify likely problem areas, explore real world examples, and present solution applications that reliably address root cause.

Topics covered:

  • Condensation/dew point phenomenon
  • Sour service sulfide stress cracking
  • Iron sulfide corrosion
  • Conventional rusting/corrosion
  • Ammonium salts plugging
  • Open forum for shared experiences

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Delayed Coking

12:40 - 13:10

Delayed Coking

Wash Oil Optimization

presented by Chuck Munro, Spraying Systems Co.

Wash Oil Headers play a crucial role in the performance of Coker Fractionators by ensuring effective separation and minimizing operational challenges. They must provide consistent and reliable wash oil coverage across the tower’s cross-section to (a) improve overhead vapor product quality by reducing the entrainment of heavier hydrocarbons and contaminants, and (b) regulate the tower’s heat profile by slightly cooling vapors to promote condensation. Various methods exist for sizing spray nozzles, determining their placement, and selecting the optimal nozzle type. Additionally, operators employ different strategies to adjust spray flow based on operational needs. This presentation examines a typical fractionator and explores practical, available technologies for modeling and optimizing wash oil spray coverage and performance.


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Delayed Coking

13:10 - 13:40

Delayed Coking

Effective Disturbance Handling During DCU Switching and Backwarming via Application of Improved Level Control Scheme for LCGO, HCGO, and Stripper Feed

Conventional level control in DCU vessels is insufficient to manage the major disturbances during periodic coke drum switching and preheating activities, thereby necessitating manual intervention by board operators. Resulting fluctuations in vessel levels and product flows typically vary depending on the operator’s knowledge and experiences, consequently affecting downstream units’ stability. To address the gap, a more robust control scheme was implemented to dampen the huge fluctuations in LCGO product, HCGO product, and stripper feed flow by utilizing the LCGO Stripper (T-6602), HCGO Stripper (T-6603), and Absorber Stripper Feed Drum (D-6652) surge volume capacities, respectively. This scheme is designed to mimic operational best practices in flow and level adjustments in maintaining the stability of the fractionator pan levels and product draws, while minimizing human factor with its fully automatic feature.

The modified control scheme is solely DCS-based and utilizes a series of low and high signal selectors (LSS/HSS) and newly created dual level controllers (dual LIC) which are configured to have low and high setpoints to allow level movement in the vessels within the permissible surge limits. For HCGO and stripper feed, an additional flow controller setpoint based on the average flow calculator is added in the series of HSS and LSS control to minimize fluctuations in flow when DCU is on steady state. To protect the concerned pumps, a minimum and maximum flow rate is specified in the dual LIC control parameters to ensure that the pumps are operating within allowable range.

Promising results have been obtained since implementation of the modified level control scheme such as 50% to 75% reduction in level dips in the main fractionator pan and vessel levels, and 45% to 80% reduction in LCGO product, HCGO product, and stripper feed flows during periodic DCU activities, translating to better product recovery and more stable operation of the downstream units. Abrupt flow and level adjustments have been avoided due to less manual intervention. Apart from these, one of the major effects of the improved HCGO level control is the 70% reduction in flaring instances in the Coker Gas Oil Hydrotreater’s feed surge drums' pressure control valves. The improved level control scheme has successfully proven its robustness and has been applicable during one- and two-train operations, at various feed rates, and even during extended coking cycles.

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Delayed Coking

13:40 - 14:10

Delayed Coking

Synthetic Graphite Demand Drives Atractive Techno-economics for Coker Upgrades

presented with Vishal Suri, Evalueserve

Driven by the demand projections for electric vehicles (EVs), electric arc furnace (EAF) steel and battery energy storage systems (BESSs) for utility-scale renewable power plants, the synthetic graphite market in the U.S. and Europe is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27% from 2025–2030. The interplay of geopolitics is expected to convert this demand growth into a supply-demand gap in the U.S. and Europe. Needle coke is the critical precursor for synthetic graphite. Hence, American and European refiners that can successfully upgrade petcoking units to needle coke units stand to gain appreciably in this scenario.

This article describes the economic opportunity that synthetic graphite demand growth presents for American and European refiners. It describes the conditions that best suit a plant to be considered for such a revamp. The article also discusses the modifications needed in capital equipment, process conditions and feedstock to execute this change, along with the typical capital expenditure (CAPEX) required to materialize it, and the transformational gross profit enhancements that could result from these modifications, given the product slate upgrade. 

Additionally, the article shares the typical considerations to be studied in such revamps and why those considerations might favor petcokers with a current design capacity in the less than 25,000 bpd range. This revamp could result in an internal rate of return (IRR) of 30%–35% for the refiners with the appropriate plant complexity, configuration and feedstock. Key commercial considerations of this revamp include access to proper feedstock, appropriate customer or consumer units for base feedstock, appropriate turndown design, and potential product carbon footprint improvements. With the proper techno-commercial planning, refiners potentially stand to gain through product slate improvements and carbon finance mechanisms in such a revamp.

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14:10 - 14:50

Networking Break and Exhibition


Sulfur Recovery

14:50 - 17:00

Sulfur Recovery

Steam Systems in SRUs

Steam supply and condensate return play critical roles in the operation and efficiency of Sulfur Recovery Units (SRUs), which are integral to the petrochemical and oil refining industries for minimizing sulfur emissions. This presentation will provide a high-level understanding of the design, operation, and optimization of steam systems in SRUs. Key components such as steam supply, condensate return, proper steam tracing and steam equipment selection will be explored.  We will focus on their interaction with the Claus process and the associated pieces of equipment.  The aim is to provide a better understanding of how effective steam management can improve the overall performance and sustainability of sulfur recovery operations.  We will also have an open discussion where the audience can discuss specific issues that have arisen in their SRU’s and how the issues were addressed. 

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14:50 - 17:00

Safety and Reliability Breakout


14:50 - 17:00

Operations Breakout


14:50 - 17:00

Process Breakout


14:50 - 17:00

Focused Breakout: Coke Solids Handling

facilitated by Savage Services

Solids handling is typically a challenge for refiners who specialize in liquids and gases. However, efficiently moving produced petcoke from the unit to its final point of sale is crucial, especially since most coke handling systems have single points of failure. Operators and maintenance teams have taken extraordinary measures to keep these systems operational. To address these challenges, we are organizing an intensive afternoon breakout session at RefComm 2025, featuring SMEs from specialized coke handling companies. We invite engineers, operators (crane, loader, board), and maintenance reliability technicians to join us in sharing best practices, new technologies, and safety lessons.

Featured Presentation

Decision Process for Coke Handling Solution Based During a Feed Study @ Singapore Refinery

presented by Ralf Gast, ART-Envi Services GmbH & Co. KG

TIC Comparison between open pit and closed coke handling, advantages and disadvantages of investment, installation and operation based on a feed study for a grassroot DCU at a Singapore refinery.




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Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


Delayed Coking

08:00 - 11:30

Delayed Coking

Coker Safety Group

Safe Drum Processing

Join the elite gathering of industry professionals at the Coker Safety Group (CSG) event in 2025, where the spotlight will be on "Safe Drum Processing." This year, CSG delves into one of the most critical aspects of delayed coking operations: the ability to effectively manage abnormal situations during the offline coke drum cycle. The reality of operating in this field means that unexpected events are not just possible, but inevitable—often striking at the least convenient times. That’s why having well-developed standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place is essential for ensuring safety and minimizing operational disruptions.  

The CSG event will offer a deep dive into real-world scenarios contributed by over 30 leading operating companies from around the globe. These companies bring their firsthand experiences to the table, providing attendees with a unique opportunity to explore and discuss practical strategies for managing challenging situations. Topics will include the prediction and management of hot drums, effective reactions to stopped backwarm, strategies for dealing with the loss of quench water flow, and solutions for handling plugged drains, among others.  

As a cornerstone of the REFCOMM conference week, the CSG event has earned its reputation as a must-attend for refiners dedicated to enhancing safety and efficiency in their operations. This private, invitation-only event is exclusive to refiners, ensuring that the discussions are focused, relevant, and deeply insightful. The value of the CSG event lies in the candid sharing of experiences and best practices, with no published minutes or notes. What happens in the room stays in the room—meaning the only way to benefit from this wealth of knowledge is to be there in person.  

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to network with peers, learn from the experiences of others, and take away actionable insights that can make a tangible difference in your operations. The CSG event is not just another conference session; it’s a unique, closed-door gathering where the future of safe drum processing is shaped. Be part of the conversation and ensure that your refinery is prepared for whatever challenges may come its way.  

Seats for this session are limited to two representatives from each refining company and by invitation only. Please RSVP to Becky or Evan. Watch your inbox for further communication.

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Delayed Coking

08:00 - 08:30

Delayed Coking

Coke Drum Bottom Head Flange Distortion and Repair

presented by Alex Berry, Integrated Engineering Solutions and Antonio Seijas, Phillips 66

Bottom head flanged joints are a critical element in the successful operation of a coke drum. Owner operators can find joints that were initially reliable have become distorted and prone to leakage over time. These large diameter joints are exposed to significant thermal transients seen during consecutive drum cycles, turning a flange into a hyperbolic paraboloid shape and making disassembly and reassembly during scheduled maintenance intervals problematic, as flanges are no longer within tolerance and bolt holes no longer align. This phenomenon appears to be restricted to the drum flange, with adjoining valves remaining flat. This presentation will explore why these joints change over time, identifying the root cause and offer solutions to keep a distorted flange leak-free for another production cycle. A case study will be discussed, and FEA results shared, explaining the fundamental behavior of these unique bolted flanged joints that experience uneven gasket loading in both the circumferential and radial direction due to thermal transients. Improved assembly practices will be discussed along with recommendations for new flange geometry.  

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Delayed Coking

08:30 - 09:00

Delayed Coking

Advanced Coating Technologies for Corrosion & Fouling Control in Residue Upgraders

The hydrocarbon processing industry faces significant challenges due to the depletion of sweet crude oil reserves, necessitating the processing of sulfur-rich heavy oil under severe conditions. These harsh conditions accelerate the degradation of critical equipment through sulfidation, corrosion, and fouling. In response, the industry continuously seeks innovative solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce operational costs, and minimize environmental impact, including corrosion control and prevention measures.

This presentation explores the latest advancements in coating technologies designed to extend equipment lifespan and improve operational efficiency in demanding environments such as Coker, Ebullated Bed, and Slurry-phase hydrocrackers.

Our comprehensive study evaluates advanced coatings applied to critical components to protect against sulfidation, corrosion, and fouling. We present common failure modes of current materials and introduce custom laboratory equipment developed to simulate these failure modes under realistic conditions. Detailed analysis of coating materials exposed to heavy oil at elevated temperatures and pressures reveals promising materials that exhibit enhanced resistance to adherent fouling and corrosion.

The study concludes by emphasizing the crucial role of coating microstructure in determining fouling and corrosion resistance. This presentation provides invaluable insights into the development of coatings tailored for coking environments, focusing on their effectiveness in corrosion control and prevention. While specific coating compositions and proprietary details are essential considerations, the methodology and equipment developed represent significant advancements in strategies to mitigate fouling and corrosion for critical components in harsh operational environments. Additionally, discussions will cover practical aspects for the industrialization and the implementation in large-scale facilities ensuring compliance with industry standards.

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09:00 - 09:15

Networking Break


Delayed Coking

09:15 - 09:45

Delayed Coking

Drill Stem Drive Erratic RPM Failure for Hydraulic Decoking System

Delayed Coker Unit (U#136) in Mina Al-Ahmadi Refinery, KNPC is designed by M/s. ABB Lummus Global was commissioned with four (4 nos.) of Coke Drums (V-136-0201A/B/C/D) which are fed with mixed liquid and hot effluent from the Coker Heaters (H-136-201A&B) with 24 hrs. coking cycle.  

Coke is removed from the Coke Drums by utilizing Hydraulic Decoking System (HDS) supplied by OEM (M/s. Ruhrpumpen, Germany). The Hydraulic decoking system consists of several major components such as Hydraulic Pressure Unit (HPU), Proportional solenoid valves, Drill Stem Drive (DSD), Hoist, Decoking Hose, Cutting tool etc. As a routine operation, Hydraulic Decoking System (HDS) will control Drill Stem Drive (DSD) and Hoist to facilitate for the Decoking operation. In addition, Drill Stem rotational speed and hoist movement is controlled by operator from Coke cutting deck at 54mtr. elevation through PLC and proportional valves control setup.  

Recently, we have encountered DSD RPM related issues such as RPM stuck up, fluctuation, no indication during normal operation. Instrument maintenance Team studied the RPM issue, identified the main cause for the DSD malfunctioning and developed a Test Bench setup inhouse to verify the Functionality & Healthiness of the proportional valves and to configure the control drive parameters using ATOS OEM software. The Test Bench setup has been very beneficial for HPU Proportional valves maintenance and replacement in coordination with remote support from OEM specialist, leading to reduced downtime of DSD and elimination of RPM related issues. Subsequently, this has resulted in increased availability of the HDS system and assuring reliable operations for the Coker unit.

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Delayed Coking

09:45 - 10:15

Delayed Coking

Coker Heater Health for Maximum Efficiency and Throughput

Delayed coker heaters serve as the heart of the unit, and monitoring their "pulse" is both crucial and challenging. This presentation explores best practices for effectively monitoring coker heaters to maximize efficiency, reliability, and value generation while ensuring safe operations. Key topics include the use of tube skin thermocouples, infrared thermography, and Goldcup contact pyrometry, along with strategies to optimize these tools for system monitoring and performance enhancement.

The session will also introduce advanced technologies such as insertable/mountable infrared cameras and next-generation Goldcup pyrometers, offering cutting-edge solutions for precise diagnostics and system optimization. Real-world case studies will be shared to demonstrate practical applications and the benefits of implementing these techniques.

Attendees will gain actionable insights into leveraging these technologies to ensure maximum throughput, efficiency, and reliability in delayed coker heater operations.

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10:15 - 10:30

Networking Break


Delayed Coking

10:30 - 11:00

Delayed Coking

Optimization of Delayed Coker Unit Heaters Performance

This study focuses on the optimization of delayed Coker unit heaters' skin temperature through precise control of coil outlet temperatures. By minimizing the coil outlet temperature to 501-502°C, which is below the design values, we have enhanced the overall performance of the heaters without affecting the coke Hard Groove Index (HGI) and other products yields. This optimization was achieved by improving the quality of fuel gas and adjusting the excess oxygen levels. As a result, the time required for online spalling and pigging activities has been extended significantly. The initiative yielded several notable benefits: firstly, the frequency of spalling activities has decreased from every 3 months to every 6 - 12 months, thereby avoiding a reduction in operational capacity to 85% during these maintenance activities. Secondly, the pigging frequency has been reduced to once every 3 years, eliminating the need to decrease capacity to 50%. Lastly, the reduction in skin temperatures has led to a decrease in fuel gas consumption. Overall, these improvements contribute to enhanced efficiency and sustainability of the delayed Coker unit operations.

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Delayed Coking

11:00 - 11:30

Delayed Coking



11:30 - 12:30

Networking Lunch


Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


Track One

08:00 - 17:00

Training: Coker Process, Design, and Troubleshooting


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Mechanical Integrity and Reliability of Coke Drums


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Sulfur Recovery Fundamentals, Operations and Reliability


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Delayed Coker Fundamentals, Coker Operations and Reliability


Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


Track One

08:00 - 17:00

Training: Coker Process, Design, and Troubleshooting


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Mechanical Integrity and Reliability of Coke Drums


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Sulfur Recovery Fundamentals, Operations and Reliability


08:00 - 17:00

Training: Delayed Coker Fundamentals, Coker Operations and Reliability


Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


08:00 - 08:15

Welcome to RefComm Galveston 2025

CRU Group and Coking.com


08:15 - 08:55

Living in a HOP World

Incorporating the principles of human and organizational performance (aka HOP)  into how we design, execute, evaluate, and improve work can deliver many benefits. This presentation will introduce the HOP foundational principles, what it looks like to live true to those principles and cover a few easy to use HOP tools.


08:55 - 09:20

Networking Break and Exhibition


08:55 - 09:10

2025 Coker Impact Award

The "Coker Impact Award" is a recognition presented to individuals who have made significant contributions to the coker industry, demonstrating exceptional commitment, expertise, and leadership. This year's honoree is an individual whose dedication to the field is unparalleled, having attended this conference without interruption since 2001. This remarkable streak underscores not only their loyalty to the event but also their unwavering commitment to staying at the forefront of industry developments and trends.    

Beyond their consistent presence, the awardee has played a pivotal role in championing safety within their company. By implementing innovative safety protocols and fostering a culture of vigilance, they have set new standards in workplace safety, significantly reducing incidents, and promoting a safer working environment for all employees. This achievement speaks volumes about their dedication to the well-being of their colleagues and their proactive approach to risk management.    

Furthermore, the recipient's contribution extends beyond the confines of their organization. They have generously shared their vast experience and expertise with numerous other sites around the world, offering guidance, training, and support to help improve safety and operational efficiencies. This spirit of collaboration and mentorship has had a profound impact on the global coker community, elevating practices and fostering a more interconnected and knowledgeable industry network.    

The "Coker Impact Award" celebrates not only the professional achievements of the awardee but also their exceptional character. By going above and beyond their daily responsibilities, they have exemplified leadership, generosity, and a deep commitment to the betterment of the industry. It is with great pride that we recognize their contributions and celebrate their enduring impact on the coker community.


09:10 - 09:50

Networking Break and Exhibition



09:50 - 11:50


Optimizing FCCU Performance with Nuclear Measurement Technology

presented by David Williams, Berthold Technologies

The Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) is a vital refinery process for converting heavy hydrocarbons into lighter, high-value products such as gasoline and olefins. Precise monitoring and control of key process parameters are essential for maintaining efficiency, safety, and regulatory compliance. Given the high-temperature, high-pressure, and particulate-laden environments within the FCCU, traditional measurement technologies often experience fouling, degradation, or inaccuracies.

In the fractionator tower, nuclear level gauges are employed to monitor slurry oil levels and ensure proper separation of hydrocarbons. Unlike other technologies that can foul or produce erroneous readings due to changes in fluid density caused by varying concentrations of catalyst fines, nuclear gauges provide consistent and accurate measurements regardless of process conditions. Within the flue gas system, nuclear gauges are used in the flue cyclones to measure catalyst losses and detect cyclone failure to prevent excessive emissions. Additionally, in the precipitator hoppers, nuclear level gauges enable real-time monitoring of catalyst accumulation, ensuring optimal catalyst recovery and reducing particulate emissions.

By leveraging the advantages of nuclear measurement technology, refineries can achieve enhanced process control, reduced maintenance, and improved safety in the FCCU. The ability of nuclear gauges to operate in extreme conditions without direct contact with process materials makes them an essential tool for optimizing refinery performance, extending equipment life, and ensuring operational reliability.


Delayed Coking

09:50 - 10:20

Delayed Coking

Coke Drums - Fatigue Life Design Factors Review & Feed Inlet Design Effects

presented by Dave Dewees, Becht

The presentation looks at the continued evolution of coke drum fatigue life design factors, as well as how coke drum feed inlet design plays into fatigue life. The paper is based on industry experience over the last 40 years. Factors discussed are the following: vessel metallurgy, liner metallurgy, wall thickness, weld quality, skirt-to-drum attachment, fabricator selection (qualitatively, no companies will be singled out) and feed inlet designs. Also discussed will be how coke morphology is a key factor in overall coke drum fatigue life and how it plays into decision-making regarding coke drum design factors.



09:50 - 11:50


Operation & Safety Highlights


Sulfur Recovery

09:50 - 11:50

Sulfur Recovery

Emulsions in Amine Units Treating LPG: Testing and TroubleshootingLeading to Capacity, Performance and Profitability Increase

Maintaining stability and high processing capacity in Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) operations using amine and caustic units poses significant challenges for refineries worldwide. These challenges are further exacerbated when co-processing biofuels, as the presence of contaminants in the LPG feed often leads to operational issues, with emulsion formation being a major concern.

Emulsions in amine unit liquid treaters can severely impact refinery performance, resulting in reduced processing capacity, solvent losses, and downstream contamination, among other negative effects. The formation of these emulsions is primarily driven by contaminants with surface-active properties (surfactants), which promote the interaction between the amine solvent phase and the liquid hydrocarbon phase in liquid-liquid contactors. The separation of these phases can take considerable time—ranging from several minutes to hours—leading to inefficiencies and operational delays.

This presentation examines effective methods for testing and troubleshooting emulsion-related issues, including sampling and contaminant analysis. Additionally, it outlines key strategies for combating and mitigating emulsion formation within liquid-liquid contactors. Several case studies will be presented, showcasing instances where mitigation solutions were evaluated and, in some cases, successfully implemented. These solutions not only eliminated emulsions but also enhanced processing capacity, improved overall performance, and increased profitability.


09:50 - 11:50



presented by Gary Reisen, Phillips 66


10:20 - 10:50

Delayed Coking

Modifications to CNRL's DCU Maing Fractionator and the Results

presented with Prashanth Sundaravadivelu, CNRL

A large delayed coking unit was having flooding and fouling problems in their 26’6” main fractionator.  Severe corrosion created by chloride salts had partially damaged the column upper section wall and trays (including the tray valves).  The generated corrosion products were creating some fouling in the tray downcomers.  The column has a grid bed in the wash section which was coking within 2-3 years forcing the column shutdown for cleaning, during the grid coking process some coke fines were reaching the HCGO trays producing fouling and partial plugging in the HCGO draw off sump.

Besides the corrosion and fouling problems the customer needed to increase the capacity of the delayed coking unit to allow more feed to the processing facility.

The column underwent several modifications to address the different problems:

  1. The column upper section was clad with high alloy metallurgy and the tray metallurgy in the section was also upgraded.
  2. All the trays were replaced with high capacity VGPlus ™ trays equipped with fixed valves and other special features to handle high flowrates and presence of solids
    1. Special aeration was used in the tray support ring to avoid stagnant zones were salts can deposit
    2. A special weir configuration was used to handle high liquid rate and minimize solid accumulation
    3. Use of “push valves” that allow the 2-pass trays to operate without vapor crossflow channeling was used.
  3. Grid spray distributors were replaced with different design that reduced stagnant areas, increased liquid velocity and used vaneless spray nozzles.

The revamped column has been in operation for 7 years.


10:30 - 11:10


Enhancing FCC Slurry Valve Performance: Challenges and Innovative Solutions

presented by Virgil Guzman, TapcoEnpro

FCC (Fluid Catalytic Cracking) slurry valves are critical components in refining processes but face numerous challenges due to abrasive catalyst particles, high temperatures, coking, and seal integrity issues. These conditions lead to accelerated wear, frequent maintenance, and operational inefficiencies. To address these challenges, TapcoEnpro offers advanced valve solutions specifically designed for FCC slurry applications. Their robust designs feature enhanced erosion resistance, superior sealing technology, and materials engineered for high-temperature performance, minimizing wear and ensuring reliable operation. By incorporating TapcoEnpro’ s innovative solutions, refineries can improve valve longevity, reduce maintenance downtime, and enhance the safety and efficiency of their processes.


10:30 - 11:10

Sulfur Recovery

Oil Field Chemical Additives Impact on Sour Water Stripper Operations

As the processing of both conventional and tight oils matures several reoccurring issues are observed in the refinery.  These are increased corrosion, fouling and emulsions in various refining units.  As use of production chemicals increases to enhance oil production, increasing issues in refinery unit operations have been reported. 

One of the predominate issues is corrosion and fouling due to by-products of H2S scavengers being used.  Another issue is residual emulsions transported into the refinery with crude oil.

This presentation will discuss the typical production chemicals being used and some of the observed issues impacting sour water stripper operation and reliability.


10:50 - 11:20

Delayed Coking

Use of Load Indicating Studs for Assembly and Optimization of a Coke Drum BUD Joint

presented by Alex Berry, Integrated Engineering Solutions Pty. Ltd. and CITGO

Bottom un-heading devices (BUD’s) are used to safely control filling and emptying of coke drums. These valves are bolted to the bottom head flange and only removed during scheduled maintenance intervals. During service, the bolted joint must maintain integrity while being subjected to repeated thermal transients during the drum cycle. Correct design and assembly of these bolted joints is vital to avoid safety risks and expensive lost production resulting from leakage. This presentation will show how the use of load indicating studs can achieve reliable assembly, optimize scheduled re-tightening activities and provide effective ongoing joint management. Three case studies will be presented detailing how to correctly assemble a BUD joint involving the use of load indicating studs. In each case, the joints have maintained integrity during service and allowed the owner operator to gather reliable data to ensure effective future joint management.


11:10 - 11:50

Sulfur Recovery

Detecting Water-Related Issues in Sulfur Recovery Units


11:10 - 11:50


RFCC Regenerator Cyclone Hex Mesh Corrosion and Catalyst Loss Driven by Refractory Damage

presented by Sudharsanan  Soundararajan and  Velavan Sikkampatti  Thamizhan, ADNOC

During operation high catalyst loss was observed from the 2nd stage regenerator of  R2R system in a RFCC unit.  Subsequently unit was shutdown and regenerator was opened for internal inspection and severe damage was observed on the hot wall refractory lining of the cyclones. The refractory lining has dislodged due to Hex mesh corrosion and choked the diplegs. This presentation shares the experience of the troubleshooting activities carried out, metallurgical failure analysis findings of the corroded hex mesh and touches upon few mitigation measures. The hex meshes have failed  by damage mechanisms like carburization, sulfidation and oxidation due to operating conditions.


11:20 - 11:50

Delayed Coking

Loss of Containment in a Auto-Ignition Zone - Critical Dead-Leg Monitoring

presented by Vrushal Deshpande, Suncor Energy

Management of dead-legs is critical in cold operating conditions, which can last for the better part of the year in the Athabasca region.  In this presentation, we discuss a loss of containment event near the coker fractionator that led to a long shutdown and repair period.   Investigations revealed an underappreciated dead-leg / stagnant location that froze and resulted in pipe failure.  An extensive fire and cascading equipment failure followed.   Specific dead-leg monitoring philosophy is critical as part of winterization programs.


11:50 - 12:50

Networking Lunch and Exhibition


12:50 - 14:10


Turnaround Summaries


12:50 - 13:20

Delayed Coking

Coke Drums Are Only a Piece of the Pie

presented by David Gibson, ExxonMobil

Coke drums typically monopolize the spotlight when it comes to Delayed Coker mechanical integrity, and rightfully so.  However, there is an abundance of other issues lying in wait to cause unplanned shutdowns and repairs that we cannot lose sight of.  The issues range from thermal fatigue cracking, dew point corrosion, erosion, coking, and general corrosion of equipment refiners may or may not suspect.  This presentation shares examples of actual failures experienced within ExxonMobil and our methodology to manage the mechanical integrity of these challenging systems.


12:50 - 13:30


Comparing FCC Optimization Opportunities with Micro Motion Coriolis & Flexim Ultrasonic Flow Meters

presented by Warren Merriman, Emerson

This presentation will explore the optimization of fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) units using Micro Motion Coriolis flow meters and Flexim non-invasive ultrasonic flow meters offered by Emerson. Micro Motion Coriolis flow meters are known for their unmatched accuracy in mass, volume, and density measurement, which is critical for precise feedstock management, improved reaction control, and enhanced product yield in FCC units. Meanwhile, the innovative Flexim technology brings advanced measurement solutions to the industry by offering precise and reliable flow monitoring without the need for pipeline modifications. These non-invasive ultrasonic flow meters are ideal for a wide range of applications due to their compact design and clamp-on installation method, ensuring minimal downtime and maintenance. This characteristic is especially advantageous for FCC units as it allows for continuous operation and quick installation, thereby reducing operational costs and avoiding potential process disruptions. Real case studies will be presented to demonstrate the practical applications and benefits of these technologies in FCC units. A comparative analysis between Coriolis and non-intrusive ultrasonic flow meter technologies will be conducted, focusing on their accuracy, reliability, and suitability for different process conditions. This analysis will provide insights into selecting the most appropriate flow meter technology for optimizing FCC units, enabling businesses to achieve accurate flow measurement, and enhancing operational efficiency.


12:50 - 14:10

Sulfur Recovery

Boost SRU Uptime: Tail Gas Incinerator Workshop

presented by Rustin Heflin and Gianluca Tanda, Zeeco

Improve the reliability and efficiency of your SRU tail gas incinerator. This interactive workshop covers critical design elements, maintenance best practices, and operational strategies to minimize downtime and optimize performance.  

What You'll Learn:

  • Process and mechanical design considerations
  • Review of main system components and available system configurations
  • How to avoid nuisance trips
  • Identify and prevent common equipment failures
  • Explore retrofit options  

Drawing on a proven history of building and retrofitting world-class SRU Tail Gas Incinerators, Zeeco brings extensive expertise to this workshop. Join facilitators, Gianluca Tanda and Rustin Heflin, for this informative workshop.


13:20 - 13:50

Delayed Coking

Improving DCU Availability Increase from 79% to 94% in 3 years: Sweat the Small Stuff

The presentation will delve into the systematic efforts undertaken by the site to significantly improve reliability over time. Central to this discussion will be identifying and eliminating persistent issues, often called "bad actors," through a disciplined, block-and-tackle approach. The focus will be on the technical aspects of reliability enhancement and the critical role of processes, human and personal development and performance management in achieving sustainable improvements. While the presentation will cover broad, high-level concepts, it will also provide detailed, concrete examples related explicitly to Delayed Coker Units (DCUs). These examples will demonstrate practical applications of the strategies discussed, offering valuable insights that can be leveraged across the industry to drive similar improvements in reliability and operational efficiency.


13:30 - 14:10


Evolution of FCC Flue Gas Emissions Controls

The march of Fluid Catalytic Cracking over more than 80 years from its inception in WW II to lower and lower emissions of atmospheric pollutants including particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides is described. Note is made of movements to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels while also acknowledging the significant beneficial impact of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations on plant growth and food production as well as the demonstrated benefits from widespread use of fossil fuels. Changes announced this year in U.S. government policy will curtail U.S. government investments in carbon capture and storage projects. At the same, production of carbon dioxide for industrial uses is still economically achieved as a byproduct of fossil fuel combustion.


14:10 - 14:50

Networking Break and Exhibition


14:50 - 15:20

Delayed Coking

Bottom Unheading Valve Failure

presented by Omar Alkandari, KNPC

Delayed Coker Unit at KNPC-MAA refinery is utilized to process hydro treated vacuum residue to produce high quality products such as Kerosene, Naphtha, HCGO, LCGO, Fuel Gas & Coke. One of the major system of the unit is Coke Cutting System & major equipment are Heater (2 nos.), Coke drums (4 nos.) & Unheading system (08 no. of Valves) with 24 hrs. cycle of operation. During routine checking by KNPC personnel in May-2023, it was observed that Superstructure assembly of Bottom unheading valve of Drum-B got stuck and halted the valve operation. Subsequently, the unit capacity was reduced to 50% during this emergency. After disassembly of BUD superstructure top cover, we observed that one of the valve spindle is in inclined position & dislocated from the original location. After further investigation, we observed the mismatch in the coupling flange, flange bearings were also found damaged, drive nuts were not aligned which caused yoke dislocation.

Immediately, several points were discussed remotely between KNPC and OEM (M/s. IMI Z&J, Germany) to prevent reoccurrence of existing issue, since subject failure was observed globally for the first time in Coker unit. Moreover, BUD superstructure assembly was carried out with the replacement of new bearings available as a spare in KNPC warehouse. However, gearbox coupling and drive nuts were replaced as a precautionary measure to avoid any issue until zero-inspection turnaround in Oct.2024. After final assembly of BUD superstructure components, valve trail was conducted successfully several times & unit was taken inline within three (3) days duration. All in all, spare parts procurement & securing in advance by KNPC after the unit commissioning supported in resolving the issue in short duration. In addition, monthly checking of coupling bolts will also avoid similar failure in future.


14:50 - 15:30


FCC Cyclone Inspection and Maintenance for Reliable Operation

In the CatCracking Hall

Inspection and maintenance of FCC cyclones during regularly scheduled TA's can extend the useful life of the cyclone system, while optimizing performance of and reducing unplanned repairs or emergency component replacement.  This presentation will highlight important inspection items, repair options, and maintenance planning that inspection and maintenance teams should consider as they prepare for planned outages of their FCCU. 


14:50 - 16:50

Sulfur Recovery

Sour Water Stripping Workshop

This workshop will provide an overview of Sour Water Stripping. This will include a brief discussion on the design and recommended operation of the equipment within the unit, followed by more in depth reviews of common troubleshooting items these units face. Focused areas will be on minimizing fouling of the exchangers and stripper column internals, as well as how to ensure the stripped water is meeting its desired specification. Case studies from Amine Experts onsite testing experience will be used to support these areas.


15:20 - 15:50

Delayed Coking

Low Silicon Antifoam in Cokers

presented with Emiro Guignan, Phillips 66 Westlake

Silicon content in the feed to hydrofiners or hydrotreaters can reduce the run length if it is not well controlled. Some strategies are to have a Silicon trap in front of the reactors or use part of the vessel to have the Silicon trap in there. This may not optimize profitability as reactor needs to come down for catalyst change out. A well-known source of Silicon are the distillates from Delayed Coker due to the application of antifoams in the drums.

Nalco Water has designed a new chemistry to control the foaming in the coker drums. The innovative product has a lower content of Silicon in the formula, and it is also more stable than previous formulation at the normal Coke Drum operating temperatures, allowing for dosages optimization. This ends in a lower amount of Silicon in the Coker products.

A trial of the new chemistry was run in several refineries in LA and NA refineries with good results: a reduction of 30-40% of Silicon content in Naphtha and Kero because of the antifoam injection during the Coking cycle. Customer changed to the new chemistry; savings in the future expense costs are expected as chemical usage was reduced vs previous formula with a good control of foaming.

The intention of the presentation is to share a brief explanation of the Coker operation, how the antifoam is used to control foaming, and the results of the trial. We will also include some information around the questions for the MOC process when a chemistry is replaced and our developed tool to control foam height at the switch vs true coke outage for reliability purposes.


15:30 - 16:10


FCC Hotspots

In the CatCracking Hall

Unfortunately, hotspots are a reoccurring theme in most FCC units that unit engineers try to live with until the next turnaround. This presentation will dive into where and why hotspots form, how to analytically evaluate hotspots (or should you), and how to treat and mitigate the areas until the next turnaround. All areas of the FCC will be covered from the reactor to regenerator and through the CO boiler. Lessons learned will be shared on how to reduce the reoccurrence of the hotspots through good repair techniques.


15:50 - 16:20

Delayed Coking

Coker 2 Fractionator Unplanned Outage

presented by Maddy Casabat, PBF Chalmette


16:10 - 16:50


Virtual Assembly Revolutionizes FCCU Reactor Installation

In the CatCracking Hall

presented with Jose Albarracin, ExxonMobil

At a major UK refinery, the installation of critical components for a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) reactor presented a formidable challenge. With key assemblies—reactor head, shell, and internal cyclone components—fabricated in two separate countries, the project required precise alignment under a tight turnaround schedule. Traditional approaches risked delays, costly rework, and extended downtime, necessitating an innovative solution to ensure success.

This case study examines the transformative role of Virtual Assembly technology in overcoming the inherent complexities of such projects. Through advanced metrology, precise digital modeling, and pre-installation simulation, the team was able to identify potential clashes, optimize cut lines, and ensure precise weld alignment—all before components arrived on-site.

When implementation began, the results were remarkable:

  • First-Time Fit Success: Components were installed accurately on the first attempt, eliminating the need for trial-and-error adjustments.
  • Optimized Workflows: Pre-planning reduced crane usage, field welds, and manpower requirements.
  • Time Savings: The critical path was shortened by 11 days, significantly reducing operational downtime.

This approach not only met the project's rigorous timeline but also yielded substantial cost savings and minimized material waste. Beyond these immediate results, the success underscored the broader implications of integrating Virtual Assembly into rotating and static equipment installations. Lessons from the project highlight the importance of early technology adoption, precision planning, and leveraging advanced tools to mitigate risks and drive efficiency.

This case demonstrates how Virtual Assembly is redefining the boundaries of precision engineering, offering a replicable framework for tackling complex installation challenges in the refining and petrochemical industries.


16:20 - 16:50

Delayed Coking

DeltaValve - A Strategic Asset Management Partner

presented by DeltaValve and CNRL

In 2001, DeltaValve invented and installed the world’s first automated Bottom Unheading Valve, which has become the industry standard by creating a step-change in personnel safety, process efficiency, and refinery profitability. DeltaValve then introduced the Top Unheading Valve in 2005, and the CenterFeed® Injection Device in 2011. DeltaValve has continued to introduce new technologies and now offers the lowest steam consumption Isolation Valves in the industry. DeltaValve has a global installed base of equipment operating in approximately 120 refineries in nearly 30 countries.

DeltaValve will be joined in this presentation by Canadian Natural Resources (CNRL) and will share experiences of how CNRL’s operations have been significantly improved by working closely with the DeltaValve aftermarket and asset management teams to coordinate turnaround planning and the use of spare valves to deliver maximum value to their organization.

CNRL will also join DeltaValve for a question-and-answer session immediately after the presentation.


17:00 | Networking Reception & Exhibition

Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


08:00 - 08:10

Safety Moment


08:40 - 09:10

Networking Break and Exhibition


Sulfur Recovery

09:10 - 09:50

Sulfur Recovery

Operational Excellence in Sulfur Recovery Unit for Maximization of Acid Gas Processing and Best Practices: Challenges and Innovative Solutions

presented by Sunil Chokhoba Umare, HPCL Mumbai Refinery

This presentation aims to demonstrate the operational excellence in Sulfur recovery unit for maximization of acid gas processing and innovative solution to overcome the challenges. The paper highlights the strategies, constraints and limitations that were addressed to increase the acid gas and sour gas processing in sulfur recovery unit. The paper discusses the strategies implemented to optimize the unit's performance, improve its efficiency, and ensure its long-term operability. Paper emphasis on the various challenges in sulfur recovery unit and brainstorming to maximize the sulfur recovery unit feed rate while maintaining its operational integrity.  

This presentation gives insight on the various best practices implemented in the Sulfur recovery unit of Mumbai refinery:

  • Will focus on the damage of the refractory, damage of checker walls and high maintenance due to increased susceptibility to wall refractory damage at high temperatures. The presentation also focuses on improving reliability of thermal reactors by installing vector wall in the DHDS SRU thermal reactors in place of the choker ring.
  • Will focus the condenser tube plugging due to formation of Sulfcrete and innovative method applied to overcome the challenges.
  • Will focus on the contra trace steam tracing benefit over the conventional steam tracing and how the contra tracing helps to overcome the plugging issues in tail gas lines.
  • Will focus various reliability related aspects like corrosion in the Sulfur recovery unit.
  • Will also compare the best design practices evolved in the sulfur recovery unit to improve the reliability of unit.
  • Will compare the best design practices of new sulfur recovery unit over the old sulfur recovery unit and way forwards for improvement in the old sulfur units.
  • Will include the case studies on a commonly encountered problem in sulfur plants is a flow restriction due to high-pressure drop. High-pressure drop is typically caused by a restriction at one point in the equipment or piping due to: Accumulation of liquid (sulfur, etc.) in equipment or piping Partial plugging of a catalyst bed (soot, carbon, polymers, etc.) Partial plugging of a mist eliminator (sulfur, soot, catalyst, etc.), and Plugging of Condenser and WHB Tubes.

The presentation will also focus on various past failures of Sulfur recovery unit and learning from past failures to improve the reliability of sulfur recovery unit. Operation best practices to sustain the sulfur recovery unit operation, maximization of acid gas and sour gas processing to protect the environment.

The successful maximization of the acid gas processing of the Sulfur recovery unit faced several challenges that had to be addressed to sustain the unit's operation. Some of the challenges include “High back pressure, Hydraulic seal plugging, rundown line plugging, Clause reactor plugging/coke deposition, jacket leak, plugging challenges while processing sour gases due to lower thermal reactor temperature, plugging due to improper steam tracing, failures of checker walls, condenser tube leak and plugging, Sulfur pit coil leak” etc. The presentation describes all the challenges and the steps to overcome those challenges in detail.


Delayed Coking

09:10 - 09:40

Delayed Coking

Coke Drum Vapor Line Coking - Can it be Controlled?

This discussion looks at coke formation in the coke drum vapor line and its effects on yields, foaming and maintenance activities.

Questions addressed:

  • Why does the coke form?
  • Where does coke form?
  • Vertical Riser
  • Quench Mix Zone
  • Downstream of Quench Injection
  • What are the Effects?
    • Yields
    • Maintenance
  • What are the Design & Operational Options?



09:10 - 09:50


Technology Selection for FCCU Main Column Bottoms Slurry Oil Filtration and Catalyst Recovery

presented by Patrick Hill, Mott Corp.

Removal of Aluminum-Silica catalyst, coke fines, waxes, tars and other constituents from FCCU Main Column Bottoms (MCB) is essential to producing on-spec bunker fuel and other feedstocks.  This presentation will focus on advanced technologies such as fully automated backwashable filters and high velocity crossflow filters in MCB slurry applications. Participants will learn the technology selection process, sizing principles, benefits and limitations of technology choice, and expected resultant performance.  

With the right filtration technology, FCCU MCB slurry can be conditioned to serve as high quality feedstock to hydrotreaters, hydrocrackers, delayed cokers and other further downstream processing units.  

A particular focus of this presentation will be a case study of high velocity crossflow filter performance in downstream refining slurry and aqueous applications. When designed properly, crossflow filters in this application can achieve 99.9%+ solids removal of particles down to 0.1 micron in size. With advanced coatings, crossflow filters can run continuously between major turnarounds. With recycling options, these filters achieve 98%+ throughput. Participants will learn how these filters operate, how to integrate into overall plant processes, and how fully automated controls and instruments result in a hands-off operation.



09:10 - 10:15


Incidents & Other Presentations


09:40 - 10:10

Delayed Coking

Plugged Coker Fractionator Bottoms: The Cost of Lax Adherence to Technical Operating Envelopes

presented by Reynold Okudzeto & Prahakar Reddy, Suncor Energy

Brief excursions outside normal operating envelopes can lead to significant operational and financial consequences. During the commissioning of a new fractionator, challenges arose related to the clarity of operating limits and the adequacy of alarming systems. This lack of clear definitions and communication during a critical period compromised operational discipline. This was evident in practices such as delayed coke drum switching (on top K-ray), operating below recommended coke removal circulation rates, and excessively high steam quench rates. Collectively, these factors led to severe coke carryover, ultimately plugging the bottom section of the Coker Fractionator and causing an extended shutdown. In this presentation, we will examine the sequence of events, identify the systemic failures that contributed to these issues, and highlight the changes implemented to prevent recurrence. By understanding these lessons, we emphasize the importance of maintaining clear operational limits and effective communication to ensure safe, efficient, and reliable plant performance.


09:50 - 10:30


Operating Issues Faced by CO Boilers in the FCC Process

presented by Ashutosh Garg, Furnace Improvements Service

This presentation will discuss the operating issues faced by CO Boilers in the Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC process). Carbon monoxide (CO) leaving the FCC stack ranges from 5- 7 vol%. This FCC gas has valuable energy going up the stack. Most FCC units have added CO boilers to the flue gas system. These gas-fired boilers consume almost all the CO from the regeneration step. The energy gets converted into high-pressure steam, and these boilers become integral to the plant utilities. In many CO Boilers, the heat was used to preheat the FCC feed. However, fired CO boilers are not without their problems. One problem is that refiners cannot distinguish the fundamental difference between regular and CO boilers. We will highlight the differences between these boilers and essential design and operating parameters that need to be taken care of to avoid problems in operations. Some modern FCC units have moved to full burn operation, resulting in the flue gases having no CO Content. The flue gases are still very hot and contain a lot of thermal energy. Like waste heat boilers, FCC flue gas coolers recover heat in these units. We will try to examine the operation of these flue gas coolers. We will present some case studies on CO Boilers' performance improvements.


09:50 - 10:30

Sulfur Recovery

Reliable Temperature Measurements in SRU Thermal Reactors: Key Strategies and Techniques

presented by Martin McCallister, Delta Controls

Accurate temperature measurement in the main thermal reactor of a sulfur recovery unit (SRU) is important for ensuring target process temperatures are met but, most importantly, for safe operation of the unit. However, achieving reliable temperature measurements in this challenging environment can be difficult. This paper explores considerations and techniques to address these challenges, including employing instruments specifically designed for the SRU thermal reactor, utilizing multiple measurement technologies to leverage each technology’s strengths, and carefully designing instrument nozzles for optimal reliability. Additionally, the paper will cover protection methods for high-temperature thermocouples, ensuring long-term reliability and accuracy under extreme operating conditions. It will also provide an overview of infrared pyrometry, focusing on its principles of operation, ratiometric measurement techniques, and the role of infrared wavelength selection in minimizing measurement errors. By implementing these strategies, operators can significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of thermal reactor temperature measurements, contributing to safer operations of the sulfur recovery unit.


10:10 - 10:40

Delayed Coking

Coker Heater Guillotines

Delayed Coker Unit (U#136) at KNPC MAA refinery is designed by ABB Lummus Global to process hydro treated vacuum residue from existing Vacuum unit (VRU#83) & new Vacuum Unit (VRU#183) to produce high quality products such as Kerosene, Naphtha, HCGO, LCGO, Fuel Gas & Coke. The major equipment of the unit is Fractionator, Heater, Coke drums & Wet gas compressor. Each of these heaters (H-136-201A/B) is equipped with two guillotines installed in Hot flue gas (GB-3) duct, Cold Flue Gas (GB-4) duct & one guillotine in Central flue gas (GB-5) duct, which is positioned at the common heater stack. During routine site inspection by KNPC personnel during July 2024, it was observed that the guillotine wire rope was found cut and damaged. Subsequently, it was decided to open the guillotine top cover during unit operation and observed shut-off plate found stuck in the midway including significant corrosion of clamps, guides and rope. During the month of August 2024, guillotine shut-off plates were secured with new wire ropes, clamps, redunce & rod with SS 304 material instead of CS to prevent unit shutdown as a temporary solution until zero inspection turnaround in October 2025.

Further, several concepts and ideas were discussed between KNPC and Heater vendor (M/s. Lummus) to prevent reoccurrence of existing issue and avoid permanently with upgraded material and improved operating mechanism. Heater guillotines removal, repair & installation plan with dedicated cranes was prepared in advance & executed by in-house KNPC personnel during turnaround in Oct. 2025 including fabrication of huge supports to hold to guillotines in vertical position. During zero inspection turnaround, two number of GB-5 (Central flue gas duct) guillotines were dropped from the heater one after the another and temporary support was fabricated & installed in between the piping ducts. After shifting the guillotines to KNPC workshop, several activities were performed such as removal of top cover plate, cutting & grinding of casing cover plate, hydro jetting, removal of CS guides, removal of stuck shut-off plate & refractory repair. After completion of all repair activities, GB-5 testing was performed prior to site installation & found satisfactory after start of the unit. In addition, vendor proposed new upgraded design for all guillotines with Position indicator, SS 304 Guides, Manual Gearbox & handwheel and same is procured by KNPC. All in all, Coker Heater unplanned shutdown has been overcome by replacing internal components during unit operation and maintaining the unit throughput without any interruption until zero inspection turnaround.


10:15 - 10:30


Move to the CatCracking Hall


10:30 - 11:10

Sulfur Recovery

Simulation-based Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of a Claus Process Catalytic Reactor

presented by Nassar Abukhdeir, Continuum Engineering



10:30 - 11:10


Case Study – Decontamination of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit and Surrounding Vessels

In the CatCracking Hall

A US refiner on the gulf coast utilized ZymeFlow to decontaminate a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCC) and Gas Condenser with associated vessels and piping. There was a short timeframe to decontaminate all of the equipment, and the FCC Unit had experienced fires in the past, and the refinery was anxious to eliminate possible pyrophoric iron sulfide that could ignite upon entry. The secondary concern was to keep the equipment footprint small, so as not to interfere with the refinery’s own operations and personnel.  The previous cleaning methods had included using a permanganate-based chemical. The chemical was highly exothermic and when the cleaning was complete, there was fouling in the bottom of the tower. The chemical could only be applied through circulation and needed a large space for all of its equipment and hoses.

ZymeFlow UN657chemistry was utilized in a Vapour-Phase® application.  This significantly reduced the equipment footprint and disruption to the refinery team. When the FCC was ready to begin decontamination, the ZymeFlow team connected steam injection points to the unit to begin the Vapour-Phase Process. Once the unit was tested and confirmed that the steam was reaching all points in the system, ZymeFlow UN657 was injected into the steam line at a pre-determined rate.

After 10 hours of Vapour-Phase, ZymeFlow personnel confirmed contaminant levels in the main column: H2S and LELs measured 0. Upon opening, there was no threat of pyrophoric activity and refinery personnel were able to enter and perform maintenance and hot work without incident.

Every unit and refinery is different and ZymeFlow now utilizes advanced geotagging and 360 degree imaging during the planning process to ensure a complete and custom solution for each project, enhancing efficiency and safety.


10:40 - 11:20

Delayed Coking

SOCAR STAR DCU Expansion Project

presented with Juan Sansiviero, Wood

After successfully increasing the capacity to 120%, SOCAR refinery identified the DCU as a main refinery bottleneck unit in the complex, specifically during frequent online spalling of the DCU heaters.  In collaboration with Wood Technical Services, SOCAR identified the main goal of the revamp, in order to increase the DCU capacity to 130% (even during spalling of the heaters). An innovative heater revamp solution was studied and implemented, along with other unit upgrades.   SOCAR and Wood will provide a Joint Presentation about the successful DCU Revamp Project, including the results after implementation. SOCAR will also present the commissioning and start-up of the heater revamp without shutting down the unit.


11:10 - 12:10

Networking Lunch and Exhibition


12:10 - 12:40

Delayed Coking

DeltaValve Isolation Gate Valve Technology Increases Unit Reliability and Profitability

presented by DeltaValve with Chevron and ExxonMobil



12:10 - 17:00


AFPM FCC Safety Roadshow Workshop

presented by Richard Grove, Chevron and other SMEs

This FCC Safety Workshop was developed to help increase FCC process safety awareness.   The CSB 2018 FCC Unit Explosion and Asphalt Fire at Husky Superior Refinery Investigation highlighted a general lack of awareness of safety precautions that should be taken to mitigate the higher risks during start-up, shutdown, and following unit upsets.    

The FCC Safety Council (an industry group comprised of FCC Subject Matter Experts), along with the AFPM, agreed there was a gap reaching Operations.  The information is out there but it is not easily accessible and is typically technically oriented.  The FCC Safety Council embraced the idea of simplifying the material into a package that could be taken to the refineries.  The goal is to take the simplified message of FCC Unit Safety to the refining centers in regions such as Houston, Los Angeles and other areas.  

Topics of Discussion

  • Different Approach / Common Threads
  • Startup, Shutdown and Emergency Procedures
  • Monitoring Transient Operation
  • Air and Hydrocarbon


12:10 - 17:00


AFPM FCC Safety Roadshow Workshop

In the CatCracking Hall

presented by Richard Grove, Chevron and other SMEs

This FCC Safety Workshop was developed to help increase FCC process safety awareness.   

The CSB 2018 FCC Unit Explosion and Asphalt Fire at Husky Superior Refinery Investigation highlighted a general lack of awareness of safety precautions that should be taken to mitigate the higher risks during start-up, shutdown, and following unit upsets.    

The FCC Safety Council (an industry group comprised of FCC Subject Matter Experts), along with the AFPM, agreed there was a gap reaching Operations.  The information is out there but it is not easily accessible and is typically technically oriented.  The FCC Safety Council embraced the idea of simplifying the material into a package that could be taken to the refineries.  The goal is to take the simplified message of FCC Unit Safety to the refining centers in regions such as Houston, Los Angeles and other areas.  

Topics of Discussion

  • Different Approach / Common Threads
  • Startup, Shutdown and Emergency Procedures
  • Monitoring Transient Operation
  • Air and Hydrocarbon


12:10 - 14:10

Sulfur Recovery

Condensation is Key: Understanding the role of undesirable condensation in SRU corrosion and plugging

presented by Brandon Forbes, CSI Ametek

What do sulfide stress cracking, iron sulfide corrosion, ammonia salt plugging, and corrosion under insulation have in common? They all occur as a result of undesirable condensation. In this paper, CSI draws on their extensive SRU experience to analyze the role of condensation in SRU corrosion and plugging problems. Through an understanding of the chemistry behind these condensation-driven SRU issues and considering condensation in terms of dew point and cold spots, we will identify likely problem areas, explore real world examples, and present solution applications that reliably address root cause.

Topics covered:

  • Condensation/dew point phenomenon
  • Sour service sulfide stress cracking
  • Iron sulfide corrosion
  • Conventional rusting/corrosion
  • Ammonium salts plugging
  • Open forum for shared experiences


12:40 - 13:10

Delayed Coking

Wash Oil Optimization

presented by Chuck Munro, Spraying Systems Co.

Wash Oil Headers play a crucial role in the performance of Coker Fractionators by ensuring effective separation and minimizing operational challenges. They must provide consistent and reliable wash oil coverage across the tower’s cross-section to (a) improve overhead vapor product quality by reducing the entrainment of heavier hydrocarbons and contaminants, and (b) regulate the tower’s heat profile by slightly cooling vapors to promote condensation. Various methods exist for sizing spray nozzles, determining their placement, and selecting the optimal nozzle type. Additionally, operators employ different strategies to adjust spray flow based on operational needs. This presentation examines a typical fractionator and explores practical, available technologies for modeling and optimizing wash oil spray coverage and performance.



13:10 - 13:40

Delayed Coking

Effective Disturbance Handling During DCU Switching and Backwarming via Application of Improved Level Control Scheme for LCGO, HCGO, and Stripper Feed

Conventional level control in DCU vessels is insufficient to manage the major disturbances during periodic coke drum switching and preheating activities, thereby necessitating manual intervention by board operators. Resulting fluctuations in vessel levels and product flows typically vary depending on the operator’s knowledge and experiences, consequently affecting downstream units’ stability. To address the gap, a more robust control scheme was implemented to dampen the huge fluctuations in LCGO product, HCGO product, and stripper feed flow by utilizing the LCGO Stripper (T-6602), HCGO Stripper (T-6603), and Absorber Stripper Feed Drum (D-6652) surge volume capacities, respectively. This scheme is designed to mimic operational best practices in flow and level adjustments in maintaining the stability of the fractionator pan levels and product draws, while minimizing human factor with its fully automatic feature.

The modified control scheme is solely DCS-based and utilizes a series of low and high signal selectors (LSS/HSS) and newly created dual level controllers (dual LIC) which are configured to have low and high setpoints to allow level movement in the vessels within the permissible surge limits. For HCGO and stripper feed, an additional flow controller setpoint based on the average flow calculator is added in the series of HSS and LSS control to minimize fluctuations in flow when DCU is on steady state. To protect the concerned pumps, a minimum and maximum flow rate is specified in the dual LIC control parameters to ensure that the pumps are operating within allowable range.

Promising results have been obtained since implementation of the modified level control scheme such as 50% to 75% reduction in level dips in the main fractionator pan and vessel levels, and 45% to 80% reduction in LCGO product, HCGO product, and stripper feed flows during periodic DCU activities, translating to better product recovery and more stable operation of the downstream units. Abrupt flow and level adjustments have been avoided due to less manual intervention. Apart from these, one of the major effects of the improved HCGO level control is the 70% reduction in flaring instances in the Coker Gas Oil Hydrotreater’s feed surge drums' pressure control valves. The improved level control scheme has successfully proven its robustness and has been applicable during one- and two-train operations, at various feed rates, and even during extended coking cycles.


13:40 - 14:10

Delayed Coking

Synthetic Graphite Demand Drives Atractive Techno-economics for Coker Upgrades

presented with Vishal Suri, Evalueserve

Driven by the demand projections for electric vehicles (EVs), electric arc furnace (EAF) steel and battery energy storage systems (BESSs) for utility-scale renewable power plants, the synthetic graphite market in the U.S. and Europe is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27% from 2025–2030. The interplay of geopolitics is expected to convert this demand growth into a supply-demand gap in the U.S. and Europe. Needle coke is the critical precursor for synthetic graphite. Hence, American and European refiners that can successfully upgrade petcoking units to needle coke units stand to gain appreciably in this scenario.

This article describes the economic opportunity that synthetic graphite demand growth presents for American and European refiners. It describes the conditions that best suit a plant to be considered for such a revamp. The article also discusses the modifications needed in capital equipment, process conditions and feedstock to execute this change, along with the typical capital expenditure (CAPEX) required to materialize it, and the transformational gross profit enhancements that could result from these modifications, given the product slate upgrade. 

Additionally, the article shares the typical considerations to be studied in such revamps and why those considerations might favor petcokers with a current design capacity in the less than 25,000 bpd range. This revamp could result in an internal rate of return (IRR) of 30%–35% for the refiners with the appropriate plant complexity, configuration and feedstock. Key commercial considerations of this revamp include access to proper feedstock, appropriate customer or consumer units for base feedstock, appropriate turndown design, and potential product carbon footprint improvements. With the proper techno-commercial planning, refiners potentially stand to gain through product slate improvements and carbon finance mechanisms in such a revamp.


14:10 - 14:50

Networking Break and Exhibition


14:50 - 17:00

Sulfur Recovery

Steam Systems in SRUs

Steam supply and condensate return play critical roles in the operation and efficiency of Sulfur Recovery Units (SRUs), which are integral to the petrochemical and oil refining industries for minimizing sulfur emissions. This presentation will provide a high-level understanding of the design, operation, and optimization of steam systems in SRUs. Key components such as steam supply, condensate return, proper steam tracing and steam equipment selection will be explored.  We will focus on their interaction with the Claus process and the associated pieces of equipment.  The aim is to provide a better understanding of how effective steam management can improve the overall performance and sustainability of sulfur recovery operations.  We will also have an open discussion where the audience can discuss specific issues that have arisen in their SRU’s and how the issues were addressed. 


14:50 - 17:00

Safety and Reliability Breakout


14:50 - 17:00

Operations Breakout


14:50 - 17:00

Process Breakout


14:50 - 17:00

Focused Breakout: Coke Solids Handling

facilitated by Savage Services

Solids handling is typically a challenge for refiners who specialize in liquids and gases. However, efficiently moving produced petcoke from the unit to its final point of sale is crucial, especially since most coke handling systems have single points of failure. Operators and maintenance teams have taken extraordinary measures to keep these systems operational. To address these challenges, we are organizing an intensive afternoon breakout session at RefComm 2025, featuring SMEs from specialized coke handling companies. We invite engineers, operators (crane, loader, board), and maintenance reliability technicians to join us in sharing best practices, new technologies, and safety lessons.

Featured Presentation

Decision Process for Coke Handling Solution Based During a Feed Study @ Singapore Refinery

presented by Ralf Gast, ART-Envi Services GmbH & Co. KG

TIC Comparison between open pit and closed coke handling, advantages and disadvantages of investment, installation and operation based on a feed study for a grassroot DCU at a Singapore refinery.





Track Two

07:00 - 08:00

Breakfast and Registration


Delayed Coking

08:00 - 11:30

Delayed Coking

Coker Safety Group

Safe Drum Processing

Join the elite gathering of industry professionals at the Coker Safety Group (CSG) event in 2025, where the spotlight will be on "Safe Drum Processing." This year, CSG delves into one of the most critical aspects of delayed coking operations: the ability to effectively manage abnormal situations during the offline coke drum cycle. The reality of operating in this field means that unexpected events are not just possible, but inevitable—often striking at the least convenient times. That’s why having well-developed standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place is essential for ensuring safety and minimizing operational disruptions.  

The CSG event will offer a deep dive into real-world scenarios contributed by over 30 leading operating companies from around the globe. These companies bring their firsthand experiences to the table, providing attendees with a unique opportunity to explore and discuss practical strategies for managing challenging situations. Topics will include the prediction and management of hot drums, effective reactions to stopped backwarm, strategies for dealing with the loss of quench water flow, and solutions for handling plugged drains, among others.  

As a cornerstone of the REFCOMM conference week, the CSG event has earned its reputation as a must-attend for refiners dedicated to enhancing safety and efficiency in their operations. This private, invitation-only event is exclusive to refiners, ensuring that the discussions are focused, relevant, and deeply insightful. The value of the CSG event lies in the candid sharing of experiences and best practices, with no published minutes or notes. What happens in the room stays in the room—meaning the only way to benefit from this wealth of knowledge is to be there in person.  

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to network with peers, learn from the experiences of others, and take away actionable insights that can make a tangible difference in your operations. The CSG event is not just another conference session; it’s a unique, closed-door gathering where the future of safe drum processing is shaped. Be part of the conversation and ensure that your refinery is prepared for whatever challenges may come its way.  

Seats for this session are limited to two representatives from each refining company and by invitation only. Please RSVP to Becky or Evan. Watch your inbox for further communication.


08:00 - 08:30

Delayed Coking

Coke Drum Bottom Head Flange Distortion and Repair

presented by Alex Berry, Integrated Engineering Solutions and Antonio Seijas, Phillips 66

Bottom head flanged joints are a critical element in the successful operation of a coke drum. Owner operators can find joints that were initially reliable have become distorted and prone to leakage over time. These large diameter joints are exposed to significant thermal transients seen during consecutive drum cycles, turning a flange into a hyperbolic paraboloid shape and making disassembly and reassembly during scheduled maintenance intervals problematic, as flanges are no longer within tolerance and bolt holes no longer align. This phenomenon appears to be restricted to the drum flange, with adjoining valves remaining flat. This presentation will explore why these joints change over time, identifying the root cause and offer solutions to keep a distorted flange leak-free for another production cycle. A case study will be discussed, and FEA results shared, explaining the fundamental behavior of these unique bolted flanged joints that experience uneven gasket loading in both the circumferential and radial direction due to thermal transients. Improved assembly practices will be discussed along with recommendations for new flange geometry.  


08:30 - 09:00

Delayed Coking

Advanced Coating Technologies for Corrosion & Fouling Control in Residue Upgraders

The hydrocarbon processing industry faces significant challenges due to the depletion of sweet crude oil reserves, necessitating the processing of sulfur-rich heavy oil under severe conditions. These harsh conditions accelerate the degradation of critical equipment through sulfidation, corrosion, and fouling. In response, the industry continuously seeks innovative solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce operational costs, and minimize environmental impact, including corrosion control and prevention measures.

This presentation explores the latest advancements in coating technologies designed to extend equipment lifespan and improve operational efficiency in demanding environments such as Coker, Ebullated Bed, and Slurry-phase hydrocrackers.

Our comprehensive study evaluates advanced coatings applied to critical components to protect against sulfidation, corrosion, and fouling. We present common failure modes of current materials and introduce custom laboratory equipment developed to simulate these failure modes under realistic conditions. Detailed analysis of coating materials exposed to heavy oil at elevated temperatures and pressures reveals promising materials that exhibit enhanced resistance to adherent fouling and corrosion.

The study concludes by emphasizing the crucial role of coating microstructure in determining fouling and corrosion resistance. This presentation provides invaluable insights into the development of coatings tailored for coking environments, focusing on their effectiveness in corrosion control and prevention. While specific coating compositions and proprietary details are essential considerations, the methodology and equipment developed represent significant advancements in strategies to mitigate fouling and corrosion for critical components in harsh operational environments. Additionally, discussions will cover practical aspects for the industrialization and the implementation in large-scale facilities ensuring compliance with industry standards.


09:00 - 09:15

Networking Break


09:15 - 09:45

Delayed Coking

Drill Stem Drive Erratic RPM Failure for Hydraulic Decoking System

Delayed Coker Unit (U#136) in Mina Al-Ahmadi Refinery, KNPC is designed by M/s. ABB Lummus Global was commissioned with four (4 nos.) of Coke Drums (V-136-0201A/B/C/D) which are fed with mixed liquid and hot effluent from the Coker Heaters (H-136-201A&B) with 24 hrs. coking cycle.  

Coke is removed from the Coke Drums by utilizing Hydraulic Decoking System (HDS) supplied by OEM (M/s. Ruhrpumpen, Germany). The Hydraulic decoking system consists of several major components such as Hydraulic Pressure Unit (HPU), Proportional solenoid valves, Drill Stem Drive (DSD), Hoist, Decoking Hose, Cutting tool etc. As a routine operation, Hydraulic Decoking System (HDS) will control Drill Stem Drive (DSD) and Hoist to facilitate for the Decoking operation. In addition, Drill Stem rotational speed and hoist movement is controlled by operator from Coke cutting deck at 54mtr. elevation through PLC and proportional valves control setup.  

Recently, we have encountered DSD RPM related issues such as RPM stuck up, fluctuation, no indication during normal operation. Instrument maintenance Team studied the RPM issue, identified the main cause for the DSD malfunctioning and developed a Test Bench setup inhouse to verify the Functionality & Healthiness of the proportional valves and to configure the control drive parameters using ATOS OEM software. The Test Bench setup has been very beneficial for HPU Proportional valves maintenance and replacement in coordination with remote support from OEM specialist, leading to reduced downtime of DSD and elimination of RPM related issues. Subsequently, this has resulted in increased availability of the HDS system and assuring reliable operations for the Coker unit.


09:45 - 10:15

Delayed Coking

Coker Heater Health for Maximum Efficiency and Throughput

Delayed coker heaters serve as the heart of the unit, and monitoring their "pulse" is both crucial and challenging. This presentation explores best practices for effectively monitoring coker heaters to maximize efficiency, reliability, and value generation while ensuring safe operations. Key topics include the use of tube skin thermocouples, infrared thermography, and Goldcup contact pyrometry, along with strategies to optimize these tools for system monitoring and performance enhancement.

The session will also introduce advanced technologies such as insertable/mountable infrared cameras and next-generation Goldcup pyrometers, offering cutting-edge solutions for precise diagnostics and system optimization. Real-world case studies will be shared to demonstrate practical applications and the benefits of implementing these techniques.

Attendees will gain actionable insights into leveraging these technologies to ensure maximum throughput, efficiency, and reliability in delayed coker heater operations.


10:15 - 10:30

Networking Break


10:30 - 11:00

Delayed Coking

Optimization of Delayed Coker Unit Heaters Performance

This study focuses on the optimization of delayed Coker unit heaters' skin temperature through precise control of coil outlet temperatures. By minimizing the coil outlet temperature to 501-502°C, which is below the design values, we have enhanced the overall performance of the heaters without affecting the coke Hard Groove Index (HGI) and other products yields. This optimization was achieved by improving the quality of fuel gas and adjusting the excess oxygen levels. As a result, the time required for online spalling and pigging activities has been extended significantly. The initiative yielded several notable benefits: firstly, the frequency of spalling activities has decreased from every 3 months to every 6 - 12 months, thereby avoiding a reduction in operational capacity to 85% during these maintenance activities. Secondly, the pigging frequency has been reduced to once every 3 years, eliminating the need to decrease capacity to 50%. Lastly, the reduction in skin temperatures has led to a decrease in fuel gas consumption. Overall, these improvements contribute to enhanced efficiency and sustainability of the delayed Coker unit operations.


11:00 - 11:30

Delayed Coking



11:30 - 12:30

Networking Lunch


Download 28 Apr 2025 Agenda