Sustainability Director and China Initiative Leader,
International Fertilizer Association (IFA) Mr. Volker Andresen is a seasoned business development executive who joined the International Fertilizer Association (IFA) as Technical Director in 2012 and he assumed the position of Sustainability Director in 2021.
In this leadership role, Volker develops and promotes efficient tools that encourage the fertilizer industry to become more sustainable. Examples of past successes include the IFA’s product stewardship certification (Protect & Sustain), regular benchmarks on safety, emissions and energy, reports on the sustainable management and use of Phosphogypsum and on Green Ammonia production, as well as the organization of sustainability conferences and trainings.
New projects include the development of sustainability roadmaps for fertilizer production and use with external stakeholders and the launch of a Sustainable Fertilizer Academy.
On top of that, Volker has coordinated the IFA's activities in the Former Soviet Union for seven years and he is focusing on China since then, handling relations with key market players and government officials.
Originally from Schleswig, Germany, where Volker grew up on a large farm, he completed his Economics Master’s studies at the Georgia Southern University, USA, and at the American University of Paris, France. Before joining the IFA, Volker has held several senior-level positions in the Europe, Middle East and Africa headquarters of IBM, as well as directorship positions at Survey Sampling International and at the World Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Association.