Join the #1 networking event for the silicon community

We are delighted to announce that the 15th CRU Silicon Market Forum will be held in Lyon, France from 23-25 September 2025. This is the essential annual meeting for the silicon industry to connect, exchange ideas, and do business with key producers, consumers, suppliers, and traders of silicon metal, polysilicon and silicones. This year we are delighted to have as our Host Sponsor, Ferroglobe.

With an impressive line up of key industry stakeholders speaking on the agenda, participants have the opportunity to engage in strategic discussions with experts to help you to understand the market conditions, and to make better-informed business decision.

Highlights you can look forward to at the 15th annual meeting in Lyon:

  • Another record attendance in 2024 with 300+ industry peers from 32 countries representing the global value chain, making it the largest industry gathering
  • This is the #1 networking event for companies in the silicon industry attracting the sector's top players to connect and conduct business
  • CRU delivers crucial market intelligence on the major trends affecting your business, leveraging our knowledge and expertise of the sector
  • A site visit to Ferroglobe's silicon production facility in Anglefort    

Join CRU and our host sponsor, Ferroglobe at the #1 networking event for the silicon industry, attracting the sector's top players, and build your professional network. Registration is now open!

Register now at the launch rate Sign up for updates

The 2024 event covered the key developments that will shape the silicon metal market and industry going forward and address key risk factors, including:

  • What are the prospects for silicon metal demand, supply, and prices in 2025 and beyond? 
  • How will silicon metal demand be impacted by technical changes and innovations and process improvements? 
  • How will the silicon metal industry be affected by environmental rules and regulations, the transition towards carbon neutrality, and trade policies?  
  • Will new and evolving applications make meaningful contributions to silicon metal demand before the end of this decade?
  • Will there be sufficient silicon metal capacity to meet demand before mid-decade?  
  • Will enough raw materials and other critical inputs, including skilled labour, be available to support future production gains? 
  • How is the market position of China evolving?  

Sponsors 2025


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