Anglefort factory was built in 1964 by Nobel Bozel. At its origins Ferrosilicon alloys where produce, but after 1977 it turned to produce Silicon Metal through carbothermal reduction.
Plant established in 1964 – 61 years
- Production: Silicon metal and silica fume
Furnaces started in 1964 and 1972 (initially producing FeSi and CaSi at 22 MW).
Fully dedicated to SiMe production since 1986
- Continuous power increases: currently operating at 33 MW and 29 MW, with a production capacity of approximately 40,000 tons per year.
- Workforce: 148 employees
- Electricity consumption: over 500 GWh/year
- Raw materials: 250,000 tons per year of quartz, carbon, wood, limestone, and electrodes&bull
- 400 km from Fos-sur-Mer, with railway connection