This information centre is the ideal place to keep up-to-date with key industry news. We will be posting exclusive press releases, white papers and articles about the event and the silicon industry. Make sure you bookmark this page and refer back regularly to ensure you do not miss out on invaluable content.
Looking to a turn in the commodity price cycle
09 January 2023
AUTHOR: James Mills, Research Analyst, CRU
What is the role of ferrosilicon on the route to Net Zero?
16 June 2023
AUTHOR: Aurelien Henry, Senior Consultant, CRU
Global green policies and commodity markets
25 May 2023
AUTHORS: Frank Eich, Economist; Mark Jeavons, Head of Sustainability; Paul Butterworth, Research Manager - CRU
How the EU is responding to the green challenges
6 April 2023
AUTHORS: Frank Eich, Economist; Mark Jeavons, Head of Sustainability - CRU
Peak of the price cycle? Multi Commodity Outlook
10 January 2022
AUTHORS: James Mills, Research Analyst; Alex Christopher, Multi Commodity Analyst - CRU
Why have silicon prices surged?
02 Nov 2021
AUTHORS: Jorn de Linde, Senior Vice President, CRU
China to announce more than RMB 5tn of stimulus
21 May 2020
AUTHORS: Jumana Saleheen, Chief Economist; Yingrui Wang, Economist; CRU
Watch: Market Roundup - EU and US ferroalloy prices under pressure
20 May 2020
SPEAKERS: Alexandra Anderson, Prices Analyst; Greg Smart, Ferroalloys Prices Editor; Estelle Tran, Prices Analyst: CRU
V, U and L: Demystifying recession shapes
07 May 2020
AUTHOR: Jumana Saleheen, Chief Economist, CRU Group
China’s first ever negative quarterly GDP growth
AUTHOR: Yingrui Wang, Economist, CRU
20 April 2020
Watch: Market Roundup - South Africa and India lock downs cause supply uncertainty in manganese markets
SPEAKERS: Alexandra Anderson, Prices Analyst; Greg Smart, Ferroalloys Prices Editor; Clare Hanna, Senior Analyst; CRU
06 April 2020
Global pandemic triggers global recession - Implications for CRU’s global macro and commodity outlook
SPEAKERS: Jumana Saleheen, Chief Economist; Josh Spoores, Principal Analyst; Doug Hilderhoff, Principal Analyst; CRU
02 April 2020
Kazakhstan Silicon Plant Tau-Ken Temir terminates its production
14 January 2020
Watch: Market roundup: Ferrosilicon price developments
SPEAKERS: Tomislav Bucic, Price Assessor; Greg Smart, Ferroalloys Prices Editor; Estelle Tan, Prices Analyst: CRU
31 May 2019
Watch: Market roundup: Ferrosilicon price developments
SPEAKERS: Alexandra Anderson, Prices Editor, Tomoslav Bucic, Prices Assessor, Estelle Tran, Prices Analyst, CRU
8 February 2019
Watch: Market roundup - Ferrosilicon prices fall
Estelle Tran, Prices Analyst, CRU and Tomislav Bucic, Price Assessor, CRU
11 January 2019