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Speed Networking

The CRU Steel Decarbonisation Strategies Virtual Conference has networking at its heart, to facilitate business and to give you that human connection. 

The virtual conference platform has the capability to host speed networking sessions, which will provide you with an opportunity to meet and network with existing and potential clients. Feedback from our regular attendees highlights that some of the value from participating in the Steel Decarbonisation Strategies Virtual Conference is from the chance meetings at the conference drinks receptions, around the hotel and in the bar, and these virtual networking sessions are designed to replicate these chance meetings.

How it will work:

All attendees will gather in a virtual lobby and then be randomly allocated into smaller rooms with between 6-10 other attendees. You will then have 10 minutes to introduce yourselves and network. If you make a useful connection we recommend you follow up and schedule a one-to-one meeting after the networking session to continue your conversation. Once the first 10 minute session finishes you will return to the central lobby and be allocated another group to continue networking. The speed networking will run for one hour, so you will meet with between 35-60 people during the session. If you have multiple attendees from your company participating then the number of contacts and interactions increase significantly.