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Outlined agenda

Stay tuned for the full agenda which is almost finalized and will be announced soon! In the meantime, view a selection of the presentations here:


Coking Hall

Reduction of Coke Drum Overhead Line Fouling Rate
Petron Bataan Refinery

Challenges and Lessons Learned in the First Repair of Coke Drums at the Ecopetrol-Cartagena Refinery

Solving Fractionator FZGO Line Clogging Issue During Start-up
Malaysian Refining Co. Sdn Bhd

Coke Drum Bottom Flange to BUD Best Practices
ERC, ExxonMobil, IMI Critical, YASREF

Massive Clogging in DCU after April 2019 Earthquake Incident
Petron Bataan Refinery

CatCracking Hall

The Do's and Don'ts for FCC Refractory

Challenges and Requirements of Proper Operation for Compressor Anti-Surge Valves

Pre-Cleaning FCC Flue Gas for Carbon Capture
Elessent Clean Technologies (BELCO)

Cyclone Metallurgy:  Material Selection to Optimize the Reliability and Useful Life of the FCC Cyclone System
CECO Emtrol-Buell

Sulfur Hall

Improving Reliability: Managing Sulfur Pit Material Removal Challenges

Solving the Skills Gap Challenges in Sulfur Recovery with Knowledge Automation

Sulfur Run-down Lines
Controls Southeast, Inc. / Ametek

Don’t Scrap Your Old SRU, Rejuvenate It