31 Mar 2025

01 Apr 2025

08:00 | Registration & Exhibition opens

08:50 | Welcome Address

Phosphates Commercial

09:00 - 09:15

Phosphates Commercial

Opening Keynote


09:15 - 09:45

Phosphates Commercial

Global phosphate and potash prices dovetail amid polar opposite supply outlooks

  • Most phosphate fertilizer and raw materials prices remain historically elevated as trade restrictions and limitations keep global supply tight
  • US phosphate fertilizer prices seeing persistent premiums as domestic output declines and countervailing duties on key offshore suppliers remain
  • Potash (MOP) prices languish despite record demand as the impacts of western sanctions diminish and heavy supply from Russia and Belarus returns
  • Lack of DAP/MAP availability seeing consumer preferences turn towards alternative phosphate products
  • LFP production adding growth to specialty phosphate market, but regionalising LFP supply chains facing huge challenges from China’s early dominance of the sector
  • Specialty potash sector seeing record price premiums as depleted project pipeline contrasts that of the MOP industry


09:45 - 10:45

Phosphates Commercial

Industry Keynotes: A spotlight on theSupply Demand Dynamics and Emerging Market Opportunities for the North American Phosphate Industry

Outlook for the North American Phosphate Market in a Global Context

  • Current phosphate market conditions and drivers to watch in 2025
  • A deep dive into the North American phosphate supply and demand dynamics
  • Exploring the diverse end-uses of phosphates and potential emerging markets


10:45 | Networking Coffee Break

11:15 - 11:45

Phosphates Commercial

Keynote: Optimizing Phosphate Fertilizer Applications When Grower Profitability is Challenged

  • The roleof phosphates in driving higher yields – historic and present perspectives.
  • Maintaining the checking account balance – nutrient removal and soil sample trends for phosphate.
  • Grower viewpoints on ROI with phosphate fertilizer.
  • Phosphates in future sustainable intensification.
  • Opportunities to improve uptake efficiency.


11:45 - 12:15

Phosphates Commercial

The Rationale for and Financing ofNew Upstream Phosphate Assets

  • Status of the Upstream supply chain & why buyer want independent sources of supply.
  • Challenges of financing new projects.
  • Investor risk considerations.
  • Pathway to financing.
  • Modelling bankable projects.

Sponsor Name


12:15 - 12:45

Phosphates Commercial

Fifty Years of Phosphorus Research at IFDC

  • Why key focus at IFDC?  Role of P fertilizers in food and nutritional security and environmental health.
  • P fertilizer production.
  • Phosphate rock – current and future directions.
  • P fertilizer use efficiency – evaluation, analytical.
  • Opportunities for decentralization and recycling.


12:45 | Networking Lunch

14:00 - 14:30

Phosphates Commercial

Regional Focus: Asia


14:30 | Regional Focus: South America

15:30 | Networking Coffee Break

16:00 - 16:30

Phosphates Commercial

Innovation through collaboration – an essential part of next generation technological breakthroughs

  • The need for collaboration
  • Adoption of new technologies and adaptation of existing ones for avoidance of waste, circularity of materials and digitalisation.
  • How collaboration can help foster innovation for the future.


16:30 | Close of day one

02 Apr 2025

08:00 | Registration & Exhibition opens

09:00 - 09:30

Phosphates Commercial

Agricultural Outlook: Bumper crops and weaker demand pressure crop prices, will fertilizer demand take a hit in 2025?

  • Fertilizer affordability
  • Agricultural landscape
  • Demand drivers
  • Fertilizer demand implications


09:30 - 10:00

Phosphates Commercial

Asian LFP producers go overseas: the emergence of a local supply chain

  • The lack of a LFP supply outside China is the final barrier to global uptake.
  • Policy and market forces are spurring incumbent Asian LFP CAM producers to accelerate their overseas plans.
  • This will precipitate a shift in regional speciality phosphate demand outside China.
  • Yet the higher costs and risks are hindering more profound investments.
  • We will examine how, where, and when local production of LFP precursor and cathode material can be established.


10:00 | Networking Coffee Break

10:30 - 11:45

Phosphates Commercial

LFP Batteries: Innovation and Uptake

  • Mitra Chem: IRA-compliant FEOC-free iron-rich cathode scale-up and innovation

    Scaling up iron-rich cathodes that are IRA and FEOC compliant
  • Machine learning platform that accelerates lab-to-scale timeline for new battery materials by 10x
  • Beyond industry-standard LFP, Mitra Chem has developed an LMFP partnership with Saint-Gobain Ceramics


12:15 - 12:45

Phosphates Commercial

Phosphate Rock and Animal Feed Phosphates Outlook

  • Lower Moroccan exports continue to support prices of higher-grade phosphate rock – could new capacity additions alter the sector’s price outlook?
  • China’s emergence as a major rock importer has provided a key outlet for lower-grade suppliers. Can this continue amid indications of expanding domestic capacity?
  • New export-orientated rock suppliers finding homes for product, but can further advancement of greenfield projects alter the supply outlook for the industry?
  • Animal feed phosphate demand growth has been lacking in recent years – what could potentially change the industry’s outlook?


12:45 | Networking Lunch

14:00 - 15:00

Phosphates Commercial

Feed Market Updates


15:00 - 15:30

Phosphates Commercial

Developments in the Specialty and Complex Fertilizer Markets


15:30 | Networking Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:00

Phosphates Commercial

Latest Updates from Selected Phosphate Mining Developments and Discussion of the Key Challenges and Opportunities faced by Project Developers


17:00 | Close of the Conference

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The times indicated are in Central European Time (CET)

08:00 | Registration & Exhibition opens

08:50 | Welcome Address

Phosphates Commercial

09:00 - 09:15

Phosphates Commercial

Opening Keynote


09:15 - 09:45

Phosphates Commercial

Global phosphate and potash prices dovetail amid polar opposite supply outlooks

  • Most phosphate fertilizer and raw materials prices remain historically elevated as trade restrictions and limitations keep global supply tight
  • US phosphate fertilizer prices seeing persistent premiums as domestic output declines and countervailing duties on key offshore suppliers remain
  • Potash (MOP) prices languish despite record demand as the impacts of western sanctions diminish and heavy supply from Russia and Belarus returns
  • Lack of DAP/MAP availability seeing consumer preferences turn towards alternative phosphate products
  • LFP production adding growth to specialty phosphate market, but regionalising LFP supply chains facing huge challenges from China’s early dominance of the sector
  • Specialty potash sector seeing record price premiums as depleted project pipeline contrasts that of the MOP industry


09:45 - 10:45

Phosphates Commercial

Industry Keynotes: A spotlight on theSupply Demand Dynamics and Emerging Market Opportunities for the North American Phosphate Industry

Outlook for the North American Phosphate Market in a Global Context

  • Current phosphate market conditions and drivers to watch in 2025
  • A deep dive into the North American phosphate supply and demand dynamics
  • Exploring the diverse end-uses of phosphates and potential emerging markets


10:45 | Networking Coffee Break

Phosphates Commercial

11:15 - 11:45

Phosphates Commercial

Keynote: Optimizing Phosphate Fertilizer Applications When Grower Profitability is Challenged

  • The roleof phosphates in driving higher yields – historic and present perspectives.
  • Maintaining the checking account balance – nutrient removal and soil sample trends for phosphate.
  • Grower viewpoints on ROI with phosphate fertilizer.
  • Phosphates in future sustainable intensification.
  • Opportunities to improve uptake efficiency.


11:45 - 12:15

Phosphates Commercial

The Rationale for and Financing ofNew Upstream Phosphate Assets

  • Status of the Upstream supply chain & why buyer want independent sources of supply.
  • Challenges of financing new projects.
  • Investor risk considerations.
  • Pathway to financing.
  • Modelling bankable projects.

Sponsor Name


12:15 - 12:45

Phosphates Commercial

Fifty Years of Phosphorus Research at IFDC

  • Why key focus at IFDC?  Role of P fertilizers in food and nutritional security and environmental health.
  • P fertilizer production.
  • Phosphate rock – current and future directions.
  • P fertilizer use efficiency – evaluation, analytical.
  • Opportunities for decentralization and recycling.


12:45 | Networking Lunch

Phosphates Commercial

14:00 - 14:30

Phosphates Commercial

Regional Focus: Asia


14:30 | Regional Focus: South America

15:30 | Networking Coffee Break

Phosphates Commercial

16:00 - 16:30

Phosphates Commercial

Innovation through collaboration – an essential part of next generation technological breakthroughs

  • The need for collaboration
  • Adoption of new technologies and adaptation of existing ones for avoidance of waste, circularity of materials and digitalisation.
  • How collaboration can help foster innovation for the future.


16:30 | Close of day one

08:00 | Registration & Exhibition opens

Phosphates Commercial

09:00 - 09:30

Phosphates Commercial

Agricultural Outlook: Bumper crops and weaker demand pressure crop prices, will fertilizer demand take a hit in 2025?

  • Fertilizer affordability
  • Agricultural landscape
  • Demand drivers
  • Fertilizer demand implications


09:30 - 10:00

Phosphates Commercial

Asian LFP producers go overseas: the emergence of a local supply chain

  • The lack of a LFP supply outside China is the final barrier to global uptake.
  • Policy and market forces are spurring incumbent Asian LFP CAM producers to accelerate their overseas plans.
  • This will precipitate a shift in regional speciality phosphate demand outside China.
  • Yet the higher costs and risks are hindering more profound investments.
  • We will examine how, where, and when local production of LFP precursor and cathode material can be established.


10:00 | Networking Coffee Break

Phosphates Commercial

10:30 - 11:45

Phosphates Commercial

LFP Batteries: Innovation and Uptake

  • Mitra Chem: IRA-compliant FEOC-free iron-rich cathode scale-up and innovation

    Scaling up iron-rich cathodes that are IRA and FEOC compliant
  • Machine learning platform that accelerates lab-to-scale timeline for new battery materials by 10x
  • Beyond industry-standard LFP, Mitra Chem has developed an LMFP partnership with Saint-Gobain Ceramics


12:15 - 12:45

Phosphates Commercial

Phosphate Rock and Animal Feed Phosphates Outlook

  • Lower Moroccan exports continue to support prices of higher-grade phosphate rock – could new capacity additions alter the sector’s price outlook?
  • China’s emergence as a major rock importer has provided a key outlet for lower-grade suppliers. Can this continue amid indications of expanding domestic capacity?
  • New export-orientated rock suppliers finding homes for product, but can further advancement of greenfield projects alter the supply outlook for the industry?
  • Animal feed phosphate demand growth has been lacking in recent years – what could potentially change the industry’s outlook?


12:45 | Networking Lunch

Phosphates Commercial

14:00 - 15:00

Phosphates Commercial

Feed Market Updates


15:00 - 15:30

Phosphates Commercial

Developments in the Specialty and Complex Fertilizer Markets


15:30 | Networking Coffee Break

Phosphates Commercial

16:00 - 17:00

Phosphates Commercial

Latest Updates from Selected Phosphate Mining Developments and Discussion of the Key Challenges and Opportunities faced by Project Developers


17:00 | Close of the Conference

08:00 | Registration & Exhibition opens

08:50 | Welcome Address

Phosphates Commercial

09:00 - 09:15

Phosphates Commercial

Opening Keynote


09:15 - 09:45

Phosphates Commercial

Global phosphate and potash prices dovetail amid polar opposite supply outlooks

  • Most phosphate fertilizer and raw materials prices remain historically elevated as trade restrictions and limitations keep global supply tight
  • US phosphate fertilizer prices seeing persistent premiums as domestic output declines and countervailing duties on key offshore suppliers remain
  • Potash (MOP) prices languish despite record demand as the impacts of western sanctions diminish and heavy supply from Russia and Belarus returns
  • Lack of DAP/MAP availability seeing consumer preferences turn towards alternative phosphate products
  • LFP production adding growth to specialty phosphate market, but regionalising LFP supply chains facing huge challenges from China’s early dominance of the sector
  • Specialty potash sector seeing record price premiums as depleted project pipeline contrasts that of the MOP industry


09:45 - 10:45

Phosphates Commercial

Industry Keynotes: A spotlight on theSupply Demand Dynamics and Emerging Market Opportunities for the North American Phosphate Industry

Outlook for the North American Phosphate Market in a Global Context

  • Current phosphate market conditions and drivers to watch in 2025
  • A deep dive into the North American phosphate supply and demand dynamics
  • Exploring the diverse end-uses of phosphates and potential emerging markets


10:45 | Networking Coffee Break

11:15 - 11:45

Phosphates Commercial

Keynote: Optimizing Phosphate Fertilizer Applications When Grower Profitability is Challenged

  • The roleof phosphates in driving higher yields – historic and present perspectives.
  • Maintaining the checking account balance – nutrient removal and soil sample trends for phosphate.
  • Grower viewpoints on ROI with phosphate fertilizer.
  • Phosphates in future sustainable intensification.
  • Opportunities to improve uptake efficiency.


11:45 - 12:15

Phosphates Commercial

The Rationale for and Financing ofNew Upstream Phosphate Assets

  • Status of the Upstream supply chain & why buyer want independent sources of supply.
  • Challenges of financing new projects.
  • Investor risk considerations.
  • Pathway to financing.
  • Modelling bankable projects.

Sponsor Name


12:15 - 12:45

Phosphates Commercial

Fifty Years of Phosphorus Research at IFDC

  • Why key focus at IFDC?  Role of P fertilizers in food and nutritional security and environmental health.
  • P fertilizer production.
  • Phosphate rock – current and future directions.
  • P fertilizer use efficiency – evaluation, analytical.
  • Opportunities for decentralization and recycling.


12:45 | Networking Lunch

14:00 - 14:30

Phosphates Commercial

Regional Focus: Asia


14:30 | Regional Focus: South America

15:30 | Networking Coffee Break

16:00 - 16:30

Phosphates Commercial

Innovation through collaboration – an essential part of next generation technological breakthroughs

  • The need for collaboration
  • Adoption of new technologies and adaptation of existing ones for avoidance of waste, circularity of materials and digitalisation.
  • How collaboration can help foster innovation for the future.


16:30 | Close of day one

08:00 | Registration & Exhibition opens

09:00 - 09:30

Phosphates Commercial

Agricultural Outlook: Bumper crops and weaker demand pressure crop prices, will fertilizer demand take a hit in 2025?

  • Fertilizer affordability
  • Agricultural landscape
  • Demand drivers
  • Fertilizer demand implications


09:30 - 10:00

Phosphates Commercial

Asian LFP producers go overseas: the emergence of a local supply chain

  • The lack of a LFP supply outside China is the final barrier to global uptake.
  • Policy and market forces are spurring incumbent Asian LFP CAM producers to accelerate their overseas plans.
  • This will precipitate a shift in regional speciality phosphate demand outside China.
  • Yet the higher costs and risks are hindering more profound investments.
  • We will examine how, where, and when local production of LFP precursor and cathode material can be established.


10:00 | Networking Coffee Break

10:30 - 11:45

Phosphates Commercial

LFP Batteries: Innovation and Uptake

  • Mitra Chem: IRA-compliant FEOC-free iron-rich cathode scale-up and innovation

    Scaling up iron-rich cathodes that are IRA and FEOC compliant
  • Machine learning platform that accelerates lab-to-scale timeline for new battery materials by 10x
  • Beyond industry-standard LFP, Mitra Chem has developed an LMFP partnership with Saint-Gobain Ceramics


12:15 - 12:45

Phosphates Commercial

Phosphate Rock and Animal Feed Phosphates Outlook

  • Lower Moroccan exports continue to support prices of higher-grade phosphate rock – could new capacity additions alter the sector’s price outlook?
  • China’s emergence as a major rock importer has provided a key outlet for lower-grade suppliers. Can this continue amid indications of expanding domestic capacity?
  • New export-orientated rock suppliers finding homes for product, but can further advancement of greenfield projects alter the supply outlook for the industry?
  • Animal feed phosphate demand growth has been lacking in recent years – what could potentially change the industry’s outlook?


12:45 | Networking Lunch

14:00 - 15:00

Phosphates Commercial

Feed Market Updates


15:00 - 15:30

Phosphates Commercial

Developments in the Specialty and Complex Fertilizer Markets


15:30 | Networking Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:00

Phosphates Commercial

Latest Updates from Selected Phosphate Mining Developments and Discussion of the Key Challenges and Opportunities faced by Project Developers


17:00 | Close of the Conference

Download 01 Apr 2025 Agenda Download Complete Agenda