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12:30 | Registration opens


13:30 | Exhibition opens




17:00 | Welcome Reception


18:30 | End of Day 1



Registration & Exhibition opens


Phosphates Commercial

09:00 - 09:15

Phosphates Commercial

Opening Keynote: A Global Perspective on Potash and Phosphate

Karen Swager, Executive Vice President, Operations for The Mosaic Company, will highlight global market trends, how innovation in the fertilizer industry is critical and where Mosaic is headed in the future.




09:15 - 09:45

Phosphates Commercial

Global phosphate and potash prices dovetail amid polar opposite supply outlooks

  • Most phosphate fertilizer and raw materials prices remain historically elevated as trade restrictions and limitations keep global supply tight
  • US phosphate fertilizer prices seeing persistent premiums as domestic output declines and countervailing duties on key offshore suppliers remain
  • Potash (MOP) prices languish despite record demand as the impacts of western sanctions diminish and heavy supply from Russia and Belarus returns
  • Lack of DAP/MAP availability seeing consumer preferences turn towards alternative phosphate products
  • LFP production adding growth to specialty phosphate market, but regionalising LFP supply chains facing huge challenges from China’s early dominance of the sector
  • Specialty potash sector seeing record price premiums as depleted project pipeline contrasts that of the MOP industry


09:45 - 10:45

Phosphates Commercial

Industry Keynotes: A spotlight on the Supply Demand Dynamics and Emerging Market Opportunities for the North American Phosphate Industry

Outlook for the North American Phosphate Market in a Global Context

  • Current phosphate market conditions and drivers to watch in 2025
  • A deep dive into the North American phosphate supply and demand dynamics
  • Exploring the diverse end-uses of phosphates and potential emerging markets


Modern Technologically Advanced Small Scale Mining

  • Supply & demand
  • Future global supply
  • Canadian projects
  • Why Canadian small scale production?


  • Agricultural commodity demand growth and its impact on phosphates demand
  • Growth markets for U.S. phosphate exports with a particular focus on Brazil
  • Views on the longevity of global phosphate market tightness 




Networking Coffee Break


11:15 - 11:45

Phosphates Commercial

Keynote: Optimizing Phosphate Fertilizer Applications When Grower Profitability is Challenged

  • The role of phosphates in driving higher yields – historic and present perspectives.
  • Maintaining the checking account balance – nutrient removal and soil sample trends for phosphate.
  • Grower viewpoints on ROI with phosphate fertilizer.
  • Phosphates in future sustainable intensification.
  • Opportunities to improve uptake efficiency.


11:45 - 12:15

Phosphates Commercial

The Rationale for and Financing of New Upstream Phosphate Assets

  • Status of the Upstream supply chain & why buyer want independent sources of supply.
  • Challenges of financing new projects.
  • Investor risk considerations.
  • Pathway to financing.
  • Modelling bankable projects.



12:15 - 12:45

Phosphates Commercial

Fifty Years of Phosphorus Research at IFDC

  • Why key focus at IFDC?  Role of P fertilizers in food and nutritional security and environmental health.
  • P fertilizer production.
  • Phosphate rock – current and future directions.
  • P fertilizer use efficiency – evaluation, analytical.
  • Opportunities for decentralization and recycling.


12:45 | Networking Lunch


14:00 - 14:30

Phosphates Commercial

Regional Focus: Asia

An Overview of the Indian Fertilizer Market: Key Challenges & Opportunities 

  • Overview of fertilizer consumption and trends in the Indian market with respect to NPK fertilizers
  • Key challenges for India & World agriculture with regards to soil health & strategies  
  • Need for collaborations and partnerships to enable food security for the India and the World
  • Addressing the NUE challenge together- Introduction of efficient fertilizer products 


14:30 - 15:00

Phosphates Commercial

The Yellow Phosphorus Export Market and Kazakhstan’s Unique Position

  • Trends in YP market
  • NDPP / Kazphosphate brief information
  • Kazakhstan’s phosphorite reserves
  • Taxes, tariffs and their impact on the international YP supply
  • Comparison of key Chinese, Vietnamese and Kazakh YP produces on the cost curve
  • YP derivatives’ market and its development



15:00 | Networking Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:30

Phosphates Commercial

Latest Updates from Selected Phosphate Mining Developments and Discussion of the Key Challenges and Opportunities faced by Project Developers

Phosphate Rock Supply out of Northern Australia – An Opportunity for Asian Phosphoric Acid and Yellow Phosphorus Producers  

  • The Georgina Basin in the Northern Territory of Australia hosts a number of very large and shallow Phosphate Rock Resources that could be developed as a proximate source of supply for Asia
  • Verdant Minerals’ Ammaroo Phosphate Rock Project is one of these and the strategic intent is to commence the project as a rock export project with a view of participating in the development of downstream manufacturing, either in Australia or the near region as a second stage of development
  • The Ammaroo project will be fully authorised by both the Northern Territory and Federal Governments by end of Q1 2025 to export up to 2 million tonnes per annum of rock concentrate, and from a technical perspective be ready to move rapidly into construction subject to financing and securing offtake
  • The Ammaroo project represents a unique opportunity for non-integrated regional manufacturers to be part of a Joint Venture to develop the project enabling ownership in the supply of rock, an opportunity which may not be possible with other traditional suppliers.

Developing Europe´s Next Phosphate Mine

  • The largest layered intrusion in Western Europe, the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Layered Intrusion located in Southern Norway has through decades been subject to hundreds of scientific papers. However, only after systematic exploration started in 2019 the economic potential of this multi commodity deposit became evident. Following 86km of drilling and beneficiation test work,  a JORC compliant resource of 4,5 billion tons of apatite, ilmenite and magnetite ore was reported After the resource base was established, substantial mining and beneficiation studies were conducted defining the optimal tradeoffs between apatite, ilmenite and magnetite production. A PFS was concluded in 2024 for a 20 MTPA mine optimized for production of 1,25MT of apatite concentrate with 39% P2O5, with Cd and U levels below 2ppm and Cl close to the detection limit Given the unique quality of the phosphate to be produced combined with Europe´s dependency on phosphate import, Norge Mineral is developing plans for downstream integration in support of the European chemical industry. The focus of this work is the advantages the concentrate presents especially given the strict European environmental legislation.

Phosphates and Rare Earth Elements (REE) as By-products from Iron Ore Mining

  • LKAB operates the world’s largest underground iron ore mines, with phosphorus and REE in the ores, today not extracted and deposited as part of the mine tailings. LKAB is building a demonstration plant to scale up their unique extraction process, with the goal of moving toward a final investment decision (FID) for full-scale production. The presentation will cover progress to date and explore the challenges and hurdles to overcome as LKAB moves forward with this project.



15:30 - 16:00

Operational Excellence and SustainabilityPotash

Development and implementation of reliability based programs to improve 4-rotor continuous mining and automated hardware installer (AHI) performance in first pass

  • The presentation highlights the Esterhazy K3 Automated Hardware Installer (AHI), an internally designed and patented piece of mining equipment that automatically constructs the room belt behind the advancing miner, eliminating the need for operators to work within close proximity of a moving belt.




16:30 - 17:00

Phosphates Commercial

Innovation through collaboration – an essential part of next generation technological breakthroughs

  • The need for collaboration
  • Adoption of new technologies and adaptation of existing ones for avoidance of waste, circularity of materials and digitalisation.
  • How collaboration can help foster innovation for the future.


16:00 - 16:30

Operational Excellence and SustainabilityPotash

How to determine the best mining method?

Recent case studies from potash engineering


16:30 - 17:00

Operational Excellence and SustainabilityPotash

Removal of sodium salt from potassium salt using TOMRA X-Ray -Transmission sorting. Experiences from a K+S underground pilot plant

  • The presentation focuses on a first time installation in a pilot plant, supporting the transition of K+S mining towards a environmentally friendly mining setup, reduction of energy consumption and no more mega-stockpiles at the surface.



17:00 - 17:30

Operational Excellence and SustainabilityPotash

Digitalising Potash Quality for improved process control using PGNAA

  • Scantech, a global leader in PGNAA innovation, recently developed the unique measurement capability for sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, sulphur and other elements in conveyed potash flows in real time. The performance of real time analytical technologies on process feed flows, intermediate flows and products is well proven in many other commodities, including phosphates. Applications on conveyors include parcel diversion to sort materials by quality, blending control, feedback to mining, feed-forward control to processes, ore reconciliation and metal accounting. 


17:30 | Networking Drinks Reception


18:30 | End of Day 2



Registration & Exhibition opens


Phosphates Commercial

09:00 - 09:30

Phosphates and PotashPhosphates Commercial

Agricultural Outlook: Bumper crops and weaker demand pressure crop prices, will fertilizer demand take a hit in 2025?

  • Fertilizer affordability
  • Agricultural landscape
  • Demand drivers
  • Fertilizer demand implications


09:30 - 10:00

Phosphates Commercial

Feed Phosphate Market Update

  • Animal nutrition market
  • Feed phosphates: a growing market
  • Macroeconomic factors impacting global food production
  • The actors 



09:00 - 09:30

Operational Excellence and SustainabilityPotash

Reduction of fines generation in potash processing

  • This presentation will introduce the Saskatchewan potash industry and detail strategies towards minimising the generation of fines. Minimising fines generation in potash operations is critical to improve recovery and economic viability. Understanding the impacts and remedies are paramount for identifying valuable capital investments.



09:30 - 10:00

Operational Excellence and SustainabilityPotash

Fine screening in potash

  • Derrick Corporation presents a novel approach to challenge industry standards by using screen to close circuits instead of cyclone, improving recovery and reduce energy usage. Easy to maintain and reduce operational challenges. 




10:00 - 10:30

Phosphates Commercial

The Strategic Importance of Inorganic Feed Phosphates (IFP) in sustainable Global Food Security

  • Phosphorus as a critical nutrient in animal nutrition
  • Increasing global demand for animal protein
  • Sustainability and circular economy models in phosphorus use
  • OCP- Animal nutrition business’s role in global food security
  • Collaborating for a sustainable future


10:00 - 10:30

Operational Excellence and SustainabilityPotash

Potash processing: alternatives to flotation?

Potash deposits vary widely regarding their composition. Wherever possible and profitable, flotation processes are used to separate the potash-bearing component from the non-potash components. Besides flotation, several other processes, such as leaching, crystallisation, evaporation, are also utiliseable for the processing of potash-bearing materials. Based on recent activities, it will be demonstrated how these processes can be used to beneficiate more complex potash raw materials to the required potash products and by-products.



10:30 | Networking Coffee Break


11:00 - 11:30

Phosphates Commercial

Asian LFP producers go overseas: the emergence of a local supply chain

  • The lack of a LFP supply outside China is the final barrier to global uptake.
  • Policy and market forces are spurring incumbent Asian LFP CAM producers to accelerate their overseas plans.
  • This will precipitate a shift in regional speciality phosphate demand outside China.
  • Yet the higher costs and risks are hindering more profound investments.
  • We will examine how, where, and when local production of LFP precursor and cathode material can be established.


11:30 - 13:00

Phosphates Commercial

LFP Batteries: Innovation and Uptake

The LFP: Another Demand Driver on a Precious Commodity 

  • A quick overview on supply/demand for phosphate (concentrate)
  • The LFP – a quick history lesson
  • The LFP’s Future
  • High-Purity Phosphoric Acid – the key ingredient for the LFP
  • Processing Phosphate Concentrate into Phosphoric Acid
  • The Igneous/Arianne Advantage

Phosphate Rock market in Latin America – fertilizers and LFP batteries

  • Phosphate fertilizer market in Latin America
  • Phosphate rock production and demand in Latin America for industrial uses
  • Is it possible to develop an LFP cathode active material (CAM) production cluster in South America? – Bifox business case 
  • Mitra Chem: IRA-compliant FEOC-free iron-rich cathode scale-up and innovation

    Scaling up iron-rich cathodes that are IRA and FEOC compliant
  • Machine learning platform that accelerates lab-to-scale timeline for new battery materials by 10x
  • Beyond industry-standard LFP, Mitra Chem has developed an LMFP partnership with Saint-Gobain Ceramics

Resolve the challenges of LFP recycling in the US

  • Why do we believe LFP recycling is economic? And why does the public view it as uneconomical
  • Where are the gaps between LFP recycling in the US and China 
  • What are the key technical challenges
  • What innovation and economic solutions have been developed in the US




13:00 | Networking Lunch


14:00 - 14:30

Phosphates Commercial

Phosphate Rock Outlook

  • Lower Moroccan exports continue to support prices of higher-grade phosphate rock – could new capacity additions alter the sector’s price outlook?
  • China’s emergence as a major rock importer has provided a key outlet for lower-grade suppliers. Can this continue amid indications of expanding domestic capacity?
  • New export-orientated rock suppliers finding homes for product, but can further advancement of greenfield projects alter the supply outlook for the industry?


14:30 - 15:00

Phosphates Commercial

Challenges for On-shoring the Phosphate Supply Chain

  • Growing pressures to secure phosphate supply chains
  • Supply chain vulnerabilities
  • Onshoring obstacles
  • Potential solutions



15:30 | End of Conference

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