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Africa Fertilizer Agribusiness Virtual Conference 2020 Agenda of Themes

Please consider provisional. All timings quoted in South African time zone and are subject to change.

Sessions are timetabled for one hour. Each session should include three speakers and a moderator. Each speaker should present a ten-minute prepared presentation followed by 25 minutes of live panel discussion unless otherwise stated.

All sessions will be recorded to watch on demand after original date of broadcast until closure of the platform.


Seeding the debate: CRU Experts Discuss Global Fertilizer Markets

CRU's leading fertilizer market experts provide presentations followed by a live Q&A. Materials presented will touch upon the key themes that can expect to be hear more of over the course of the event.

  • Understand how the pandemic has impacted supply and demand of bulk fertilizers
  • Latest global trends in phosphates, nitrogen, sulphur and potash markets
  • Challenges and opportunities now facing the global industry and how they may impact African markets

Chris Lawson, Head of Fertilizer Analysis, CRU
Matthew Hodgkinson, Nitrogen Analyst, CRU
Logan Collins, Markets Editor, Potash, CRU
Rajiv Ram, Demand Analyst, CRU
Glen Kurokawa, Phosphates Analyst, CRU


Words of welcome:

Chris Lawson, Head of Fertilizer Analysis, CRU
Jason Scarpone, President and CEO, The African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP)
Anas M. Al-Bassam, VP, Commercial & Market Development, Ma’aden

Keynote Session: Partnership and development to ensure fertilizer supply

  • Understanding the impact of the Covid crisis on African health, politics, trade and economies
  • Has the pandemic affected food security or raise the risk of hunger crisis in any African populations?
  • How have the major donor organisation’s priorities changed?
  • The vulnerability of rural communities and what this means for African development goals
  • What policy frameworks and development schemes can achieve success in Africa and how can they be supported by the private sector?
  • Can African nations take advantage of their natural resources to support agribusiness and rural development?
  • African agro-food industry perspectives on the impact of the pandemic and their fertilizer and other input supply solutions

Asseta Diallo, Program Officer, Interim Head, Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Systems, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Ibrahim Gourouza, Chief Operating Officer, Grow Africa
Jason Scarpone, President and CEO, The African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP)

Speed Networking Session

Participants can sign up to join a speed networking session in which they are allocated six five-minute meetings over the course of one hour. These opportunities to receive a facilitated introduction to other market players are there to quickly grow your network and jump start your networking experience at the event.

Understanding the new landscape for African fertilizer and agribusiness

  • Measuring COVID-19''s impact on the fertilizer sector in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Overview of latest fertilizer supply and demand to key African markets
  • What has been the impact of economic instability and currency fluctuation on trade?
  • Has the pandemic affected national level tenders for fertilizer?
  • Is there evidence of the buying power of farming communities for inputs being impacted?
  • Other risks to agribusiness development such as locust swarms or severe weather conditions
  • Constraints on imports of agricultural inputs and movement within Africa
  • Strengthening blending, distribution and retail networks

Dr. John Purchase, CEO, Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz)
Grace Chilande, Fertilizer Market Specialist and AfricaFertilizer.Org Coordinator, IFDC
Mari Pennanen, Chief Business Development Officer, African Ports and Corridors Holdings (APCH)

Investing in African fertilizer production and distribution

  • How can African nations take advantage of their natural resources to support agribusiness and rural development?
  • What routes to market are available and how can marketing strategies be amended to ensure success in different African markets?
  • How can you successfully invest in the African fertilizer market?
  • What are the true barriers to entry for agricultural input and product suppliers in different African markets?

Josie Armstrong, Principal Consultant, CRU
Devakumar V.G. Edwin, Group Executive Director, Dangote Industries
Niels Wage, CEO, Danakali
Dr. Praveen Singh, AVP, Indorama Fertilizer


Digitalisation solutions for agricultural transformation in the fertilizer and agribusiness supply chain

  • Enhancing knowledge sharing and understanding of digital tools and technologies throughout food systems
  • Ag-tech innovations that can be applied to African farming challenges: Satellite, drones, aguaculture etc.
  • Applying sharing economy philosophies to smallholder farming cooperatives
  • ICT solutions for improving finance and market access at local and international levels
  • Supporting soil science and nutrient mapping
  • Solutions to improve fertilizer trade, extension and application

Joost Van Odijk, Technical Advisor, African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP)
Caitlin Shaw, Manager, Farm Services Unit, Meridian
Sanjay Kabra, Regional Coordinator for Central Africa, ETG

Speed Networking Session

Participants can sign up to join a speed networking session in which they are allocated six five-minute meetings over the course of one hour. These opportunities to receive a facilitated introduction to other market players are there to quickly grow your network and jump start your networking experience at the event.

Regional perspectives on fertilizer and agribusiness development

    • Understanding the needs and constraints of small holder famers and SME agribusiness during the pandemic


    • Can agribusiness be a tool for female empowerment and youth employment in times of crisis?
    • Measures to safely provide of famer support, extension and advisory services

Dr Pieter Haumann, CEO, Fertilizer Association of Southern Africa (FERTASA)
Luambo Munzhedzi, Chairperson, Agro Dealers Association of South Africa (ADASA)
Gideon Negedu, Executive Secretary, Fertilizer Producers and Suppliers Association of Nigeria (FEPSAN)

Malawi Spotlight Round Table/Side Meeting

In our series of country level roundtable discussions, an interactive video chat room will be open for participants to join with local market participants, experts, policy makers and key stake holders. These discussions will discuss specific challenges and opportunities being faced by market actors in this jurisdiction. Sessions will be recorded for others to watch on demand.


Tanzania Spotlight Round Table/Side Meeting

In our series of country level roundtable discussions, an interactive video chat room will be open for participants to join with local market participants, experts, policy makers and key stake holders. These discussions will discuss specific challenges and opportunities being faced by market actors in this jurisdiction. Sessions will be recorded for others to watch on demand.

West Africa Spotlight Round Table/Side Meeting

In our series of country level roundtable discussions, an interactive video chat room will be open for participants to join with local market participants, experts, policy makers and key stake holders. These discussions will discuss specific challenges and opportunities being faced by market actors in this jurisdiction. Sessions will be recorded for others to watch on demand.


Uganda Spotlight Round Table/Side Meeting

In our series of country level roundtable discussions, an interactive video chat room will be open for participants to join with local market participants, experts, policy makers and key stake holders. These discussions will discuss specific challenges and opportunities being faced by market actors in this jurisdiction. Sessions will be recorded for others to watch on demand.

