Controls Southeast,
Incorporated (CSI) has been helping customers for almost 50 years to solve
problems in the oil, gas, chemical, petrochemical, and processing industries.
Our expertise is the engineering, design, fabrication, and installation of
piping and thermal maintenance systems. With each project, we strive to create
a great customer experience. CSI’s products and services can be grouped into
three broad categories: Heated piping systems (including ControTrace®,
ControHeat®, and jacketed piping) Above Ground Sulfur Seal Pots, and In-Situ
Pre-pit sulfur degassing.
AMETEK Process Instruments
AMETEK Process Instruments is a worldwide manufacturer of
process analyzers and instrumentation. We understand that you must have
confidence that your analyzer will provide the correct information when you
need it - that’s why reliability is one of our top priorities. It’s a
documented fact that many of our analyzers have been in service for well over
20 years. Our core competencies include widely varying applications and
industries such as sulfur recovery processes, combustion efficiency control and
process heating, natural gas processing and transmission, and analysis of
moisture in hydrocarbon gases and high purity gases.